Purposeful Faith

Tag - #grace

Are You Waiting on God?

The text read: “When you get off the plane there will be a cheering committee waiting for you!”

Wow, now that’s a thought, and quite a picture, for that matter. I wish there was a cheering committee everywhere I went. Wouldn’t that be fun?

I knew, though, this was a unique time. I was the last one to arrive to a specific city amongst a group of other women who got there earlier. They were waiting for me. My plane arrived an hour or so later. When I got there, we would all jet off in a rental car. It was kind of them to wait for me. They didn’t have to. I could have ridden solo.

But they did. Their waiting honored me. It valued me. It showed me they trusted that my plane would arrive and that we would all absolutely make our way, together.

Waiting, in large part, is trusting. It is faith that says: this person is coming. And I trust them to do that.

When we wait on God, we trust Him. When we say He will show up even though His timing feels a day past due, we honor Him. When we say, absolutely He will arrive, we value His character of faithfulness.

There is only one thing God can be: faithful.

He may show up in a different way than we think. Just as I may show up and look different than these new friends expected – or I may have to make them wait a little more at the luggage carousel – sometimes God shows up differently.

He is the Maker of Heaven and Earth; He has every right to do this.

Either way, we can bank on this: His plan is the absolute best for us!

What would it look like for us to wait with joy? With anticipation? With thankfulness?

Indeed, God is coming! Always, Jesus shows up! Victory can’t be taken from Him!

“Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.” (Isa 40:31)

This verse is true because while waiting feels excruciating, the joy of His coming is exhilarating.

“Take heart! Christ has overcome the world!” (Jo 16:33) He not only has the whole world in His hands, but also what you are waiting for!

Prayer: Father, you have a good plan for me. Your timing is perfect. I ask you to give me the strength to wait and to trust you. I ask that I can wait in a way where I am full of joy, praise and hope. I want to honor you with all my heart, mind, and soul. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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When You are Waiting on God

Riding in the car, flustered, I called out to God, “Why, God, why? Why does it seem there is a hold back to my life? Why are the dreams of my heart not yet happening? Why have I asked but not received? Why don’t you give me what I need? You own everything!”

I launched out some prayerful questions and let them hang in the air, and then mindlessly continued to drive. My mind trailed off…

Soon, I was thinking of my kids… Frankly, when they ask for anything my first instinct is to give it to them! You want ice cream? Of course. You love that new toy? I’ll get it for you. You want to go somewhere today? I’ll take you there.

My first instinct is to give everything.

Then it hit me — God’s first instinct is to give me everything. He wants to give. He loves to give even more than I do!

“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Mt. 7:11)

Yet, there are only two reasons I hold back from my kids:

1. Because I have something better for them later than what they want now.
For instance: I may not buy them a pack of candy at the store, because I baked them a whole key lime pie, with whipped cream on the top, for them to enjoy later.

2. Because my “no” now paves a way for them to receive a million better yeses later.
For example: I may take away tv or video games until they learn the attitude of gratitude, because I know it is that very attitude that will open job opportunities, friendships, connections, doorways and blessings that will far surpass a momentary game.

God wants to give to us not just what is best for our “now”, but rather, what is best for the million little opportunities he has set up on the road called “life”. God, in all-knowing power, is willing to sacrifice short-term happiness for long-term, sustained gain. Why? Because: 1. He loves us that much. 2. He wants us to partake in a full-fledged buffet, more than a measly snack 3. He is developing character that can carry what He wants to give.

Waiting is preparing us to walk in His greater glory, His greater gifts, with the right attitude, in a way that He gets all the glory. God’s timing is perfect.

Prayer: Father, I admit to you, sometimes I don’t understand. Sometimes I can’t comprehend why things happen as they do, however I trust you. I trust your timing. I trust your teaching. I trust your leading. I trust your power at work in my waiting. I ask you to help me to lean on you in the gap of what I want and what I have not yet seen. You are working there. You are not done yet. I ask you to come and complete the good work that you have begun in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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When Communication Goes Wrong

we all want

My daughter said something that I couldn’t entirely make out from the front seat of the car. Still, I knew where she was going with this whole line of thinking. She’d talked like this 100 times, so I instinctively blurted out, “Don’t even think about doing that!”

