We’ve probably all witnessed this sort of person… They walk around the house, saying, “Now, where did I put those glasses of mine?”
Little do they know, the glasses they search for are on their head.
I’m the same way sometimes, I search all over the house saying, “Now, where did I put that cell phone?” Aggravation mounts as I go. I flip covers over. I dig into cabinets. I huff and puff.
Fifteen minutes later, I find my phone in my back pocket. What I was searching for, I had all along.
Many of us, in these days, as love runs colder and colder and as offense explodes stronger and stronger — may feel troubled. Troubled by how people are treating us, agitated by what is happening around us, disturbed by problems mounting on us, intimidated by an enemy that won’t stop coming at us, and afraid of all that might happen to us.
This leaves us asking, “What has happened to our peace? Where has it gone?”
Yet, what if what we thought we lost, we’ve had all along?
Jesus said…
“Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled.]” (Jo. 14:27 AMPC)
Friends, just like glasses on our head or a phone already in our back pocket…Jesus has already left us peace. It is ours. We own it. We have it. We walk in it. We talk in it. It is in us.
So, what gives?
Dear ones, it is not happenings that separate us from peace; it is our belief that happenings separate us from it. Which will we believe — that Jesus has given us peace that we can keep, or that everyone and everything has power to take it away?
When we see ourselves as immovable in His peace and love we will not be moved. Say not today, “where has my peace gone?”, but instead say, “Thank you Father, that Jesus has given me peace. I receive it and will walk in it today, by His grace.”
Then, when problems come, wholly lean on the Prince of Peace, through prayer, to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Believe that His peace is coming to you!
Without faith it is impossible to please God. (Heb 11:6)
Prayer: Father God, I ask that you increase my understanding and conception of the Peace of God within me. I thank you for this peace Jesus has given me. I am anxious for nothing. Instead, I pray to you and thank you for the peace of God that transcends all understanding. May it guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus as I receive it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.