Purposeful Faith

Tag - hope

1 Tip: Loving as our Greatest Calling

we all want

Valentine’s Day was super hard for me. Isn’t it horrible when what America has deemed a dream, goes all wrong?

On what is supposed to be a day of chocolate, kisses and love, instead, I ruined it all. My husband told me I should rest; I got offended. Why? Because I was sure of my plan. I already had it all road-mapped out. I had determination in my eye and resolve in my footing. So, when he essentially said, “Chill out,” everything in me wanted to protest. Which I did do…by the way (not that I am proud of it).

Offense and defensiveness are easy, aren’t they? We feel so entitled to hold on to our anger, our reasoning and our way. People just don’t get it!

At the same time, the other side of me knew: to be in offense delivers me straight out of abiding-connection with Jesus Christ and the empowering nature of the Holy Spirit.

“Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.” (Romans 8:5-8 NLT)

Offense is actually hostile, not only to my husband, but directly to God. Not only that, but it hinders me from effectively being controlled and led by the Holy Spirit. I can’t love people as well. I don’t bring peace. I am not led by the Spirit into things of life and purpose. I am not controlled or directed by the Holy Spirit. I am unpleasing to God.

Have you been crippled by offense? Has someone thrown you off track? Might you consider forgiving them for the greater gain of God? For the increase of being led by Him? No one is perfect. We are not and neither are they.

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34 NLT)

I have found out, the hard way, it is impossible to follow God when I am following my own emotions. I cannot successfully go forward by my own flesh, when only the Spirit leads to life. A mind of offense automatically supersedes the Mind of Christ.

The way of God is the only way.

Speaking of finding their way of God…there is good news!  So many who attended the “What’s My Calling” Workshop, discovered their calling. Glory to God! They heard heard from God  and got wisdom in walking in His ways.

If you wanted to attend — but did not sign up in time, it is not too late. You still may purchase the recorded version of “What’s My Calling?” by clicking here. I am confident you gain insight and clarity by attending.

Also, I got to thinking….maybe some of you already know your calling (to be a great mom, leader, businesswoman, non-profit leader). Maybe you just need encouragement not to give up and not to give in the enemy. I am putting together a “Encouragement to Love” support and prayer night. This will be a night of wisdom on how to fight the schemes of the enemy as we seek to love God and others. During this special night, experience encouragement in breakout groups and personalized prayer support. The cost is $25 which will help cover platform fees and will also be a personal blessing to me and my family. Even if you are still seeking God in your calling, this will be a great event for you! Find yourself surrounded by personal support and with sisters who love you.

Come join us!

I expect this to be a super encouraging night! We will hear mini-messages, breakout in support groups and receive personal prayer.

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Get Out of That Old Pit

Did you experience a pit in 2022?

Last year, I didn’t accomplish as much as I wanted.
Last year, I didn’t share on social media as much as I hoped.
Last year, I didn’t make as many new friends as I should have.
Last year, I didn’t believe in myself as much as God did.
Last year, I’m not sure I trusted that God had good things for me.

What pit did you find yourself in 2022?

I don’t ask so we can have a joint pity-party from the depths of our dark pits. I ask because healing is available to us, right here and right now.

The light of Christ works and is ready to illuminate whole new paths, outlooks, and escape doors to us, right now. What is revealed, gets healed by the light of Christ.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (Jo. 1:5)

“The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.” (Ro. 13:12)

“This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” (1 Jo. 1:5)

God’s light has complete power to remove all bits of darkness residing in us, so much so that we can walk out of old things, wearing a super-powered armor of God’s light. How did this work for me and my situation?

First, in the solitude of my quiet time with God, I brought my ugly pit of 2022 to Jesus. I closed my eyes and confessed it to him. I felt the shame and the sorrow. I didn’t hate myself. I acknowledged it for what it was before Him, without hiding. I cried.

Then, I saw it in my mind…the actual pit. I could imagine what that thing looked like. The deepness. The sadness. The self-discouragement.

But, do you know what else I noticed? The pit had stairs right out of it. There was no sewer cap over it.

Because of the saving-work of Jesus on the cross, all dark pits have no cover over them. They also have stairs out. For each one of us, Jesus offers us a free escape route right up and out of old decrepit pits. His light reveals this truth.