Suddenly, there was silence. And more silence. I glanced in the rearview mirror to see what was going on. It was then, when I saw her destroyed face, that I knew I did something horribly wrong…

“Mom, did you even hear what I said?” she asked.

“Umm…” I muttered.

My heart sank. An assumption in my mind effectively trampled the goodness flowing out of her heart. She didn’t say something wrong; she was saying something good.

I’m horrible.

I’m learning that when assumption or presumption direct my conversation, it usually leads to contention. I have been guilty of this with my husband, too.

Especially, when I say things like:

You always…
You never…
I know he will…

Negative declarations over my husband, set me up to walk in presumption and assumption. Rather than giving my husband the benefit of the doubt and space to do a new thing, I put faith in an expected outcome, and offer him no space to try out a new thing. All this furthers offense and solidifies negative patterns.

We butt heads. Old cycles continue, on repeat. We both are on edge.

Ever been there? Maybe your husband does that to you. I know it hurts.

In the bible, the Pharisees were fast assumption-makers about Jesus when he cast out a demon.

“. . . they said . . . “it is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.” But Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” (Mt. 12:24-25)

To assume and presume is to fill the supernatural gap where God wants to move with our own naturally-minded nonsense. It’s like bridging a gap with icky gum, rather than allowing God to construct his bridge of solid rock, so we can effectively cross over into a new way of being and going.

Carnally-minded, non-grace giving words, tear down not only things of the Lord and passages to new ways of going, but also, our very own houses.

“A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.” (Prov. 14:1)

God shows us another way to breakthrough:
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” (Eph. 4:29)

What would it look like for you to extend grace before the recipient even deserves it? How might that change the face of your relationship?

If you want more wisdom, strength and practical help for your marriage, join the “Help My Marriage Workshop” this Thursday (tomorrow), December 14th live or via recording.

Gain strength for your marriage, as well as:
1. Practical strategies to believe God when everything looks dark and dim.
2. Breakthrough testimonies and stories to help you persevere.
3. Prayer strategy that defeats the devil’s schemes.
4. Ways to set up boundaries that safeguard your heart and your children.
5. Prayer and encouragement.

Sign up today.

Prayer: Father, I repent of believing lies. Help me to see those around me through your eyes of love. Let me believe the best, instead of rashly thinking the worst. Give me grace to have hope in every relationship. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dealing with a Frustrating Spouse

A premarital counselor once talked to me about marriage…

He said, “Have you ever considered how each spouse thinks they load the dishes into the dishwasher the ‘right way’? It is right because it is what they know and it is what they learned. Their way is right. The other way is wrong.”

How we grew up — is right.
How we learned to think about things — is right.
How we process or communicate things — is right.

But, is our way the absolute right way, or can dishes (or thoughts, communication, and habits) have different variations?

This is often the rub in marriage. No one wants to change. Both are set on their own way.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting people to change. Insanity repeats the same words, does the same thing (because it seems right), and is horribly aggravated when patterns remain the same.

Insanity makes one angry and bitter.

What about you? Are you angry? Do you feel bitter inside? Are you repeating patterns? Do you try to do what is right, yet find yourself in communication battles that go all wrong?  Is your spouse driving you nuts?

Dissension and frustration make one raise walls of self-protection that hinder deep connection.

Scripture says, “A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city and quarreling is like the bars of a castle.” (Prov. 18:19)

Surely, we can break these patterns and relational triggers. While we can’t force our spouse’s walls down or their heart to change, we can manage our own heart, reactions, and words. And, by doing this, effect a ton of change. We are not powerless. We have power to preserve peace, to communicate with power, and to find radical joy even when the going is extremely tough.

Peace can be found through our actions and thoughts, even if theirs never change.

I am holding a “Help, for my Marriage (& Family Relationships)” Workshop. I want to invite you. Not only will this workshop support you, but it will help keep Purposeful Faith strong and going. Spouses are welcome to come, but not required at all to attend.

