Purposeful Faith

Are You Suffering Alone?

Are you suffering alone?

A moment ago, I wiped a tear from my eye. Dear friends, it feels like I suffer alone today.

Maybe some of you, like me, suffer alone today. Maybe you suffer alone because you desperately hope a family member will change, but day after day they do not change. Maybe you suffer alone because you are always lonely. Maybe you suffer alone because your spouse is physically or emotionally missing. Maybe you suffer alone because your BIG hope only belongs to you and you alone; no one understands how you could believe that way. Maybe you suffer alone because no one can relate to that immense pain you feel.

There you are, alone. Like Jesus…

In the garden, Jesus told the disciples, “My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”
He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”
Then he returned to the disciples and found them asleep. He said to Peter, “Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour? Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!”
Then Jesus left them a second time and prayed, “My Father! If this cup cannot be taken away[f] unless I drink it, your will be done.” When he returned to them again, he found them sleeping, for they couldn’t keep their eyes open.” (Mt. 26:37-43)
Jesus requested that his disciples enter in to this moment with Him. He wanted them to be present with Him. He requested their prayer. He wanted His friends to watch.

Yet, they fell asleep and Jesus was left all alone.

My friend, if this is you, I want to encourage you: Jesus understands. He knows what it is to walk through the garden of agony without a present friend in sight. He knows what it is to pray from depths that most souls can’t call out from. He knows what it’s like to feel all alone in an hour of need.

And make no mistake, from that heart of compassion, Jesus is there for you today.

He empathizes with your plight:
“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses…” (Heb. 4:15)

He has compassion for the harassed, helpless, and Shepherdless:
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Mt. 9:36)*

He does not leave you, but keeps tabs on your every way:
You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. (Ps. 139:3)

Man may have left you, but Jesus has not. God is with you. Holy Spirit is inside you. Although it may feel like it, you, my dear friend are never, ever alone.

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Ps. 23:4)

Prayer: Father, I thank you that you are familiar with my every way. I thank you that you know exactly what is happening in my life. I thank you that you fear nothing that I face. Because you have the whole world in your hands, certainly you can handle my problem. I call out to you today like Jesus did in the garden and I ask that the cup I face can pass. But even if it doesn’t right now, still I will praise your Holy Name! Worthy is the Lamb who never leaves me. Glory to the Name above all Names, who always helps me. Praise be to the King of Kings, who rules above all things. I know you are with me and have the very best plan in mind. I trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

*While this verse does seem to be directed to unbelievers, I believe, even as believers, we can feel Shepherdless at times. God has compassion not only for unbelievers, but also for His children.

P.S. Send me any prayer breakthroughs from last week (I have found a resource that is a God  -send!). God is most certainly on the move! Sometimes the oven has to heat up, before the bread comes out — fully baked. But, make no mistake, the Lord has heard our prayers and we will taste of His goodness and providence. Keep strong, my friends and trust in the Lord! I stand with you today in your wait for His great!

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A Reviving Prayer for What Looks Dead

Have you ever put your whole heart, your valuable time, and heartfelt effort into something only to see it die right before you? Maybe you were sure that God called you to it… Maybe you trusted God all the way through it… Maybe you did your part in it…

…but, nonetheless, it died, flopped, and/or blew up in your face.

That can feel so confusing, can’t it? Disorienting. Disillusioning, for sure.

I should know. I went all out on a specific project, trusting God all the way, hoping when the going got tough, and praying in the morning. Yet the thing flopped like a pancake. Done. And, dead.

This morning, I sat down in my morning lounge chair considering the wreckage. It’s hard to understand.

What happened, God? I trusted You.

I sat there in silence. Bible testimonies popped in my mind. Lazarus was 4-days dead and gone. Jairus’ daughter died. Jesus himself was crucified.

Such hope. Dead and gone. I can only think of how everyone was freaking out at the natural sight of it all. No one likes to look at dead things.

But, even in death, there is always hope.