“…He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it.” (1 Cor. 10:13)

There is always a way up and out, thanks to Jesus. There is no pit unconquerable, no situation impossible, no person immovable, no year unredeemable, thanks to the light and the saving work of Christ Jesus.

Every pit has an open roof and stairs up and out. “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” (Mt. 19:26) Don’t believe that you are stuck there for 2023.

With God, everything is possible. Your marriage is still possible. Your mental health is still possible. Your children coming to Jesus is still possible. If God is still believing it is possible, don’t disagree with Him. Agree with God.

Prayer: Father God, give me the power and the ability to believe your truth as my truth this 2023. I take your way of escape and receive it now, for my unique situation. I am not sitting in a pit any longer; I am climbing up and out. Thank you that receiving freedom is a whole lot easier than I’ve made it out to be, by the power of your grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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From Bothered to Blessed

reconstruction zone

“I don’t like that cross very much, mom! I don’t really want it in my design,” declared my son.

My son was intent on having the perfect design on the Christmas ornament he was decorating online.

Considering his viewpoint, I, too, considered the cross on the screen. I could understand his viewpoint. On face value, there were gaps in each of the horizontal and vertical lines that made up Jesus’ cross. There were odd-shaped lines, protruding weirdly at the end of each bar.

But, at the same time, I knew my son was not grasping the full picture being portrayed. While he saw gaps, I saw something else emerge to make up the cross. And, I knew, what I saw may change his entire view and outlook on how he was seeing his design….

“Son,” I said, “Did you realize that this cross is not weird, but it is actually made up of the nails…. the very nails Jesus took on our behalf? Look closer…”

He did. And then uttered, “Wow, mom.”

He loved that cross, after having his eyes opened to see…

Sometimes, like happened with Michael, we see weirdness, things that look off, situations that appear all wrong, people who handle things incorrectly, time that looks wasted, moves that should have happened by now – but I wonder, if we look just a little bit closer, might we, instead of detesting what we see, come out seeing things we couldn’t see before? God’s goodness may be staring us right in the face, if only we look a little closer.

Just as Michael saw a botched design, I can’t help but think how botched up the people must have considered Jesus’ death on the cross. This is how The King of Kings would end things? This is what it looks like when God comes to earth? Nails and a whip? Death and shame? Embarrassment and ridicule?

But, a third-day view changed everything. Suddenly the one who was killed, the one whose life was considered washed-up, got lifted up, in glory! The one who was ridiculed? Now is ruling, in power from on high.

Jesus proves, there is now 100,000% no impossible situation for resurrection-life power, thanks to the always-working, ever-flowing goodness of the always-effective cross.

Jesus is not weak; Jesus NEVER falls from His throne. Jesus is not out of the office; Jesus never takes a time-out from His rule. Jesus is not absent; He does not become unaware of our heart, prayers and thoughts.

God has all power to raise anything up on the third day! My friends? Gain a hope and a new perspective in anything weighing you down.

Speak life to old dreams. Believe-the-best, rather than expecting the worst. Apply faith rather than walking in fear.

God hasn’t forgotten you; He is preparing you. God isn’t teasing you; He is strengthening you in your wait to trust His nature and character more than your flesh and rash reactions. Why? I believe, it’s so you can withstand any wind or torrent and so you can be as bold as a lion and as strong as a mature believer!

What annoyance can you now see Jesus in? What relationship is God allowing because it is about to bring profound glory to Him? What bummer let-down is really a divine set-up for a God-miracle?

See from fresh eyes. See Him. See the nails. See the cost. Love costs something. See the resurrection-life power about to come as you lay down your life and find His.

I love you very much. I am praying for you now…

Prayer: God, life gets hard. But, God, you are always good. Help us all to not only see your goodness, but to experience your goodness at work in the details of our day. Father? Fill our eyes, with the fullness of your ways, so we experience your resurrection-life power in all our days. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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When People Don’t Listen To You

we all want

Last night, I shared with my daughter, “Sometimes, I speak and you do not answer me at all. Sometimes I share something important and you don’t even listen.”

