Post By: Angela Parlin
Sometimes, life leaves us wondering, Jesus? Where are you?
Sometimes trials last year after year, and we don’t see how God works good things through those hard places.
So often, we need a reminder of who Jesus is and what He’s done and what He’s still doing for His loved ones.
The book of Hebrews begins by telling us that God speaks through Jesus to the world.
Previously, God spoke to the prophets, the Old Testament writers. He revealed Himself to them, with divinely inspired revelation, but that revelation was incomplete. He also spoke to people through angels. The original audience for this book, the Jews, had highest regard for the ministry of angels.
But now, God wants us to know, He has spoken in a far superior way.
God has spoken to the world through the person of Jesus Christ, His Son, who is greater than prophets and angels. More.
Read the rest of this post at Angela’s Blog.
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