Lazarus was raised by Jesus. He said to Martha, “Did I not tell you if you believe you would see the glory of God?” (Jo. 11:40)

Jairus’ daughter was also raised by Jesus. He said, “Don’t be afraid, only believe and your daughter will be healed.” (Lu. 8:50)

Jesus died on the cross. For three days He was dead and gone in the tomb. Jesus said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.” (Lu. 9:22)

If it looks dead, friends, that doesn’t mean it is done. Jesus is Resurrection Life.

Jesus said to Martha, ““I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die…” (Jo. 11:25)

Friends, life may look different than you think.

You may lose a job and see a dead work life, only to find a new one where you abound with your new co-workers.

You may see a dead marriage, only to go to a weekend event that stokes marital revival in your house.

You may see a child who has given themself over to “the wages of sin is death”, yet God meets them right on time to lead them to Him.

Just as a plant requires good soil, water, or sun to grow, life can take many shapes and forms. It may come differently than expected.

But any way we slice it — Jesus IS The Resurrection and The Life. There is absolutely nothing He can’t raise up. There is not a soul He can’t redeem. There is not a situation that is marked completely untouchable by the finger of God.

There are a couple of situations in my life that need a radical miracle, my friends. You probably have those, too.

Where or how do you need a miracle? What do you want?

What if we were to ask, right here and right now, for one another? What if we call out to heaven on every reader’s behalf, believing Jesus is who He says He is?

Let’s Pray Now:
Father, virtually, I am holding hands with every reader of Purposeful Faith. Right now, as believers, as the body of Christ, united we stand in one mind and heart to ask for miracle-breakthroughs for not only our needs, but for every reader’s needs. Father, we ask you to move heaven and earth for our need of ____. Also, we ask you to answer the miracle prayer request needs of our brothers or sisters who are also praying via this blog post and raising up their requests before you. On one accord, we ask you to come with resurrection-life power and to swiftly answer our prayers via this blog post today. We are one body in Christ. We trust you. We are expectant of what you will do. We thank you for the powerful unity, and for the peace that comes through thanksgiving, supplication, and in making our requests known to you. We receive that peace right now and thank you, for it guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friends, please share your testimony from this prayer by emailing me. I am expectant that we will have a bunch of answered prayers. God hears our prayers. Our prayers work. They are powerful. Please reply to this email and tell me about your breakthrough. With so many praying for each other, I am SO expectant.

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Are You Waiting on God?

The text read: “When you get off the plane there will be a cheering committee waiting for you!”

Wow, now that’s a thought, and quite a picture, for that matter. I wish there was a cheering committee everywhere I went. Wouldn’t that be fun?

I knew, though, this was a unique time. I was the last one to arrive to a specific city amongst a group of other women who got there earlier. They were waiting for me. My plane arrived an hour or so later. When I got there, we would all jet off in a rental car. It was kind of them to wait for me. They didn’t have to. I could have ridden solo.

But they did. Their waiting honored me. It valued me. It showed me they trusted that my plane would arrive and that we would all absolutely make our way, together.

Waiting, in large part, is trusting. It is faith that says: this person is coming. And I trust them to do that.

When we wait on God, we trust Him. When we say He will show up even though His timing feels a day past due, we honor Him. When we say, absolutely He will arrive, we value His character of faithfulness.

There is only one thing God can be: faithful.

He may show up in a different way than we think. Just as I may show up and look different than these new friends expected – or I may have to make them wait a little more at the luggage carousel – sometimes God shows up differently.

He is the Maker of Heaven and Earth; He has every right to do this.

Either way, we can bank on this: His plan is the absolute best for us!

What would it look like for us to wait with joy? With anticipation? With thankfulness?

Indeed, God is coming! Always, Jesus shows up! Victory can’t be taken from Him!

“Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.” (Isa 40:31)

This verse is true because while waiting feels excruciating, the joy of His coming is exhilarating.

“Take heart! Christ has overcome the world!” (Jo 16:33) He not only has the whole world in His hands, but also what you are waiting for!