Frankly, these words I spoke to her were charged with pent-up frustration. You see, I have a short window to share wisdom with these children, and then they’re out in the big world, fending for themselves. I want them to hear what they need to know, before what they see is temptation, they don’t know what to do with.

Is this issue rooted in fear versus faith? Likely.

In any case, it’s been happening a lot in the car. I often get the reply of, “Mommy, I just want to look out the window.” Or, “Mom!!!!” My husband doesn’t speak up for me when it happens. So, I feel unloved, unheard, and unvalued when this happens.

Have you ever been there? Have you ever felt unheard and unvalued by those you love? Do you have important things to communicate that are overlooked at home or in the marketplace? Does it aggravate you?

It can be uber-frustrating and it can feel very personal when people don’t care what you have to say. I understand.

Do you want to know my daughter’s reply? She said, “Mom? Often, I don’t even hear you.”


Many times, when we’re offended, people are oblivious. Our feelings have no meaning when misunderstanding is involved. To us? We’re furious. To them? Oblivious. Misunderstanding, then, opens an enemy door in the heart of the offended one. The enemy of our soul seeks to make, us, the offended ones – more offended!

The only way out of misunderstanding is — conversations. Clarification. Asking. Understanding. Seeking. Listening.

In my case, my daughter didn’t mean to hurt me; she was just in her own world.

Yet, will there be other times when people don’t listen — and they should? How will I respond? How will I continue forward without harboring unforgiveness or anger? Without opening a door to the enemy who is trying to make me more offended?

This verse is something I can stand on: “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ro. 15:5-6 NIV)

Even when others don’t hear me, God wants me to hear His ever-flowing encouragement. He also wants to empower me with endurance to win, by the power of love. Through prayer, I am not left without God’s enduing-power to love, anyway. When I look to Him, above them, I get the help I need.

Not only that, but when I look to Him, above them, it prohibits the distraction of them to steal the joy of Him. I stay my mind with God, rather than getting it in the weeds of offense.

This is powerful. I do not fear man; I fear God.

We are powerful when you turn to conversations and intercession. Do not grow weary in prayer and well doing. God’s love for us will not fail, even when it feels that man’s love is failing us. Be encouraged.

Prayer: Father God I pray that you, “the God who gives endurance and encouragement” will give each and every reader the endurance to love and to forgive. I pray that we not walk by the spirit of offense so prevalent in today’s world, but that we walk by the Spirit of power, love and a sound mind. I pray that we will have the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ had. Christ laid down His life. God? Help us to lay down our lives too. Help us to love as Jesus loved. Unify your body, Father God. Help us to love with one mind and one voice. In this, we will honor you, Father God, rather than being distracted with quibbles. Help us. We need you. We trust you and we receive today, your enduing endurance power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Keep The Faith!

reconstruction zone

I was headed up, up, up. My car climbed the towering, sky-high road up the bridge. On the
ascent, I could see it all, boats below, a beach lining the shore and cargo ships out the left side of my window . But, one thing I could not see? The other side of the bridge.

From my vantage point, it looked like the road just — ended. It looked like I’d get to the top of
the bridge and suddenly, fall over it, into deep waters. Ahhhh, I’m going to die!  That’s how it
appeared as I drove…but at the same time, I knew that wouldn’t happen.

Why? Because, even though I couldn’t see, I believed the road continued. I trusted and I knew
there was another side.  Even though it appeared to my natural eye that I was going to fall,
knowing kept me going.

Faith is the same way. It can 100% look like we are going to fall in life. We think, “There is no
way I am coming through this.” “This will never work out.” “Everything I see is telling me I am
bound to ruin.” We see the road that looks like our demise. The end.

Maybe you are there now? With your marriage? With your health? With finances? With how you
feel about yourself? With your future? Your children?

Friends, I can’t tell you, personally, how many times I’ve stared at a bridge to somewhere that
looked 100% broken. One that was bound to make me fall. There have been health scares like
Multiple Sclerosis and an unexpected lump, marriage turbulence and family divisions, along with
a host of other things. Every time, my natural vision told me — everything is all over!!!!

But, just like happened in the car, I knew better than to think this way. I understood, with God,
what looks like a coming-ending is usually a start of a new beginning. My life-roads would keep
going! I had a knowing in my going that God would be faithful and help me.