The Help, for My Marriage (& Family Relationships)” Workshop will include:

1. Detailed ways to walk in wisdom in a hard situation.
2. Strength that helps you stay hidden in Christ and wise in words.
3. Practical strategies to believe God when everything looks dark and dim.
4. Breakthrough testimonies and stories.
5. Prayer strategy that defeats the devil’s schemes.
6. Ways to set up boundaries that safeguard your heart and your children.
7. Prayer and encouragement.

Friends, the devil would love for you to think your marriage (and family relationships) are over. I say, they have only yet begun!

The best is yet ahead!
Register here: “Help, for my Marriage (& Family Relationships)” Workshop
December 14, 2023 at 6:00 ET via Zoom.
*Recording available.

Don’t give up faith.

Register today.

Prayer: Father, I thank you that you have all that I need for righteousness and godliness in Christ Jesus. Father, I thank you that I am not waiting for others in order to have life, and life more abundantly — but that I already have it now. I ask you to empower me to change what I can change and to give me the grace to let go of what I cannot change. Empower me with love. In Jesus’ name.

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Help for Marriages!

My phone rang. It was an unknown number. I only picked it up because I felt an inner prompt to answer the call. Before I did, a strange sense of overwhelming love washed over me. It was directed towards the person on the other end of the call. The only thing was…I hadn’t even talked with them yet.

I answered. They wanted to schedule my kids for an orthodontic appointment at a local office. I didn’t need that. I already had an orthodontist to handle my kids. Before I knew it, I told the lady on the line that I didn’t need those services at all. I forgot about the overwhelming love I felt right before the call, until I hung up the phone. Then, I remembered how God had prompted me to answer the call and then filled me with overwhelming love.

I dialed the phone number back.

“Uh… I’m looking for the lady who called me,” I said.

“Who is that?” the operator asked me.

“I have no idea,” I replied. “She called me just a minute ago.”

“Hold on.”

Before I knew it, the woman I originally talked to was back on the phone. I told her how I felt God’s love for her. I asked her if she needed prayer. She said she did…

“The problem is my marriage. I don’t know if it is going to last,” she conveyed.

I prayed. She cried. I encouraged her, saying that we cannot look on day #2 and know what resurrection life power God has planned to bring on day #3.

“He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.” (1 Cor. 15:4)

Can you even imagine how bad things looked when Jesus went into the tomb? But, in just 3 days the whole story was going to change.

Friends, there have been days where I’ve been convinced my marriage is over. Where I’ve thought it’s dead, only to experience the next day — Jesus’ resurrection power!

All this to say: Don’t give up. Don’t give in.

Nothing is ever over with the power of Jesus behind it.

On my heart, I feel the desire to equip the saints to stand for service. This hour, the enemy is coming like a flood, but we are to raise up a standard.

I am holding a “Help, for my Marriage” Workshop. I want to invite you. Not only will this workshop support you, but it will help keep Purposeful Faith alive and going, as there have been some hosting charges that have popped up, recently.

The “Help, for My Marriage” Workshop (which will also help with other difficult family relationships, too) will include:

1. Detailed ways to walk in wisdom in a hard situation.
2. Strength that helps you stay hidden in Christ and wise in words.
3. Practical strategies to believe God when everything looks dark and dim.
4. Breakthrough testimonies and stories.
5. Prayer strategy that defeats the devil’s schemes.
6. Ways to set up boundaries that safeguard your heart and your children.
7. Prayer and encouragement.

Friends, the devil would love for you to think your marriage (and family relationships) are over. I say, they have only yet begun! The best is yet ahead!

Register here: “Help, for my Marriage” Workshop
December 14, 2023 at 6:00 ET via Zoom.
*Recording available.

You do not need a spouse to attend; this session is meant for you and it will help you. Don’t give up faith.

Prayer: Father, you are the Creator of all things! Create something new in my family relationships. I ask for the resurrection life power of Jesus to heal every relationship that needs healing. Help me to take responsibility for me. Help me to do things a new way. May I release all that I cannot change. And, most of all, may I trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Subscribe for all Purposeful Faith blog posts by email – click here.

