Purposeful Faith

Tag - faith

Three Ways to Keep our Eyes on God

good father

Yesterday, my husband and I were in the depths of great discussion about what God was doing. God was revealing some things we needed godly perspective on. He was giving us answers. He was moving. Yet, my eye kept wandering.


There was a bug on the wall.

It must be a stinkbug, I thought. I considered getting a paper towel to do what I always do, which is to grab it and to relocate it outside.

My husband continued to talk. Everything he was saying was important and life-giving for our family, but at the soonest pause in conversation, I hopped up. Instead of continuing to stay in the flow of what God was doing, I was distracted by a bug on the wall.

Completely losing track of what God was doing, I reached out with the paper towel to grab the bug, but…. ICK! It was not a stinkbug; it was a COCKROACH!!!

My skin started to crawl.
My heart started to race.
How many are in here?
How long have these things been in the house?
Why are the kids leaving popcorn crumbs on the floor?

Fear started to settle in. Leaving my bible on the table, I ran off to Amazon to buy traps. I returned back to inspect the walls. I threw blankets out of my way.

My husband grabbed the vacuum. Furniture was moved.

But, all of a sudden he switched off the hum of the cleaner and in silence he proclaimed, “Kelly, this is exactly how the devil works; he distracts us!”

And, wasn’t my husband right?

Deep devotion is easily stolen by random distraction.

How often are we in the heart of God and a phone rings. Or, we are in a mountain-moving prayer and a to-do list item comes to mind. Or, we are making real strides in journaling and our text messages ding and get the better of us? A doctor gives us a bad report and we lose all peaceful connection to God’s heart.

It’s one of the greatest ploys of the enemy. Distraction detours us and deters us from connection with God.

So, how do we combat it? Here are three ways:

1. Keep a journal close: Keep it next to you so you can write “things to do later” there. Instead of getting up and doing something else, emailing a person, buying something online — make a note so you can address it after you are done.

2. Bounce: When your mind starts to go off in a direction, don’t get angry at yourself, bounce your thoughts back to God and what He is saying.

3. Go higher: If you feel fear, worry or stress start to come on you, say to Satan, “Get behind me.” Then, go higher than the problem. Remember that God is bigger, higher, and stronger than any earthly worry that is hitting you.

“Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value].” (Col. 3:2)

Prayer: Father, give me a mind to stay with you. Keep me from evil and temptations that draw me away from your love and heart. I want you more than anything else in life. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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When You are Waiting on God

Riding in the car, flustered, I called out to God, “Why, God, why? Why does it seem there is a hold back to my life? Why are the dreams of my heart not yet happening? Why have I asked but not received? Why don’t you give me what I need? You own everything!”

I launched out some prayerful questions and let them hang in the air, and then mindlessly continued to drive. My mind trailed off…

Soon, I was thinking of my kids… Frankly, when they ask for anything my first instinct is to give it to them! You want ice cream? Of course. You love that new toy? I’ll get it for you. You want to go somewhere today? I’ll take you there.

My first instinct is to give everything.

Then it hit me — God’s first instinct is to give me everything. He wants to give. He loves to give even more than I do!

“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Mt. 7:11)

Yet, there are only two reasons I hold back from my kids:

1. Because I have something better for them later than what they want now.
For instance: I may not buy them a pack of candy at the store, because I baked them a whole key lime pie, with whipped cream on the top, for them to enjoy later.

2. Because my “no” now paves a way for them to receive a million better yeses later.
For example: I may take away tv or video games until they learn the attitude of gratitude, because I know it is that very attitude that will open job opportunities, friendships, connections, doorways and blessings that will far surpass a momentary game.

God wants to give to us not just what is best for our “now”, but rather, what is best for the million little opportunities he has set up on the road called “life”. God, in all-knowing power, is willing to sacrifice short-term happiness for long-term, sustained gain. Why? Because: 1. He loves us that much. 2. He wants us to partake in a full-fledged buffet, more than a measly snack 3. He is developing character that can carry what He wants to give.

Waiting is preparing us to walk in His greater glory, His greater gifts, with the right attitude, in a way that He gets all the glory. God’s timing is perfect.

Prayer: Father, I admit to you, sometimes I don’t understand. Sometimes I can’t comprehend why things happen as they do, however I trust you. I trust your timing. I trust your teaching. I trust your leading. I trust your power at work in my waiting. I ask you to help me to lean on you in the gap of what I want and what I have not yet seen. You are working there. You are not done yet. I ask you to come and complete the good work that you have begun in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Through the Fight, Take Flight

rest now

Are you in the fight of your life right now? Are you facing something you can’t bear? Is it hard to access wisdom because the weight is too much?

