One gulp of water and I think in my head…1,2. Second gulp. 3, 4. Third gulp, 5, 6. Fourth gulp, 7, 8. Fifth gulp 9, 10.
Why do I think this way?
When I was a little girl, I was told when drinking water at school to drink only for 10 seconds. After finishing counting in my head, I was then to give up my fountain drinking spot and let the next kid go.
As a result of mentally counting, time and time again, I formed a neural pathway. Now, even though I am far older than an elementary student, I still count in my mind. It happens naturally. I count without even thinking of it. It just happens.
Many of us, have formed neural pathways (or, thought-tracks in which our mind is prone to think). We think a certain way and, because it is so engrained, we don’t even realize it. These thoughts have been with us since childhood, or for years, so we don’t even realize how we think.
What happened now informs our mind to what is happening:
Think about the thoughts you don’t think about anymore – thoughts you’ve been thinking for years. Do they line up with God’s truth? Are they excellent? Of good report? True? Biblical? Or are they lies? Negative? Full of worry? Doubt-filled?
How we think determines much of how we feel. Worry, fear, and unrest tend to be sourced from thoughts out of line with godly beliefs. Self-protection, insecurity and defensive mindsets lead to walls that block out great relationships.

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Ro. 12:2 NLT)
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5 NIV)
I wrote this book because I understood: If I want my life to track a new way (with new habits, new peace, and new breakthroughs), I needed to think a new way.
I couldn’t afford any longer to allow my thoughts to fall on a table like spilling spaghetti, going wherever they please. I couldn’t afford to react rashly, rather than responding calmly. I couldn’t afford to be emotionally insecure rather than identity-sure in Christ Jesus.
If I was going to live God’s Word, I knew I needed to own it in my mind, then I would not only profess the power of love, but I would possess it. Then, I could be a better mom, more fully do God’s will in my life, and have peace in life and in relationships.
What about you? How are your thoughts? Do you think about what is good or do you fear? Are your thoughts filled with God’s Word or with worry? Do you love as Jesus loves or do you usually react emotionally? To change our thoughts is to change our life! Plus, I have BIG gifts for you…
2 FREE Gifts/Awesome Opportunities for you:
Join the launch team today and get the help you need to transform your mind!
You are part of this book, my friend. Remember when I asked Purposeful Faith, what book would bless them? You all chose — this book! I would be so blessed and honored to have your help in launching this book with me. Plus, I would love to pray for you and to see your face on the Coaching Intensive week-by-week.
Prayer: Father, thank you for each and every person reading this blog post. Guide them in all their ways. I ask for you to renew and transform their minds in Christ Jesus. Help them to to think as Jesus thinks and to love as Jesus loves. In Jesus’ name. Amen.