Ever felt like you were so close to God, only to somehow fall off-course?
To somehow lose your in-step walk with the one who gives all peace, joy and love?
It’s easy to wonder how you got to this place. How you somehow diverted your path from his.
These thoughts plague me. I wonder, how can I avoid this next time, because
a judgement,
a critique,
a frustration,
an irritation,
an aggravation,
a circumstance,
a catastrophe,
my selfishness,
so often land me in a land miles away from my greatest love.
Like lost child, I lose my maker. It’s not that I don’t want to be with him, but something pulls me off-course: another grabs my attention, an emotion makes me run the other way or a circumstance takes hold. Before I know it, there I stand there – a missing child in a massive world trying to make my way back to my maker.
My once in-step, turned-in, reliant heart on Christ
becomes an out-of-step, out-of-focus, reliant heart on my problems.
I can see what’s around me, but I can’t see him.
I can see people, problems and the past, but I have blocked out his light.
I can see my feelings light as day, but I still feel buried deep in a distant hole.
Unchecked emotions have covered my heart.
And, one thing I am sure of is this: one covered with the unchecked emotions of shame, guilt and regret, can’t be shining the light of Christ’s resurrection, power and love.
One loaded under the weight of unrepented issues, can’t be radiating love and light through the earth.
So, I wonder, which do I have –
a heart covered by the weight of guilt
or a heart uncovered by the flashlight of Christ’s grace?
What God uncovers he uses for his glory. And what is hidden – is just that – hidden.
Hidden things stay covered.
Stay distanced.
Stay embarrassed.
Yet, God calls us “the salt of the earth.” Mt. 5:13
How can people taste salt if they can’t see it?
Instead of being salt-hiders,
we have another option, we can be salt-makers with God.
Do you see it?
Salt is produced by enduring pain, hardships and trials with Christ. As we move into deep intimacy with God, we move into knowledge of how to season other’s hearts. We start to flavor the world with the great testimony of his revealed power in our lives.
Salt is a God’s cleansing agent, and we are it’s salespeople. Let’s represent his holiness well.
“For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 4:6
Let’s shine bright to display his light!
We have a light that cannot be contained.
A city set on a hill.
It goes far and wide.
As a beacon of love.
That no one can miss.
That makes opponents flee.
That keeps your heart in safe places.
That endures until we come into his glorious light.
Don’t forget: You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14
It’s a beacon of love, a calling to all to come and know him.
Shine! Don’t remove your hand from his, don’t be pulled away from your Father, don’t get lost in the masses, don’t fall down in a pit, just keep revealing your heart to the light-shiner to let your life be transformed with the power of his always-exposed love.
He will never let you down, he will always chase after you the second you are lost. He loves you so much. He has chose you as his own. He is ready to shine so much goodness out of you, if only you will run your problems straight to his great flashlight of grace.
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