Maybe a boss is so demeaning and demanding you can’t sleep; you lost your job; your child is acting out; your past keeps coming back to haunt you; your health is deteriorating before your eyes… What is detracting joy, peace, and life?

Some of you may be turning to God in your situation and asking, Why God, why?”

Why is this happening to me? Why is the fight so hard? Why is there so much agony, so much war, so much difficulty? Why does it have to be this way?

You know, I can’t help but think of a caterpillar in a cocoon. It must fight the barrier of the cocoon before it has enough strength to actually lift off and take flight. It is the strength gained in the fight, that allows it to take flight. Only then, can it fly, like never before.

Friends, sometimes a fight is what makes us take flight.

Think of Peter, in the bible. A horrible, violent wind came up against his boat. Battering waves raged high and strong. Not only was his whole trip at risk, but so was his life. Would he make it? Suddenly, a figure emerged and he and the disciples proclaimed, “A ghost!”

But Jesus was quick to comfort them. “Courage, it’s me. Don’t be afraid.” Peter, suddenly bold, said, “Master, if it’s really you, call me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come ahead.” (Mt. 14:27-30 MSG)

Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus…

Peter, in the midst of the fight of the storm, was provoked to take new flight. He knew — safer was he with Jesus, than alone in a rocky, stomach-sickening boat. So, stepping out of that vessel of death, Peter, in a fight of courage, took flight to walk on water.

Sometimes it is the storms we hate that become the encounters with God we soon love. They are what push us out…and into His arms. They are the pressure that causes us to do a new thing… They are the need for change that changes us and make us to fall on our knees to call out for fresh faith.

Friends, what God permitted to touch us won’t kill us, it will only drive us deeper into the arms of a loving God who wants to help us…if we let him.

Will we trust Him?

The fight is not meant to kill you; it is meant to launch you into greater faith, a supernatural life, greater meaning, stronger resolve, and larger capacity to thrive, no matter what the world throws at you. The fire isn’t there to burn you; the fire is there to get under you and to make you take flight, like a rocket ship.

Be encouraged.

The heat, the pressure, the fight — if you yield to it, it will drive you higher, deeper and wider into the depths of God’s love. You aren’t getting burned, you are getting launched higher into His love, grace and power. Trust Him. He has this!

Prayer: Father God, some days, I don’t know how I am going to make it. It is so hard. Father? Please give me the grace and power to come to you. Let me not look for ways to dull or to numb my pain, but let me bring every grain of what I am experiencing to your throne. At your throne is all the grace and mercy that I so desperately need. Today, I bring what ails, troubles and disturbs me and I leave it with you. Will you handle it today? Will you carry this for me? Show me what you want me to do and how you want me to go. I want to honor you in all my ways. I trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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When Communication Goes Wrong

we all want

My daughter said something that I couldn’t entirely make out from the front seat of the car. Still, I knew where she was going with this whole line of thinking. She’d talked like this 100 times, so I instinctively blurted out, “Don’t even think about doing that!”

Suddenly, there was silence. And more silence. I glanced in the rearview mirror to see what was going on. It was then, when I saw her destroyed face, that I knew I did something horribly wrong…

“Mom, did you even hear what I said?” she asked.

“Umm…” I muttered.

My heart sank. An assumption in my mind effectively trampled the goodness flowing out of her heart. She didn’t say something wrong; she was saying something good.

I’m horrible.

I’m learning that when assumption or presumption direct my conversation, it usually leads to contention. I have been guilty of this with my husband, too.

Especially, when I say things like:

You always…
You never…
I know he will…

Negative declarations over my husband, set me up to walk in presumption and assumption. Rather than giving my husband the benefit of the doubt and space to do a new thing, I put faith in an expected outcome, and offer him no space to try out a new thing. All this furthers offense and solidifies negative patterns.

We butt heads. Old cycles continue, on repeat. We both are on edge.

Ever been there? Maybe your husband does that to you. I know it hurts.

In the bible, the Pharisees were fast assumption-makers about Jesus when he cast out a demon.