Prayer: Father, you have a good plan for me. Your timing is perfect. I ask you to give me the strength to wait and to trust you. I ask that I can wait in a way where I am full of joy, praise and hope. I want to honor you with all my heart, mind, and soul. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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What Makes All the Difference

“Shh…” is what my insides wanted to yell to the kids upstairs. The last thing I wanted was for them to mess up my friend’s husband’s Zoom call. He needed quiet.

So, we shuttled the kids downstairs.

Before long, the hour passed and the man — done with his video that was conducted one flight above the absolute ball the kids were having downstairs — said he was leaving the house.

Oh no. Did we wreck his call? Were we too loud?

“Bye,” my friend atold him as he headed out the door, adding something like, “I’m glad your Zoom call is done.”

He laughed an odd laugh.

And at this point, I was sure we’d ruined his call. Ugh. That they would never want to have us over again. That he was upset.

Looking at my friend, I asked, “Is he upset?”

“No, he is not upset at all. He just laughs about doing these calls at home.”

I was completely misguided in my interpretation of his laugh. But she understood him because she knew him.

Knowing someone makes all the difference in understanding them. It also gives context as to what the person is doing. Whereas I thought my friend’s husband was leaving because he was upset; he was fine. Without the intimacy of relationship, the moves another makes can be misinterpreted.

How often do we misinterpret God’s intent? How often do we figure God is out to harm us when He is really out to help us?

There is power in regularly praying this prayer over ourselves:

“. . . And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Eph. 3:17-19 NIV)

When we know God’s ways intimately, we better understand God’s heart. When we know God’s love, we understand how He is leading us into a fullness in this world, rather than destitute barrenness. When we know God cares, suddenly we don’t feel so alone.

Ask to know God more, because to know God deeply, is to trust Him all the more.

Let’s pray:
Father God, I pray that we, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and that we will know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Eph. 3:17-19 NIV) For you are Love. Help us to know you as love, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Don’t Look Back

I misunderstood a person. I condemned someone because I believed a lie. I botched a good relationship. I judged motives and removed relationships. I made rash decisions along the way.

Sometimes, I am sad when I look back. Are you?

There is a horrible thing that happens when people look back. Remember the story of Lot…

God was going to utterly destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of their wickedness…

“At dawn the next day, the angels hurried Lot and his family out of Sodom so they would not be destroyed with the city. When Lot hesitated, “the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them. As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, ‘Flee for your lives! Don’t look back, and don’t stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!’” (Genesis 19:15–17).

As the family fled, “the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens” (Genesis 19:24). But, then, in disobedience to the angel’s command, “…Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt” (verse 26).

Looking back destroys us.

Jesus, later, instructed the disciples, “Remember Lot’s wife!” (Luke 17:32).

Looking back hinders going forward.

Looking back is like trying to continually run through a high-voltage fence; you think you can bust through to fix what was, but you get jolted, every time by the agony of everything you cannot change.

How can you stay with God in the present moment when you run back to — what was, what should have been, and what you/they didn’t do right? How can you be at peace when you keep looking at what mistakes happened there? How can you walk in hope when the past keeps convicting you? Or, because of it you blame and convict God?

Don’t look back.

Looking back makes us callous; focusing on God makes us soft.

Looking back breeds negativity; looking ahead with hope builds expectancy.

Looking back decreases hope, joy, and life; staying with God builds relationship.

Where have you been living? Your mind cannot live in two places at once.

God does have good for you in the land in which you are living. No season lasts for a lifetime. No rains continue forever. Rest assured, the new land you are going to may be different, but God will be there.

You don’t have to look back because, with God, your future is bright.

Prayer: Father, thank you that you love me, you have good for me, and you are leading me by your Holy Spirit. Give me the grace right now not to look back. I don’t want to be discouraged, downcast, or defeated anymore. Help me to stay with you. Thank you that I am receiving and believing right now the new grace to do a new thing. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Prayer for Spiritual Wisdom

take advantage

When I read now, I squint. I’d like to tell you it’s because the lights are dim or because I have some super seeing power when squinting, but the reality is my natural reading eyes have gone blurry, with age. Grr..

