Step-by-step, eye-on-goal, I navigated rocks, roots and off-kilter mountain terrain. My thoughts kept pace…
Push, push, push.
Do, do, do.
Keep treading this beaten path…
I end my day couch-ridden, feeling beaten by my fears.
I walk a beaten path.
I let stress spill pent up emotions – everywhere.
I walk a beaten path.
I let time rush me.
I walk a beaten path.
I let other’s define the “right” way.
I walk a beaten path.
I rush and shush my family.
I walk a beaten path.
I do the same things. Again and again.
Same walk. Same path. Different day.
God, I feel tired, cranky and a bit off kilter.
Kelly, how’s this working for you?
Umm…Okay, God, so what am I supposed to do?
Get off the beaten path!
So, I do, I venture off. I don’t have to do it like I always have. I don’t have to do it like they do. I don’t have to be what the world demands. This beaten path does me no good.
If God isn’t in it, what use is it anyway?
Covered by the thrill of trees, the calling of excitement – a step is all it takes.
Although it’s risky, I’m just where I want to be. Somehow the mom of, “Don’t venture out in those woods, there are ticks out there” vanishes and some childlike charge comes alive.
I let go.
If I just go with God, where will he take me?
I press into the vines, the brush, the scary. Even more, I find her. Her heart is still going. The girl of adventure, of freedom, of willingness, of spontaneity, of joy, of wonder, of peace.
She’s still alive. She wants to arise.
If I move outside my norm, God,
what will you do with me?
Might I see myself like you do?
I go deeper. My ears hear it first…the rush, two rocks and a transformation in progress…
Living water is changing hard, non-pourous and rough edges into a new mold. They need do nothing, they are being changed. Restructured as recipients of the living water’s power.
Change only happens if we submit to the force of love over us…
What if our greatest life-change is just
on the other side of – stepping out?
What if by stepping out we best get the chance
to sit under God’s love?
I sit, in order to see.
It is something we are all wise to try sometime…
Rather than a schlep to “destination,” just accept God’s invitation.
You don’t want to risk missing it.
This time, I don’t – I won’t.
Quiet whispers wander.
Internal sparks come alive.
True identity surfaces.
I am called. So I go. We go. We walk on.
To a clearing. It is about as sunny as Florida. Clouds are invisible. But, all the same – off the beaten path, a mini-miracle happens – light drops fall. The dance from heaven speaks something. But, what, God, what?
I sit.
He who waters the plants, who keeps green the grass, and who rises the sun, is more than equipped to hold together the nitty-gritty details of my life…
Even if I do nothing, he will create an orchestra of outstanding, mesmerizing and brilliant – out of nothing…
Even if I only breathe, but nothing else,
he can lead all relationships where they need to go…
Even if I just observe, he will create something far better than marketing, manpower or management skills ever could…
I inhale. I like being off the beaten path. I sit longer.
When I finally get home, I crawl down next to him, the boy. I inhale and abolish time. Only the moment counts. Nothing is required. Words aren’t demanded. Planning isn’t essential. What matters is not the destination, but the invitation to rest in the presence of love.
I set my heart on getting off the beaten path…
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