Rushed. Pressured. Little time. Ever experienced being under the gun?
People. Distractions. Problems. Does it seem like there’s no way for you?
Right now, I am in a coffee shop, trying to write the devotional that you will read tomorrow… It is noisy; I can’t think. People came up to me; they wanted to talk. I couldn’t pull away. Now, I have no time left to write. I need to leave soon. I can’t, not under these conditions. I can’t work for Jesus, like this. There’s every reason why I should — quit.
There is every rationalization as to why lack will hold me back.
What lack are you experiencing? No time? No money? No way? No people who understand? No resources?
As I sit here, I can’t help but think: Jesus didn’t quit. No. He kept walking with that cross. He kept His eye on the prize. He kept going, even though many of his close friends, the disciples, abandoned him. Even though those He loved, abandoned Him. Even though He was wrongly accused. Even though He went down a torturous, hard road…
Still. Jesus moved.
Jesus walked.
Jesus went.
Jesus loved.
Jesus persevered.
Jesus triumphed.
The many-million reasons why Jesus couldn’t did not ruin the will of the Father, letting Him know: He could.
If Jesus persisted in love, with all the offenses of man all up in His face, can’t I — persist.
Actually…I think I just did. This is nearly the end of the blog post. I persisted in moving my fingers — and God completed the work.
And, you will persist too — because God is equipping you, enabling you and energizing you in all His ways. He will give you strength, no matter what lack you face. It doesn’t matter.
Keep loving.
Keep walking.
Keep praising.
Keep worshipping.
Keep going.
God is for you and helping you.
My prayer for you: “May He grant you out of the riches of His glory, to be strengthened and spiritually energized with power through His Spirit in your inner self, [indwelling your innermost being and personality], so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through your faith.” (Eph. 3:16-17 AMP)
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