The other day I was all excited to go into a beautiful boutique (I wish you were with me, by the way). There, I hoped to find some beautiful dress or a unique handbag, but what “got me” was, completely unexpected — reading glasses.

Can I just tell you how much these glasses blessed me?! Oh. My. Goodness!!! I can see again!

There was so much I didn’t see, because I couldn’t see.

And, now, I can’t stop testing these things out.

On. Everything I need to see is crisp, clear ,and easy.
Off. Everything is blurry, distant, and undiscernible.

I can’t believe I was living that way. I forgot what it was like to see, because I couldn’t see.

Sometimes we don’t realize how much we couldn’t see, until we come to see again.

Where have you lost vision, and maybe you don’t even realize it’s fading? Where is hope languishing? Where have you given up on hope, because you figure it is hopeless? Where does someone seem too far gone for redemption?

Maybe it is within marriage; you can’t see life. Perhaps, it’s with your your current job; you hate it but don’t know where God wants you to go. Maybe a relationship seem fuzzy; you don’t know if God wants you to move on or not.

Fuzzy seeing means we need new spiritual glasses. Only God gives those, so only prayer suffices at this point. But, as we ask, He is always faithful to give wisdom.

Let’s pray:

Father, I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father,[a] would give (me) “a spirit[b]of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the perception of (my) mind may be enlightened so (I) may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of His inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power to us who believe, according to the working of His vast strength.” (Eph. 1:15-19) In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Thank God for hearing your prayer and for what wisdom He is imparting. Ask God about your situation. Discern what wisdom, truth or leading He might have you do. Wait on the Lord and trust Him that He will give you answers, leading and guidance with this fuzzy situation.

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Three Ways to Keep our Eyes on God

good father

Yesterday, my husband and I were in the depths of great discussion about what God was doing. God was revealing some things we needed godly perspective on. He was giving us answers. He was moving. Yet, my eye kept wandering.


There was a bug on the wall.

It must be a stinkbug, I thought. I considered getting a paper towel to do what I always do, which is to grab it and to relocate it outside.

My husband continued to talk. Everything he was saying was important and life-giving for our family, but at the soonest pause in conversation, I hopped up. Instead of continuing to stay in the flow of what God was doing, I was distracted by a bug on the wall.

Completely losing track of what God was doing, I reached out with the paper towel to grab the bug, but…. ICK! It was not a stinkbug; it was a COCKROACH!!!

My skin started to crawl.
My heart started to race.
How many are in here?
How long have these things been in the house?
Why are the kids leaving popcorn crumbs on the floor?

Fear started to settle in. Leaving my bible on the table, I ran off to Amazon to buy traps. I returned back to inspect the walls. I threw blankets out of my way.

My husband grabbed the vacuum. Furniture was moved.

But, all of a sudden he switched off the hum of the cleaner and in silence he proclaimed, “Kelly, this is exactly how the devil works; he distracts us!”

And, wasn’t my husband right?

Deep devotion is easily stolen by random distraction.

How often are we in the heart of God and a phone rings. Or, we are in a mountain-moving prayer and a to-do list item comes to mind. Or, we are making real strides in journaling and our text messages ding and get the better of us? A doctor gives us a bad report and we lose all peaceful connection to God’s heart.

It’s one of the greatest ploys of the enemy. Distraction detours us and deters us from connection with God.

So, how do we combat it? Here are three ways:

1. Keep a journal close: Keep it next to you so you can write “things to do later” there. Instead of getting up and doing something else, emailing a person, buying something online — make a note so you can address it after you are done.

2. Bounce: When your mind starts to go off in a direction, don’t get angry at yourself, bounce your thoughts back to God and what He is saying.

