Soaked, two kids were packed under my arms.
When angry kids are in tow it’s never easy to move the cattle.
Rain makes it even more precarious.
So, I kept a singular focus on the car and ran with all my might.
I had no idea that this “rain dash” was set to give me a clear lesson on how to see and seize God opportunities in my own life…
No sooner did I lock them into their carseats than I noticed my daughter’s pink boot was gone.
Can’t they just keep their shoes on!
Along our 4-block mad dash, the stinkin’ boot was lost. Anger and irritation welled up in me.
I stood, in the rain, feeling like a sopping mess – and probably looking like one too.
I wanted to give up. To shut down. To let the rain take control. So, when I saw a grey shadow approaching, embarrassed, I kept my head down. I tried to divert my eyes. I wanted to hide under the car…until, I noticed something in his hands…
…something pink.
This man stepped into the rain – to minister to my pain.
He saw my plight – and was determined to make things right.
He knew it was the right thing to do – and he handed me the shoe.
He transformed an about-to-lose-it-moment into an I’m-so-blessed-moment.
Because he let go of convenience – and stepped into rainy inconvenience he made the difference. Because he looked beyond comfort, to see – not his iPhone, his to-do list or his worries – he saw the opportunity – a struggling, frustrated mom.
Available to help.
Am I this way?
It got me to thinking, how often do I miss God’s opportunities because I am too focused on insecurities, worries and incapabilities? How often am I too focused on my phone, destination or tasks to see another?
When we can’t see past ourselves, we can’t see others.
When we can’t see others, we can’t see their pain.
When we can’t see hurts, we can’t love hurts.
We walk right past. Head down. We don’t see. We miss it. We miss out.
When I’m so busy doing, I can’t be seeing. Seeing another in need. Seeing a selfless act. Seeing God’s will.
I don’t want to be so consumed with myself, that I miss the chance to offer help to a hopeless person. I don’t want to be so consumed with myself, that I miss the chance to love a cancer-filled woman. I don’t want to be so consumed with myself that I miss the chance to hold hands with one in agony.
Because God has created me for more. He has created you for more. He has created us to love, to give, to run into the rain and to sacrifice for others. When we step outside of ourselves, we step into purpose, into joy and into meaning. There is nothing better.
He has given us gifts to encourage and love. Will we use them? He has joy within the embrace of a hug. Will we feel it? He has hurting souls right in our midst – on purpose. Will we see them?
If we can just keep our eyes up! If we can just be willing, ready and available – then we will see. We will see the great chances the Lord has set before us to sacrifice and to step out of our comfort zones to love another. We will see the world through new light.
This is the opportunity the Lord has set before us:
…The LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners…to comfort all who mourn…giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting…that He may be glorified. (Is. 61:1-3)
Lord, let us be vehicles of your good news. Let us see lives changed, hearts healed, hope renewed, then we will see lives improved. We will see your hand, your will and your glory at work.
I so want that.
I wan’t to be the person holding the pink boot for another sopping wet super frustrated, tired mom, don’t you?
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