Sometimes when I get really doubtful, I ask myself, “Am I really a Christian? Does Jesus really live inside my heart? What if I think I believe, but don’t believe enough?”
I get afraid that I am not saved.
Do you ever feel this way? That you might be an inch short of His saving glory and power? That you are outside of his love?
When I feel this way, I do three things:
1. I observe: If I question whether I’m saved, it’s a very good sign that I am. One who loves God wants every confirmation that they get to be with Him. All they desire is to know they are His and He is theirs. This is a good sign.
But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father–Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. (1 Jo. 2:1)
2. Remember that Jesus advocates for me. I don’t have to defend my faith and prove I am faithful enough. I simply trust Jesus to advocate for me in heaven. He is the jury and his defense is solid; it is the blood poured out on the cross. It even covers my doubts.
3. I do a fruit-finding activity.
Jesus said, they will know us by our fruits. (Mt. 7:16)
I ask myself, “What are my fruits, since I’ve found Jesus?”
Fruit: I have greater love inside my heart for others.
Fruit: I am more patient with myself as I grow in Christ.
Fruit: I find increasingly more joy in spending time with God.
Fruit: I desire to pray often. By doing so, I am dying to myself and coming alive to Christ.
Fruit: I am kinder to others and not as quick to judge.
Fruit: I would do anything for Jesus.
What about you?
Fill in your fruits here:
Fruit: __
Fruit: __
Fruit: __
Celebrate how you are: in Christ.
And if you can’t come up with fruit, then invite Jesus to live in your heart today. Tell Him:
Jesus, I abandon everything to be with you and to live for you. Thank you for suffering and dying on my behalf. I want your life to be my life. I want you to fill me with your Spirit. I want to be wholeheartedly united with you and to surrender my whole life to you today.
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I’m thrilled to be your first linkup today! I’ve never filled this role. Wondering if I get a tiara or anything? Ba ha ha! Thanks for providing this space for us girls… and a few guys. I want you to know that I value the time and effort you spend on setting it up. I’m praying that God refreshes and renews your heart as you’ve been in such a strong season of flowing out, may He flow in to OVERflowing. Asking Daddy to increase the reach of your writing, especially that book of yours. Have an awesome week!
~Sherry Stahl
Thanks for this encouragement to celebrate the slow but sure fruit developing within us! Blessings on your writing and ministry, friend.
Fruit-finding. What a great way to check in with yourself for some accountability. I am going to explore this more. Thank you so much.
What a great way to check ourselves! Good reminder today!
I rarely question whether I am saved, I believe that with all my heart and soul. God promised it. However, I do wonder about the fruits and have I done enough. This was a great post to help one think through so when someone asks, “How do you know you are saved?” you have a better answer than, “I just do.”
No I don’t ever wonder… I know I am absolutely saved, but I do keep short accounts with the Lord & allow Him to show me where He wants to work through developing more fruitfulness in me.
Thank you for hosting,
I think that is just the enemy accusing. I had that problem though I new I was saved. The words eternal life should diminish that argument.
My husband always says that no amount of good works (fruit) can save us. But fruit should flow out of a heart that has been changed by the gospel. On the other hand, there are some who “prayed a prayer” once, but who continue living life the way they always have with no fruit and no desire to change. We can never fully know someone else’s heart and fruit grows at different rates in everyone so we must be careful when looking at someone else’s life. But we should examine our own lives, especially if we have those nagging doubts. Thanks for a post that can help us do just that!
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Kelly – Yes! It’s all about the fruit! What a great practical step for us all to implement when the enemy comes in to whisper the lies, it’s all about the fruit. 🙂 thanks for hosting the linkup and being a constant source of encouragement for us.
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