When we have a knowing in our going, we traverse the other side of bridges to nowhere.  But,
how can we know, when we don’t know if we are going to make it?

When I get in an impossible situation, I look at the unchanging nature of my incredible God. The
more I choose to know Him, the more I know that I am going to be okay.

Let’s take a moment to know our God today. As these names fill your insides, they will give you
peace and hope.

Our Faithful God is:

EL, ELOAH [el, el-oh-ah] – God “mighty, strong, prominent”
EL SHADDAI [el-shah-dahy]: “God Almighty,” “The God of the Mountain”
ELOHIM [el-oh-heem] –  God “Creator, Mighty and Strong”
YAHWEH-SHALOM [yah-way-shah-lohm]- “Our God is Peace”
ADONAI [ˌædɒˈnaɪ; ah-daw-nahy]: “Lord”, “Our Master”
YAHWEH-JIREH [yah-way-ji-reh]: “The Lord Will Provide”
YAHWEH-RAPHA [yah-way-raw-faw]: “The Lord Who Heals”
YAHWEH-NISSI [yah-way-nee-see]: “The Lord Our Banner”
YAHWEH-M’KADDESH [yah-way-meh-kad-esh]: “The Lord Who Sanctifies, Makes
YAHWEH-TSIDKENU [yah-way-tzid-kay-noo]: “The Lord Our Righteousness”
YAHWEH-ROHI [yah-way-roh-hee]: “The Lord Our Shepherd”
YAHWEH-SHAMMAH [yah-way-sham-mahw]: “The Lord Is There” “The Lord My
YAHWEH-SABAOTH [yah-way-sah-bah-ohth]: “The Lord of Hosts”
EL ELYON [el-el-yohn]: “Most High”
EL ROI [el-roh-ee]: “God of Seeing” (Genesis 16:13)
EL-OLAM [el-oh-lahm]: “Everlasting God”

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is
to come, the Almighty.” (Rev. 1:8)

Who God was, is who God is, and who God will be. When we know who God is — and
His unchanging nature — we know that our road does not end. It continues. We have a
Shepherd. We are seen. We are healed, be it here or in eternity. We are there with God.
We have a companion. We have a banner over us called love. We are under the care of
the Lord of all the angelic hosts. He will carry us through.

His name is enough to make things right. We get new power in our prayer, when we
know His name and drive up our broken road relying on His faithfulness.

Suddenly in our going, we know that we won’t be falling. We know we will make it to the
height of the horrible situation and we will — cross over. Why? Because God is faithful to
carry us through, even if some of the going has some pain or loss in it.

Friend, we will make it. God has us!

Prayer: Father, I want to know you more. Help me to think upon these names. Help me to remember who you are and to rely on you. Help me to get all my strength from you and to trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Thank you, David Jeremiah Ministries, for the name information.

Never left Alone

take advantage

“You don’t understand.”

We’ve probably all thought this thought one time or another. Someone gives us advice that does not resonate… Another thinks we’re doing something that we’re not even doing… People misinterpret our motives or our words…

They don’t understand. We feel alone and by ourselves.

It certainly has happened to me in marriage. At times, I have said one thing and my husband has heard a whole other thing. I am misunderstood. I am sure that I misunderstand him too, sometimes.

In this case, when I feel all alone, it is easy for me to think, “Who is fighting for me? Who understands me?” It’s easy to sink deep down into a cave of sadness all alone and to believe that I have to: 1. fend for myself 2. make sure I am going to be okay 3. lick my wounds.

Have you ever been there too? Felt unprotected? Undefended?

This verse is encouraging, “But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

In tough moments, we can gain hope by remembering that God isn’t leaving us, but He is strengthening us. He isn’t unstable and unavailable, He is faithful. God is with us.

When the enemy sets schemes in relationships, even then, God guards us from them.

We are not left alone; we are protected.

When we don’t know what to do, Jesus intercedes for us (Heb. 7:25). When we don’t think there’s anyone fending for us we have an advocate in Jesus (1 Jo. 2:1).