Thanks Welcomes More of God

“Thank you, mommy.”

Oh my goodness, my friends, every time my kids say these three simple words, it blesses me wildly. Usually in a case like this, I find myself in the middle of a parking lot, holding a load of grocery bags, but everything in me wants to drop everything to hug the living daylights out of them.

Always, my heart cries out something like:

God, thank you!!! My kids see my heart for them. They know my love. They recognize how much I want to give them the very best. They appreciate my heart to provide them simple pleasures. They have moved my heart.

And, I can’t help but think, today… just as their thanks moved my heart, my thanks moves God’s heart.

Just as I want to do a little happy-dance due to my kids’ thankful heart, I wonder if God feels the same way? Just as my children appreciate sacrifice and it moves me to embrace them in love, does my thanks move God to want to embrace me, too? Just as I overflow with the desire to give my kids even more after they give thanks, does God want to pour out more on me, also?

This could be! Scripture says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:6-7)

We pray away harm, while we thank God for who He is and guess what happens? He gives peace. We petition for God’s protection and we end up with a God-embrace that guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Friends, “thanks” is not only a nice thing we do and say, but it is a weapon of spiritual warfare. Thanks is not only a spiritual weapon, but it is protection. It mounts guard over our heart and mind. Thanks is not only something God asks us to do, but it is an important component of prayer that works. Thanks gives us power to move forward with peace that causes us to think straight, that empowers wise decisions, and that yields wise reactions.

This Thanksgiving, don’t let thanks end after Thursday. Let it reign in your heart. Thank God for who He is, what He has done and what He will do, thanks to His faithfulness. Thank Him for all He has saved you from. Thank Him for His son. Thank Him for the ways He has helped your families.

Thank Him for saving your life.

Prayer: Father, you have given me so many good gifts in my life. I thank you always take care of me. I thank you that you know every detail of what you are doing with my life. I see a string that doesn’t always make sense, but you know exactly how you are weaving that tapestry into something beautiful. I trust you. I thank you, Father, that who you are is worthy of all my trust. I give that to you today. I thank you for saving me and for loving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

P.S. It’s not too late to get a copy of the “Faith Workshop” recording. If you need faith now or you want to trust God more, sign up to get the recorded version. Those who attended found it “inspiring”, “freeing” and “encouraging.” Stand firm in faith and peace. Discover why we go through hard times. Receive encouragement and hope. To watch the recording, click here.

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Hope for Your Day

keep going

Don’t lose hope in the Lord.

Think of the woman at the well. She had no reason to hope and every reason to feel hopeless. She trudged in the heat of the day to that well. Just doing her day’s duties. Just trying to make it by. She knew she was a woman, and a Samaritan at that. It didn’t help that she had so many husbands. She was unacceptable. Unwanted by people. An outcast. No reason to hope.

Little did she know, though — one was coming for her.

Scripture says, “But He (Jesus) needed to go through Samaria.” (Jo. 4:4) Another translation says, “it was necessary.”

Why was it necessary?

Because He wanted to encounter her.
Because He wanted to change her situation.
Because He was ready to set her free.
Because He saw what she was going through.
Because He had a plan for her.

Friends, Jesus pursued her when she felt like the least of these. She didn’t call out. She didn’t read two chapters of the Bible. Perhaps, she had told God her heart and problems. And, guess who showed up on the scene? Jesus.

Today’s post is short, but the point is vital: Don’t lose hope! No matter what you are going through, Jesus is coming. In fact, He is already there, right with you.

If it’s hard, then turn toward Him and receive His heart for you. He cares! There is ample grace for you right now. Keep believing!

“But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:4-7

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Admitting What is Hard to Admit

we all want

Hey friends — I was on the 700 Club this week talking about Take Every Thought Captive! I hope the segment blesses you. Watch here.


