You are a daughter. A daughter of the King of Kings. A daughter of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. A daughter of the One and Only.
For what seems to me to be an odd thing to do, I’ve always taken inventory of daughters. I’ve seen daughters of CEO’s. Their dads groom them from day #1 to take over. My friend in high school — her dad would pick her up and bring her to my favorite store then, South Moon Under and buy her all new summer clothes. Then, there was the dad who took his daughter on summer trips — far and wide they’d go to the far reaches of the world. The dad who is a pastor and for His daughter, sends her message out to the world in a super-generous way. The dad who rants about his daughter like she is the only light in his world. . .
Dads go far lengths for daughters. . .
They give their best for daughters. . .
There is no gift they withhold for “her” whom he loves. . .
Good dads give.
Father gave His son,
then, Jesus gave His life,
to make us daughters. . .
beloved daughters,
chosen daughters,
wanted daughters.
Being a daughter changes everything.
“You’re sons of Light, daughters of Day. We live under wide open skies and know where we stand. ” (1 Thess. 5:5 MSG)
Daughters dance in freedom because they know where they stand.
Their Father God just loves them. And loves them, no matter what.
In this, they don’t need to prove. Over-try. Try to make something out of nothing. Prove through acts of service they are good. Get angry at themselves when they fall and skin a knee.
The good dad picks them up and loves them again. Even when they acted bad. Even when for a time, they left the dad. Even when for a time, they were ungracious. Even when they couldn’t see their own faults. Why? Good dads love daughters. They want them.
What God put together, no man can separate.
Love poured out and there is no taking it back. Father wanted us as daughters and it is done. No power of hell, no scheme of man, no thought, no word, no place, no person, no thing is “able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Ro. 8:39)
Do you live like a permanent daughter of the Most High King?
Daughters rest in love.
They understand God is working.
They lean into His love.
They accept His help in a time of need.
They are okay not having all the answers.
They understand they’re getting taken care of.
They do not wonder if they’re good (The righteousness of Jesus now made them good).
They make peace with the confessed-past that Daddy doesn’t consider anymore.
They dance under the open-sky.
They rejoice because they are forever-loved.
They aren’t afraid of mistakes that lead to learning.
They are loved. You are loved.
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