“. . . they said . . . “it is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.” But Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” (Mt. 12:24-25)

To assume and presume is to fill the supernatural gap where God wants to move with our own naturally-minded nonsense. It’s like bridging a gap with icky gum, rather than allowing God to construct his bridge of solid rock, so we can effectively cross over into a new way of being and going.

Carnally-minded, non-grace giving words, tear down not only things of the Lord and passages to new ways of going, but also, our very own houses.

“A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.” (Prov. 14:1)

God shows us another way to breakthrough:
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” (Eph. 4:29)

What would it look like for you to extend grace before the recipient even deserves it? How might that change the face of your relationship?

If you want more wisdom, strength and practical help for your marriage, join the “Help My Marriage Workshop” this Thursday (tomorrow), December 14th live or via recording.

Gain strength for your marriage, as well as:
1. Practical strategies to believe God when everything looks dark and dim.
2. Breakthrough testimonies and stories to help you persevere.
3. Prayer strategy that defeats the devil’s schemes.
4. Ways to set up boundaries that safeguard your heart and your children.
5. Prayer and encouragement.

Sign up today.

Prayer: Father, I repent of believing lies. Help me to see those around me through your eyes of love. Let me believe the best, instead of rashly thinking the worst. Give me grace to have hope in every relationship. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

5 Ways We Hinder our Prayers

Have you ever had a stopped-up shower? Ick! Or, even worse, have you ever had a stopped-up toilet? It is the absolute worst. The other day, my husband had to go out and buy a plunger because our toilet was about to explode with stuff you don’t want me to describe. The pipe was clogged, and — let me just tell you, to put it nicely, things needed to flow (somewhere else)!

Just as things could not flow where they needed to because they were hindered by toilet paper, did you know that our prayers can be hindered too? Stopped up? Thwarted?

When this happens, it can create a horrible stop-up in our life. The painful things that need to clear out, just don’t. What we want to be over and done with, sticks around. What stinks, stays.

Might your prayers be hindered or blocked?

There are 5 things that can block or stop our prayers. The 5 hindrances are:

1. We turn away from doing what is right and, instead, do what is evil, without confessing our sins.

If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. (Ps. 66:18)
*Iniquity means: wickedness or sin

If one turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination. (Prov. 28:9)

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayer. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” (1 Pet. 3:12)

2. We do not extend compassion and grace to others.

In the same way you married men should live considerately with [your wives], with an intelligent recognition [of the marriage relation], honoring the woman as [physically] the weaker, but [realizing that you] are joint heirs of the grace (God’s unmerited favor) of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered … (1 Pet. 3:7)

While I know this verse is directed towards husbands, women are equally called to remember we are joint-heirs of grace and to extend that grace accordingly. To be angry and bitter, I believe, impacts a lot in our spiritual life.

3. We ask with selfish ambition or from soulish self-centered motives.

You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. (Ja. 4:3)
And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. (1 Jo. 5:14)

4. We ask without confidence in Him and without faith that He will do what we asked Him to do.

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. (Jo. 15:7)

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” (Mt. 21:22)

“And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mk. 11:22-24)

5. We do not forgive others.

“And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” (Mk. 11:25)

What might be blocking you? Friends, the first place to start is repentance. Tell God, you are sorry. By doing this, you will find the flow is opened up once again. You will unblock the pipe. You will permit God to do what He so desires to do: help you!

Absolutely, the grace of God is enough to cover our mistakes, but if we willfully want to go our own way, God doesn’t pin us to the ground and force us to go His way. He is kind, patient and slow to anger.

In the past, I have thought the issue was God. I’d ask, “Where is He? Why hasn’t He shown up?”

Later, would come a day when I’d fall on my knees and realize the pride of me, kept me from the love of Him. I had inadvertently blocked His help. I had stopped His miraculous help!

If you are in this sort of place, where nothing is happening, may I encourage you? Turn towards your Father and clear out any hinderances. He loves you. He has good gifts for you. He wants to help you. He wants to give to you. Just as I want to give amazing Christmas gifts to my kids, He wants to give to you, too!

Unblock the flow!

Prayer: Father, give us clean hands and a pure heart. Show us if there is any wrong way within us. Forgive us for anything we may have done against you. Lead us to you — to the Good Shepherd, to our Defender and to our Provider. Hear our prayer and give us your peace. Hear the cry of our heart and answer us today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

P.S. The “Help My Marriage Workshop” is next Thursday, December 14. You can also access it by recording. Register here.