“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” (Ro. 8:26)

In tough moments, we can keep our thoughts and our feelings out of dark, isolating and mentally draining places by remembering: we are never alone because God is with us. Not only is God with us, but God is for us, too. He is actively helping us in whatever we are going through.

Prayer: Father God, I need you to fight my battle for me. I give up the fight, so you can fight on my behalf. Forgive me for believing that I am alone. Forgive me for believing that I am left behind by you in any way, shape or form. You are for me. Thank you. Jesus advocates for me. Thank you. You are with me always. Help me to remember these things in tough moments. Help me to put all my trust in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Dust off Hurtful Words + Carry on!

good father

When I walk, I am not scared of bugs. I know I walk above them. When I walk though my front yard, I don’t consider what bugs may be underground; I just walk. I am not afraid, I go! I walk above problems. I walk over scary things. I move, anyway.

To be above what lurks, is a big deal. It means you walk fearlessly.
Do you realize that we sit above the mayhem of the world?

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus…” (Eph. 2:6)

“Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love.”

We are above what issues lurk below. We are above the world that demands constant attention. We are above powers and principalities of the unseen realm because we sit with Jesus.

Even more, we are “even above reproach”. Do you know what “reproach” means?

American Webster Dictionary defines “reproach” as : “To express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone).
Friend, you are above disapproval, criticism, or disappointment.

This is a big deal. It means that people can’t squash you with words. They can’t ruin you with bad actions. The old labels cannot stick any longer. You, my dear one, sit above that. You are over that, with Jesus.

All that cannot hold you back any longer!

Remember where you sit, my friend. Stay all your mind above all that — whether it happened yesterday or today! Give it no claim to yourself. Despise the shame, just like Jesus did (see Heb. 12:2)! You are “before Him in love”.

It means everything to be seated with Jesus! It’s a powerful position.

Prayer: I pray, today, I feel and experience the love of God. I pray that you open the eyes of my heart, Father God, to know the hope of my glorious inheritance and the riches in Christ Jesus. I pray that I gain understanding of where I sit and whom I am seated with. I pray that you give me power to live from that place. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Trusting When Life is Hard


What do we do when we can’t seem to trust? When worry hits us in the gut?

I can’t say I have all the answers. There are some moments when the fear of what could be, or what isn’t, or what hasn’t — comes in like a flood. There are also moments where worst case scenarios have overtaken me.

God knows, I am not perfect and life is hard. Situations get hard. People get hard.

At the same time, these verses serve as an anchor on those hard sorts of days:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.

Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.
Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil.
Then you will have healing for your body
and strength for your bones.

Honor the Lord with your wealth
and with the best part of everything you produce.
Then he will fill your barns with grain,
and your vats will overflow with good wine.” (Prov. 3:5-10)

They say to me:

You don’t have to know the way, Kelly. God does.

It’s not your wisdom that will save you anyway. It’s God’s wisdom.

When you fear God, there’s no room left to fear man.

When you are on your last leg, there — in that very needy place — God comes in with strength.

When you haven’t the faintest idea how you will make it — God makes wisdom come to you.

Sometimes life hits hard. But, when we lose it all, when it all crumbles, when we don’t know, when we can’t think — God doesn’t leave us empty handed. He is there. He is present. He is ready to help.

Do not lose hope, even if you have no idea, no wisdom or no understanding — even then, God will direct your path and give you wisdom.

Prayer: God, in you we do not fear, for your love, help, and grace are near. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Side Note: Friends, I will be speaking at the Prism conference near Fort Lauderdale, Florida next week. If you live in the area, I would love to meet you.

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Faith Beyond What’s Comfortable

I don’t like feeling in need. I like to have everything together. I like being the strong one. I like having the right word for the right person at the right time. I like giving. I like handling things well. I like knowing what my day holds. I like convenience. I like knowing what is happening.

Knowing things makes me feel good. Having a handle on life makes me feel comfortable.

But, is comfort what Jesus was after?

I bet many of the disciples didn’t feel comfortable when they left their fishing business behind to follow Jesus.

I bet Paul felt anything but comfortable when he fell off that horse and went blind for three days.

I bet Jesus didn’t feel comfortable when He walked down Calvary Road with a cross.

