I unloaded my bags in my room, after a 16-hour trip, only to spot BIG black mold on my ceiling. When the experts came to investigate in the attic they found more. A lot more (thank you, in advance, for your prayers concerning protection for my family).
I don’t like health risks. They make me feel nervous and out-of-control. How can I protect myself from a threat I can’t see? How can I keep us all safe? How can I trust — we’ll all be okay?
Do you feel threatened? Maybe you feel attacked by a silent threat you can’t control. Or a person who is out-of-control. Or the sense that you are not in control. I get it.
All I could do last night, as I prepared to sleep in that room with the black-patch, was to open my bible up to Psalm 91. I rest on that Psalm like a pillow, some nights.
There I read:
“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.”
This verse reminded me — there are those who choose to live in the shelter and those who don’t. They stay in worry, or fear, or whatever…
I want to be one of those who actively and decisively come under His shelter. Rest happens when I allow God to shelter me. When I want His cover. Worry and fear always wait, however, as an alternative.
Today, I chose to: enter in. When I enter in, guess where His shelter is? Most High. To be high is to be — above it all. Guess what covers me? His shadow. I am not only protected below but I am protected above and all around too. I am lifted up and covered all around.
This picture God gives me is peace. It is rest for my mind that it needs. Now, I don’t have to circle the same fears again and again.
You too — are protected above, below and around — if you’ll allow yourself to be. Nothing can harm you when you are protected by the Most High God.
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