3. Go higher: If you feel fear, worry or stress start to come on you, say to Satan, “Get behind me.” Then, go higher than the problem. Remember that God is bigger, higher, and stronger than any earthly worry that is hitting you.

“Set your mind and keep focused habitually on the things above [the heavenly things], not on things that are on the earth [which have only temporal value].” (Col. 3:2)

Prayer: Father, give me a mind to stay with you. Keep me from evil and temptations that draw me away from your love and heart. I want you more than anything else in life. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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When You are Waiting on God

Riding in the car, flustered, I called out to God, “Why, God, why? Why does it seem there is a hold back to my life? Why are the dreams of my heart not yet happening? Why have I asked but not received? Why don’t you give me what I need? You own everything!”

I launched out some prayerful questions and let them hang in the air, and then mindlessly continued to drive. My mind trailed off…

Soon, I was thinking of my kids… Frankly, when they ask for anything my first instinct is to give it to them! You want ice cream? Of course. You love that new toy? I’ll get it for you. You want to go somewhere today? I’ll take you there.

My first instinct is to give everything.

Then it hit me — God’s first instinct is to give me everything. He wants to give. He loves to give even more than I do!

“If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Mt. 7:11)

Yet, there are only two reasons I hold back from my kids:

1. Because I have something better for them later than what they want now.
For instance: I may not buy them a pack of candy at the store, because I baked them a whole key lime pie, with whipped cream on the top, for them to enjoy later.

2. Because my “no” now paves a way for them to receive a million better yeses later.
For example: I may take away tv or video games until they learn the attitude of gratitude, because I know it is that very attitude that will open job opportunities, friendships, connections, doorways and blessings that will far surpass a momentary game.

God wants to give to us not just what is best for our “now”, but rather, what is best for the million little opportunities he has set up on the road called “life”. God, in all-knowing power, is willing to sacrifice short-term happiness for long-term, sustained gain. Why? Because: 1. He loves us that much. 2. He wants us to partake in a full-fledged buffet, more than a measly snack 3. He is developing character that can carry what He wants to give.

Waiting is preparing us to walk in His greater glory, His greater gifts, with the right attitude, in a way that He gets all the glory. God’s timing is perfect.

Prayer: Father, I admit to you, sometimes I don’t understand. Sometimes I can’t comprehend why things happen as they do, however I trust you. I trust your timing. I trust your teaching. I trust your leading. I trust your power at work in my waiting. I ask you to help me to lean on you in the gap of what I want and what I have not yet seen. You are working there. You are not done yet. I ask you to come and complete the good work that you have begun in me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Through the Fight, Take Flight

rest now

Are you in the fight of your life right now? Are you facing something you can’t bear? Is it hard to access wisdom because the weight is too much?

Maybe a boss is so demeaning and demanding you can’t sleep; you lost your job; your child is acting out; your past keeps coming back to haunt you; your health is deteriorating before your eyes… What is detracting joy, peace, and life?

Some of you may be turning to God in your situation and asking, Why God, why?”

Why is this happening to me? Why is the fight so hard? Why is there so much agony, so much war, so much difficulty? Why does it have to be this way?

You know, I can’t help but think of a caterpillar in a cocoon. It must fight the barrier of the cocoon before it has enough strength to actually lift off and take flight. It is the strength gained in the fight, that allows it to take flight. Only then, can it fly, like never before.

Friends, sometimes a fight is what makes us take flight.

Think of Peter, in the bible. A horrible, violent wind came up against his boat. Battering waves raged high and strong. Not only was his whole trip at risk, but so was his life. Would he make it? Suddenly, a figure emerged and he and the disciples proclaimed, “A ghost!”

But Jesus was quick to comfort them. “Courage, it’s me. Don’t be afraid.” Peter, suddenly bold, said, “Master, if it’s really you, call me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come ahead.” (Mt. 14:27-30 MSG)

Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus…

Peter, in the midst of the fight of the storm, was provoked to take new flight. He knew — safer was he with Jesus, than alone in a rocky, stomach-sickening boat. So, stepping out of that vessel of death, Peter, in a fight of courage, took flight to walk on water.