There are times where the Lord permits a shaking up of our proverbial snow globes in life — to loose us from comfort zones. The Lord, in His All-Knowingness, uses discomfort and awkwardness to provoke great need for Him. Here, rather than relying on our way, our sufficiency, our greatness and our known — we run to rely on Him.

These uncomfortable times of awkwardness can be times of great acceleration if received with open hearts and hands. They can walk us into the greatest, most glorious adventures of life, if we take the risk — to go there with God.

But, not all are willing to go the uncomfortable distance. Not all say yes…to the call, to shedding weight for His great…

Jesus answered (the rich man), ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’

When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.” (Mt. 19:21-22)

The rich man did not follow Jesus because he was comfortable.

What a pity it is to deny Jesus, to keep comfort.

For “…to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Phil. 1:21) Dying to ourselves is not always comfortable, but it is always worth it. Jesus, as The Prince of Peace has peace for us, no matter how hard the bridge there looks. And, all His paths lead to life, for Jesus is Life (see Jo. 14:6). No matter how unorthodox it seems, when Jesus is in it we will find both life and peace when we walk through it with Him. He is true to His nature.

With all this, take courage, my friends, as you walk in these hard places. Gain hope! If Christ has overcome the world (Jo. 16:33), surely He can overcome what you face as you go with Him. He is faithful. Truly, I tell you: You “can do all things through Him who gives you strength.” (Phil. 4:13)

What discomfort may God be using to further holiness, endurance or perseverance in your life?

How might the shaking be making you more into the image of Christ?

How might God be calling you out and will you obey?


Father God, great is your faithfulness. You are so trustworthy. You are so good. You are so mighty. I thank You for Your Son, Jesus. He is worthy of all my life, all my devotion and all my obedience. I ask You for all the grace I need to follow Him. Whether it is to step out into a new calling, out of sin, or into a time of growth through circumstances, I ask for Your equipping and empowerment. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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3 Ways to Love God More

I say after a scrumptious dinner to my friend, “Let me get those dishes for you.” I then proceed to clean the whole table, scrub every dish, get everything dried off and put into place. Pans are cleaned. Pots are put back away.

That friend looks up and says, “Thanks, Kelly.”

Yet, for another friend, on a different night, I do the same thing. Her response? “Wow, Kelly. You are amazing. I feel so loved and so appreciated. I am so thankful. I am so touched.”

What’s the difference? The difference is loving people the way they feel loved. After reading the book, The Five Love Languages, I learned there are five ways people feel loved: Acts of service, quality time, gift-giving, words of affirmation or physical touch. When you nail the love language, the person is hit with a jolt of love.

What is God’s love language?

Jesus said, “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ (Mt. 22:37)

But, how do we love God the way He wants to be loved?

Here are 3 Ways to Love God His way:

1. Have a Need for His Love
Friends, God is love. He is the complete sum of love. Love is a fruit of His Spirit. If we do not rest in His love, receive His love and relish in His love, we will not understand love. In this case we may resort to love as a flesh-focused obligation or duty, but miss the Holy Spirit prompted sort of love, that comes from God.

“We love because he first loved us.” (1 Jo. 4:19)

Are you spending time with the Lord?

2. Obey His Commands

Love will last to eternity and so will our obedience. Because, obedience is love.

When my kids obey me, I feel loved. They listen. They know I am their mom. They care about my words. Likewise, when we obey, we not only honor God, but we love Him.

Do you seek to obey God, no matter the cost?

“If you love me, keep my commands.” (Jn 14:15)

3. Receive His Sacrifice Continually

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Ro. 5:8)

Apart from Jesus, we are nothing. We bring no value, no good, and no work that is worthy. Often, we mess up. We may try not to sin and then we do. We may try to obey and then we fall short.

The beauty here?

Jesus. He shows His love for us — through the cross — even while we are sinning, He forgives. He gives us a blank slate, again. He offers us a second chance, or a 30,000th chance.

God’s continual love for us turns into our continual love for Him. How could a love this divine save us again? We worship. We give thanks. We love Him all the more, because His love is so extravagant.

Prayer: Father, we love you. We thank you. We praise you. You are everything. We ask that we could love you from deeper depths. Would you pour out your love upon us? Would you fill us with your love so we can love you and others more? In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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