I was in the store. I looked left and I looked right. I winked at my co-conspirator. I knew what I was going to do was wrong. Real wrong. But, I wanted to follow through. I wanted the thrill, the goods and the joy of her knowing I could do this. I grabbed the shirt and ducked in the dressing room.
Guilt followed me.
Is there something you’re doing behind the curtain?
Is there something you know you shouldn’t do,
but feel inclined to do anyway?
What is done in secret is still seen by God.
Ouch! That hurts right? The reality is, we don’t want to stop. We want to keep going because the idea of approaching it the right way feels too difficult, emotional or vulnerable. It is hard to stop what you already have going, what you’ve already invested in. Stopping sin, sometimes feels like stopping a freight train going 100 miles an hour with your bare hand.
Just this morning, I wanted to approach something the easy way. There was a clear-cut solution to a difficult problem. I saw a direct path; it was wrong. I convinced myself it wasn’t really wrong. I counted up the ways, it could be right. I negotiated with my holy side – God can make a little allowance for this one.
God didn’t agree. He gave no peace.
“Just this once, God?”
When I try to grant permission to the wrong way,
I miss seeing God’s way –
finding the reward at the end of the path called, “faith.”
“And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Heb. 11:6
Faith is believing in God so much, you do the right thing. It is deciding it is hard, but determining he will take care of you. It is believing that even without the thrill, he’ll thrill your heart. It is believing, even if you have to do it the long way, he’ll give shortcuts. It is believing, pain in the making is all about the new God is creating.
You can go the right way because God’s way always treats you right.
Provider will provide.
Lover will love.
Helper will help.
Guider will guide.
Creator will create opportunities.
Healer will heal.
When you open yourself up to God’s will pushing from behind you,
his new life-giving way opens up before you.
Will you believe by faith so you don’t walk fretting bad decisions?
Certainly, the result of one who walks by faith is being near to God. But, the lengths of God’s blessings don’t stop there, friends, he goes beyond this. He says he “rewards” the person who seeks him.
When you walk in obedience, by faith, he rewards in abundance – that very faith.
Imagine that?! What you want, will be greater, if by faith, you let him give it to you.
Fear not.
Strive not.
Lust not.
Drink not.
Compare not.
Want not.
Steal not.
Lie not.
Worry not.
God has the best gift waiting for you.
“Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean…” (Heb 10:22)
Let nothing come between you and the giver and sustainer of life. He has what you need. He is what you need. So,drop all that holds you back and walk towards him, unhindered, into all that he is ready to give you.
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Related Reading:
Sometimes, Failing Precedes Blessings
How to Really Fight Back using the Sword of the Spirit