Add it to the uncertainty of our future.
Add it to kids acting up.Add it to no time to get my work done.Add it to no energy to continue pushing through.Add it to the pain of an injury that won’t relent.
Add it to my anxiety levels as of late.Add it to feeling alone and isolated.
The sum = discouragement.
Are you in that place where the face of God
looks far smaller than the weight of your problems?
Maybe finances are tumbling. Maybe fears are rising. Maybe hope for a family member is vanishing. Maybe car problems are plaguing. Maybe insecurity is surfacing. Maybe a job is harassing. Maybe health is faltering.
Last night, I laid in bed. Ever notice? When you silence your mind, you have a choice: You can either fall into worry or worship. Wonder or wrestling. Wrongs or rights. I sunk under the swamp of worry; floundering and fearful.
What if rather than being a worrier or a wrestler with life,
we became warrior’s with truth?
Be strong, and let us fight bravely
for our people and the cities of our God.
The Lord will do what is good in his sight.
2 Samuel 10:12
Joab, captain of David’s army, knew:
You fight the good fight believing
God’s good way will prevail.
If I am warrior – if you are too – can’t we fight in the same way?
Can’t we fight, saying, “I’ll be strong, I’ll let God’s truth to reign in my mind, relationships and over my fears. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.”
If they sounded like this:
God things don’t look good. They look tough, dark, barren, unmoving, but your will is working. I believe that. I believe you can. I believe you will. I am not going to sink into discouragement. I am not going to fall into the strangulating hands of despair. I am not going to become oozy and doozy with fear. Forget it.
Today, the way of peace is the way of faith.
Faith says: I see horrendous before me, but God sees heavenly. He is working it out and that is enough.
Faith says: God even though every door looks closed, God can open them with just an exhale of breath.
Faith says: A good God is in control. I trust him.
Faith says: Yes, a war in motion, yet I am not the commander. He knows the way.
Faith says: I don’t have to know, because God does.
Faith says: Never once has God let me down and never will He.
Faith says: Evil may want to leave me ruined and in pieces, but God wants to leave me ruined in his love.
Faith says: Hold firm, like the disciples did – love always wins.
Faith says: My wait isn’t for nothing, for – in me – God is working something.
Faith says: I need not be leashed by feelings, but unleashed by God’s love.
Faith says: I will focus on his more versus continually perceiving my less.
Faith says: My joy found in Christ, through suffering, becomes His light of glory shed upon the world.
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Heb. 11:1
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