Sometimes it is the storms we hate that become the encounters with God we soon love. They are what push us out…and into His arms. They are the pressure that causes us to do a new thing… They are the need for change that changes us and make us to fall on our knees to call out for fresh faith.

Friends, what God permitted to touch us won’t kill us, it will only drive us deeper into the arms of a loving God who wants to help us…if we let him.

Will we trust Him?

The fight is not meant to kill you; it is meant to launch you into greater faith, a supernatural life, greater meaning, stronger resolve, and larger capacity to thrive, no matter what the world throws at you. The fire isn’t there to burn you; the fire is there to get under you and to make you take flight, like a rocket ship.

Be encouraged.

The heat, the pressure, the fight — if you yield to it, it will drive you higher, deeper and wider into the depths of God’s love. You aren’t getting burned, you are getting launched higher into His love, grace and power. Trust Him. He has this!

Prayer: Father God, some days, I don’t know how I am going to make it. It is so hard. Father? Please give me the grace and power to come to you. Let me not look for ways to dull or to numb my pain, but let me bring every grain of what I am experiencing to your throne. At your throne is all the grace and mercy that I so desperately need. Today, I bring what ails, troubles and disturbs me and I leave it with you. Will you handle it today? Will you carry this for me? Show me what you want me to do and how you want me to go. I want to honor you in all my ways. I trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Avoid Going The Wrong Way

My hands were frozen! Thirty-degree weather is not the sort of weather where you go gloveless. So, I pulled on a glove.


What in the world was in there?!

A shooting pain coursed through my left hand, while driving! Pulling off the glove and trying not to crash, I found a thorn inside it. How did that get there? I removed the thorn and pulled on my other glove…


It happened again! A needle-like pain hit me in multiple places on my hand. Dang!!! I turned at the next road because I was supposed to get to the grocery store, yet the second I made my turn, I realized I just made a wrong turn. Grr… The pain in my hand was so disconcerting and distracting that I couldn’t even go the right way.

Now I was headed the opposite way.

Because of all the pain, I had lost my way. Because I had a thorn hurting me, I couldn’t think straight. Because I was so focused on my flesh, I couldn’t see the turns I should make.

Some of us are in a situation very similar to this. Because of all the pain, we aren’t listening to God’s truth, His voice, and His Word; therefore, we make wrong turns. Because of the thorn of our marriage or hurtful relationships, we can’t think straight anymore (instead, we think angry and bitter thoughts). Because of the pain, we focus on preserving our flesh, instead of laying down our life in love. Here, God’s pathway to resurrection-life power is often missed.

“Love never fails…” (1 Cor. 13:8)

Jesus is “the Way”. (See Jo 14:6)

Jesus is “the Truth”. (See Jo. 14:6)

The only way to find our way in hard relationships is to get our mind off the pain of it and onto Him who is Love, The Way and The real Truth…

…only then, do we find our way!

How have you been numbing, catering to, and managing pain, rather than looking to the Author and the Perfecter of Faith? How has this affected your love, your marriage, and your words?

Dear friends, I understand it is hard, but I also want to encourage you — there is “a way”, even if it looks dead. Turn to Jesus, ask Him to help you.

“No one has greater love [nor stronger commitment] than to lay down his own life for his friends.” (Jo. 15:13 AMPC)

This is not an easy calling; it requires God, friends. He will help you.

Invitation: Tonight, is the “Help My Marriage” Workshop at 6:00 ET. The recorded version is available for those who cannot attend the live gathering. Gain encouragement, hope, help, wisdom and support to stand strong. You do not struggle alone; let’s pray for one another. Register here.

Prayer: Father, help me! Shepherd me in the way I should go. Lead me in the way of love, everlasting. Guide me in all truth. Give me power to lay down my life, like Jesus did, for those I love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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