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Dealing with a Frustrating Spouse

A premarital counselor once talked to me about marriage…

He said, “Have you ever considered how each spouse thinks they load the dishes into the dishwasher the ‘right way’? It is right because it is what they know and it is what they learned. Their way is right. The other way is wrong.”

How we grew up — is right.
How we learned to think about things — is right.
How we process or communicate things — is right.

But, is our way the absolute right way, or can dishes (or thoughts, communication, and habits) have different variations?

This is often the rub in marriage. No one wants to change. Both are set on their own way.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting people to change. Insanity repeats the same words, does the same thing (because it seems right), and is horribly aggravated when patterns remain the same.

Insanity makes one angry and bitter.

What about you? Are you angry? Do you feel bitter inside? Are you repeating patterns? Do you try to do what is right, yet find yourself in communication battles that go all wrong?  Is your spouse driving you nuts?

Dissension and frustration make one raise walls of self-protection that hinder deep connection.

Scripture says, “A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city and quarreling is like the bars of a castle.” (Prov. 18:19)

Surely, we can break these patterns and relational triggers. While we can’t force our spouse’s walls down or their heart to change, we can manage our own heart, reactions, and words. And, by doing this, effect a ton of change. We are not powerless. We have power to preserve peace, to communicate with power, and to find radical joy even when the going is extremely tough.

Peace can be found through our actions and thoughts, even if theirs never change.

I am holding a “Help, for my Marriage (& Family Relationships)” Workshop. I want to invite you. Not only will this workshop support you, but it will help keep Purposeful Faith strong and going. Spouses are welcome to come, but not required at all to attend.

The Help, for My Marriage (& Family Relationships)” Workshop will include:

1. Detailed ways to walk in wisdom in a hard situation.
2. Strength that helps you stay hidden in Christ and wise in words.
3. Practical strategies to believe God when everything looks dark and dim.
4. Breakthrough testimonies and stories.
5. Prayer strategy that defeats the devil’s schemes.
6. Ways to set up boundaries that safeguard your heart and your children.
7. Prayer and encouragement.

Friends, the devil would love for you to think your marriage (and family relationships) are over. I say, they have only yet begun!

The best is yet ahead!
Register here: “Help, for my Marriage (& Family Relationships)” Workshop
December 14, 2023 at 6:00 ET via Zoom.
*Recording available.

Don’t give up faith.

Register today.

Prayer: Father, I thank you that you have all that I need for righteousness and godliness in Christ Jesus. Father, I thank you that I am not waiting for others in order to have life, and life more abundantly — but that I already have it now. I ask you to empower me to change what I can change and to give me the grace to let go of what I cannot change. Empower me with love. In Jesus’ name.

Subscribe for all Purposeful Faith blog posts by email – click here.


Help for Marriages!

My phone rang. It was an unknown number. I only picked it up because I felt an inner prompt to answer the call. Before I did, a strange sense of overwhelming love washed over me. It was directed towards the person on the other end of the call. The only thing was…I hadn’t even talked with them yet.

I answered. They wanted to schedule my kids for an orthodontic appointment at a local office. I didn’t need that. I already had an orthodontist to handle my kids. Before I knew it, I told the lady on the line that I didn’t need those services at all. I forgot about the overwhelming love I felt right before the call, until I hung up the phone. Then, I remembered how God had prompted me to answer the call and then filled me with overwhelming love.

I dialed the phone number back.

“Uh… I’m looking for the lady who called me,” I said.

“Who is that?” the operator asked me.

“I have no idea,” I replied. “She called me just a minute ago.”

“Hold on.”

Before I knew it, the woman I originally talked to was back on the phone. I told her how I felt God’s love for her. I asked her if she needed prayer. She said she did…

“The problem is my marriage. I don’t know if it is going to last,” she conveyed.

I prayed. She cried. I encouraged her, saying that we cannot look on day #2 and know what resurrection life power God has planned to bring on day #3.

“He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said.” (1 Cor. 15:4)

Can you even imagine how bad things looked when Jesus went into the tomb? But, in just 3 days the whole story was going to change.

Friends, there have been days where I’ve been convinced my marriage is over. Where I’ve thought it’s dead, only to experience the next day — Jesus’ resurrection power!

All this to say: Don’t give up. Don’t give in.

Nothing is ever over with the power of Jesus behind it.

On my heart, I feel the desire to equip the saints to stand for service. This hour, the enemy is coming like a flood, but we are to raise up a standard.