I knew I was wrong. But, changing course and admitting wrongdoing, I knew, would hurt too much to do. Why? During the whole course of the discussion, I defended my position adamantly. I was so sure. I made myself out to be a saint with all the right answers…but now? Now that I was beginning to see the light of my error? Grr…

It’s embarrassing to feel caught and exposed. Like a wild animal caught in a cage, flashlight probing its eyes, all one can do is stand there, not sure of where to go. Like this animal, I paced around in my mind, considering what to do. Will this person still think good things about me? Will they berate me after I admit: I was wrong? Will my opinion still be valued going forward? Will I have to radically change — and, can I even make this change?

Sometimes, it’s easier to deny wrongdoing than to admit it. Sometimes, it is easier to keep pride than to give away ego. Sometimes, it is easier to maintain your sense of self than to die to the flesh.

I think Nicodemus, when talking to Jesus, may have understood these feelings.

“Now there was a certain man among the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler (a leader, an authority) among the Jews, Who came to Jesus at night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know and are certain that You have come from God [as] a Teacher; for no one can do these signs (these wonderworks, these miracles—and produce the proofs) that You do unless God is with him.” (John 3:1-2 AMPC, emphasis added)

Nicodemus said, “We know…you have come from God.”

This means, there was more than one Pharisee or religious leader who knew the truth about Jesus — but, they were not saying anything!

If the Pharisees “knew” why keep it a secret? Why not come out and say, “This man, Jesus, is from God?” Why not announce, “Only one from God can do the works this man does!?” Why not tell all, “Certainly, God is with this man”?

There is only one reason, much like the reason I had for not speaking up — pride.

Pride that thinks:
If we are wrong about this man, what will the people think about us?
If He is from God, what will we mattter anymore?
If all know that God is with Him, how will we have to change?
If He is more than us, what will happen to us?
Pride kept the Pharisees from fully receiving Jesus.

That’s what pride does. It keeps us from admitting, receiving and confessing truth, even when we blatantly know it is true. Pride makes us preserve our flesh rather than die to it. I wonder, how often has pride caused you to deny, rationalize or to hide away because you don’t want to get hurt?

Friends, I know pride. I know what it is to want to stay safe. I, probably like you, have been hurt in the past. Yet, I know this — when we are honest, we free ourselves. We free ourselves from shame, from fear, and from circular mental traps. Remember, it is only the truth that will set us free.
The Pharisees full-out denied Jesus out of pride. It is easy to point the finger at them, but how often do we do the same thing?

What truth, may you need to admit, in that hard moment, even though it feels like it may kill you?

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” (Jo. 3:30)

Prayer: Father, forgive me of my pride. Give me the power to decrease so that you may increase. Just as Jesus died to Himself, help me. Just as Jesus laid down defenses, help me. Just as Jesus humbled himself, may I do the same. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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The Devil’s Primary Tactic

Blog Post title: The Devil’s Primary Tactic

Picture Adam and Eve…enjoying the love, the connectedness, the intimacy, the Voice and the beauty of God in the garden. What could have been better? The aroma of floral scents visiting them… The cool breeze of His love whisking over them… The sound of freedom regularly affirming who they were with Him… The wonder of His fruit at the ready. The fabulous connectedness of healthy family…

And then, the fall…
when they messed up…
and everything changed because it was all their fault…
and they saw what they did…
and hated their nakedness and ickiness…
and experienced a heavy weight of shame…
and tried to fix everything with their own hands…
to make everything better…
fashioning some fig leaves to cover over their mistake…
by protecting themselves…
by taking things into their own hands…
by hiding out from the One who would know how bad they were…
to stay out of His sight…
because He must be mad…
and because they knew they were bad, bad icky kiddies.

Shame is a primary tactic in the devil’s game. The confusion that comes in from sin tricks us. Then, it isolates us, driving us away from God, making us hate ourselves.

I can only write about this because I know about all this. Friends, I hate shame. I hate it!!!! It works like this: We mess up with a family member and then want to run away from them. We act how we don’t want to and then suppose God is angry at us. We remember that old sin we did long ago and think it is still making God angry at us. We remind ourselves how far from God we’ve been lately and determine the road is hard to get back to Him. We are angry at ourselves for how we acted and then want to punish ourselves to get better. We call ourselves names because we hate the sin we see. We judge our performance and try to make up ways to do better. We think we are not good enough, or we are too much and then judge ourselves.