I am holding a “Help, for my Marriage” Workshop. I want to invite you. Not only will this workshop support you, but it will help keep Purposeful Faith alive and going, as there have been some hosting charges that have popped up, recently.

The “Help, for My Marriage” Workshop (which will also help with other difficult family relationships, too) will include:

1. Detailed ways to walk in wisdom in a hard situation.
2. Strength that helps you stay hidden in Christ and wise in words.
3. Practical strategies to believe God when everything looks dark and dim.
4. Breakthrough testimonies and stories.
5. Prayer strategy that defeats the devil’s schemes.
6. Ways to set up boundaries that safeguard your heart and your children.
7. Prayer and encouragement.

Friends, the devil would love for you to think your marriage (and family relationships) are over. I say, they have only yet begun! The best is yet ahead!

Register here: “Help, for my Marriage” Workshop
December 14, 2023 at 6:00 ET via Zoom.
*Recording available.

You do not need a spouse to attend; this session is meant for you and it will help you. Don’t give up faith.

Prayer: Father, you are the Creator of all things! Create something new in my family relationships. I ask for the resurrection life power of Jesus to heal every relationship that needs healing. Help me to take responsibility for me. Help me to do things a new way. May I release all that I cannot change. And, most of all, may I trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Subscribe for all Purposeful Faith blog posts by email – click here.

Thanks Welcomes More of God

“Thank you, mommy.”

Oh my goodness, my friends, every time my kids say these three simple words, it blesses me wildly. Usually in a case like this, I find myself in the middle of a parking lot, holding a load of grocery bags, but everything in me wants to drop everything to hug the living daylights out of them.

Always, my heart cries out something like:

God, thank you!!! My kids see my heart for them. They know my love. They recognize how much I want to give them the very best. They appreciate my heart to provide them simple pleasures. They have moved my heart.

And, I can’t help but think, today… just as their thanks moved my heart, my thanks moves God’s heart.

Just as I want to do a little happy-dance due to my kids’ thankful heart, I wonder if God feels the same way? Just as my children appreciate sacrifice and it moves me to embrace them in love, does my thanks move God to want to embrace me, too? Just as I overflow with the desire to give my kids even more after they give thanks, does God want to pour out more on me, also?

This could be! Scripture says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:6-7)

We pray away harm, while we thank God for who He is and guess what happens? He gives peace. We petition for God’s protection and we end up with a God-embrace that guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Friends, “thanks” is not only a nice thing we do and say, but it is a weapon of spiritual warfare. Thanks is not only a spiritual weapon, but it is protection. It mounts guard over our heart and mind. Thanks is not only something God asks us to do, but it is an important component of prayer that works. Thanks gives us power to move forward with peace that causes us to think straight, that empowers wise decisions, and that yields wise reactions.

This Thanksgiving, don’t let thanks end after Thursday. Let it reign in your heart. Thank God for who He is, what He has done and what He will do, thanks to His faithfulness. Thank Him for all He has saved you from. Thank Him for His son. Thank Him for the ways He has helped your families.

Thank Him for saving your life.

Prayer: Father, you have given me so many good gifts in my life. I thank you always take care of me. I thank you that you know every detail of what you are doing with my life. I see a string that doesn’t always make sense, but you know exactly how you are weaving that tapestry into something beautiful. I trust you. I thank you, Father, that who you are is worthy of all my trust. I give that to you today. I thank you for saving me and for loving me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

P.S. It’s not too late to get a copy of the “Faith Workshop” recording. If you need faith now or you want to trust God more, sign up to get the recorded version. Those who attended found it “inspiring”, “freeing” and “encouraging.” Stand firm in faith and peace. Discover why we go through hard times. Receive encouragement and hope. To watch the recording, click here.

*Subscribe for all Purposeful Faith blog posts by email – click here.

Know, God Won’t Fail You

Driving, I found myself amazed at the weirdest thing!

I know it sounds odd, friends, but isn’t it incredible that highway overpasses actually work? Think of it…three cars can drive directly above us, and yet, the overhead structures never collapse. They don’t buckle under the pressure. Even more, we have no fear of driving under them. We never think twice about their collapse. We know these overhead bridges are sturdy.

But, do we know God’s love is sturdy? Do we know His faithfulness is sturdy? Or, do we trust a bridge to be more faithful than our God?

“He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” (Ps. 91:4 NLT)

God’s promises keep and protect us; they are far more sturdy than any natural thing we rely on to keep safe.