What does shame look like in your life?

The devil uses shame to drive us away from His Name, The Name Above All Names. The devil insists we need to take things into our own hands because God will not be there for us anymore…

Yet, scripture tells us another story:

“Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.

But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News. The Good News has been preached all over the world, and I, Paul, have been appointed as God’s servant to proclaim it.” (Col. 1:22-23)

Friends, the only way to beat the devil at his own game is to believe in the power of His Name, Jesus! Jesus has transferred us from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. We are not striving to be in His love — we are already in it! Nothing can separate us from His love!

Now, it is so easy to repent of sin. We cast off what was and, immediately, move back into what is: we are holy, blameless, we stand before Him without a single fault.

Friends, nothing — no sin, no mess up, no mistake, no person — can separate us from His love!

Prayer: Father, thank you that we are not in shame anymore because we are in your love. Thank you for your son Jesus who saved us and is continually saving us. We are forever grateful. Help us to live by our new nature and not to revert back to our old nature. May we not return again to a yoke of slavery. We are loved, accepted, wanted, holy and blameless. We praise your name for all these things. We boldly come into your presence for all the grace and mercy we so desperately need. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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What The Enemy Can’t Stand

Standing in a hallway, I wanted to do what was right in God’s sight.

I remembered back a couple days ago…how I stated my opinion in a group meeting, how I stood for what I believed in, how I spoke up and used my voice. Did I come off too strong? Maybe. Plus, I sensed one man was not too happy with me. I didn’t agree with his opinion.

I knew he was only 20 feet away, in the room next to the hallway.

Wanting to do what was right, I stuck my head into the room and I said to him, “I just want to apologize if I came off strong the other day…”

He answered in a way that I did not expect, he said, “Absolutely, you did!!!! You are ___.” He called me a slur name and went on a short tirade.

Everything in me was shocked. I was apologizing and, now, everything was going sideways. The words he was speaking were shocking. What would I do now? I had to defend myself! I had to tell him what my heart was! I had to tell him that this is no way to talk to me, didn’t I?

“When they hurled their insults at him (Jesus), he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.” (1 Pet. 2:23)

Wanting to do what was right, wanting to trust my Savior to be my Defender, I took the insults…without speaking anything, but, “I am sorry”. I will tell you all — it wasn’t easy. I grabbed my two kids by hand, backed out of that room, and found refuge in a vacant room.

I started to cry. My sweet children heard it all and tended to my heart.

I felt so loved. God defended my tender spirit as I saw their outpouring love. It was a momma moment that was so precious. I got to tell them how I trust Jesus to defend me. They got to see that trust in action.

None of this is because I am so great; I am not. In fact, I probably was too overzealous in that initial meeting. In any case, I saw the man today, weeks later… As he passed by, I smiled and said hello.

My kids were with me. They asked, “Mommy, was it hard to do that?”

I said, “Yes, but I don’t want the enemy to win. And, if I am angry or resentful, the enemy wins.”

I hope my kids got the message, in reality — love is the only force the enemy can’t defeat; against love, the enemy can’t ever win.

Who might you be prone to argue against? What if you gave up your fight? What value is it adding anyway? What if you trusted God to fight on your behalf?

You know, I can’t help but think — we don’t fight against flesh and blood. We fight against a real-live enemy who is dead-set on luring us into bitterness, anger, rage, online quarrels, resentment and futility. We don’t have to take his bait.

I am not saying there is not a time that we don’t stand up for ourselves or use our voice (there most certainly is times God calls us to do this), but what I am saying is — we must remember: Love never fails. And, Jesus laid down His life for His friends.

Laying down can be hard to do, but loving others is always a winning game in God’s eyes.

Prayer: Father God, forgive me for being so easily offended. Forgive me for my anger. Forgive me for my sin. I am coming before you today, to humble myself in your sight. I want to be love, as you are love. I want to be gracious and kind, as you are towards me. Please give me all the grace I need today to let go of my rights and to find myself wholly loved, defended and cared for in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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