Do we really trust God? Some of us are traveling down roads, yet we are turning back in fear, in doubt and in double-mindedness thinking that God’s way, God’s road, and God’s promises won’t work for us.

If that is you, this Thursday evening is an event you must attend!

I am having a 1-night workshop called, “Stand Strong in Faith — in the Gap of Not-Yet-Answered Prayers & Extremely Hard Times”.

During this workshop, we will:
1. Find practical tips and encouragement to stand strong in faith.
2. Ditch debilitating fear, doubt and worry; learn 3 practical ways to stand strong.
3. Regain trust in a God who is always-faithful.
4. Gain support and empathy from sisters who understand.
5. Pray for one another, as we trust the God who hears us.

Join me for a night of refreshment, encouragement and grace-giving empowerment.

Register here: “Stand Strong in Faith” Workshop
November 16, 2023 at 6:00 ET via Zoom.
*Recording available.

Lately, I have been in awe of God. God IS answering so many prayers. Children are finding joy again. Job provision is coming in. Healing is showing up for people. I want to pray for you. I believe God will move powerfully on releasing fresh hope and that He will also show up on our prayers for one another during this call, too. I’m excited!

Let’s join hands together and find refreshment in the Lord!


“Kelly is a great encourager! Her greatest desire is that you should know who the Lord created you to be and who you are as a daughter.” – M.R.

“Kelly brought light into my very dark world by demonstrating what the true love of Jesus looks like!” – D.P.

“Kelly’s “realness”, no matter the cost has helped liberate me from all the masks I carried. Christ uses her to powerfully deliver freedom in every conversation.” – S.A.

Register today: “Stand Strong in Faith” Workshop

Even better, gift a friend in need with this session. It will change their life.

*Subscribe for all Purposeful Faith blog posts by email – click here.


Seeing Through Eyes of Faith

I sat on my friend’s floor, coiling a long telephone cord around my stubby index finger.

A high school boy had not called her back after she had tried calling him multiple times. I was interested to see how another person, rejected like me, would handle things. It felt good, in that moment to know that I was not alone. She was hurting too now. Misery loves company.

But, she didn’t indulge me how I wanted…her response threw me off. Rather than saying, like I would, “There must be something wrong with me,” she said, “Oh, he’s probably busy and will call me later.”

That surprised me. It wasn’t all her fault.

She didn’t believe the worst about herself…
She didn’t blame herself…
She didn’t think she was flawed…

Instead, she gave the guy the benefit of the doubt. She hoped the best and believed the best for him and herself.

And because of that, she side-stepped all the self-blame, self-hatred, and burdening personalization that I so shamefully and easily walked in.

How was it so easy for her to escape all that?

As she saw it, there was nothing wrong with her, but for me? It was all — ALL my fault.

I wonder if any of you are like me? How often do we personalize what likely has nothing to do with us, thereby heaping pain and self-blame on ourselves?

How often do we decide our kids’ walk is our fault? Our marriage is our fault? Our situation is our fault? People’s responses are our fault?

“Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].” (1 Cor 13:7)

We are to love ourselves. Do you doubt that?

God tells us to “love others as we love ourselves”, therefore, we are to:

1. Believe the best about ourselves
2. Hope there is a good future for ourselves
3. Endure up under ourselves with belief even in the face of our flaws.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Heb. 11:1)

Faith is all about what we hope for.

If we have no hope, we have no faith. If we have no faith, we turn off the faucet flow of the greater things God can and will do for us.

My friend had hope; I had none.

It’s no wonder I got an eating disorder and was ready to die. Without hope, all life dies. Faith can generate nothing new and life-giving.

But, in us, my friends, we have Jesus, the hope of glory! Which means there is always hope! There is always resurrection life power. There is always a new way!

A weekend ago, I spoke at a church, where Jesus came with radical power to heal people of sickness, mental illness, and pain. I have never seen anything like it. The women’s faith believed in the hand of a Saving God! And He came!

If He did it for them, He will do it for you! Have faith that what God has for others could also be for the likes of you, too!

Prayer: Father, you are great. You are mighty. You are able. You are maker. You have good things in store for those who love you. I cast off me for the receiving of you. I let go of what I am not, for the faith that you are bigger than me and my mistakes. I trust you. Life is not about me, but it is for the glory of you! So, today I lean on you and trust in you! You make all things new. You have things in store for me. You have good for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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