We have a broken fire alarm in our house. It’s either that, or well working. At the first hint of bacon, or scents of meat or scorch in a pan the thing fires off.
At first, we freaked. We didn’t know whether, with this obnoxious sound, we should run outside to grab a hose or just sit around and chill out. But, after the 11th or so time, we realized – all will be okay. We just have to address the issue and move on with our day.
Some of us, need to do the same: We need to hear a fire alarm sounding in our mind, address the issue with God and know it will be okay.
What fire alarm should be sounding off in your life? Is it harsh words? Is it a mean attitude? Is it a shut-down heart? Is it a busy lifestyle? Is it a spending habit?
Usually, we try to go through our house, our life, acting like everything is okay when it really is not. This is not okay. We need to hear that fire alarm, the sound of God reminding us – Hey, look over here, there are some things you need to address. There are some areas that I want you to see, so you can better see me.
It is not a sound of condemnation, it is a sound of restoration, meant to bring us to Jesus’ consolation. Jesus loves us. He wants to help us. He is for us. He is with us. He is our advocate. He is our relief. He is our way. He is our life.
Why not let him heal us from what hurts today? Why not call out to him, instead of trying to soldier on with bandages around our knees and a limp to your spirit? We were meant for more than this kind of living, weren’t we?
You’re not faking him; I am not either.
And, even though I try to “fake it” in my house, today I admit: My heart feels fragile. It feels needy. It feels wanting. I am a little weary.
But, no weight is not too much for God to carry.
In fact, renewed power and passion comes to types like me and you, who admit need. For, with Christ, our weakness becomes our strength. We need not feel ashamed to abide in the place of wanting, of longing and of helplessness. Here, he who is help, brings help, speedily. He rescues us. He rushes in. He saves.
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Ps. 34:18)
Be not ashamed if there is an alarm sounding in your life; he who saves will show up.
Kelly’s new book, Fear Fighting: Awakening Courage to Overcome Your Fears has been called “A must read,” “Breathtakingly honest” and a “Great Toolbox to Overcome Fear.” Read it today.
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Beautiful encouragement, Kelly. Love this: we need to address the fire alarm and move on! Oh yes, Lord give me grace to acknowledge my fire alarms, give them to Jesus, and move ON! 🙂
[…] sharing with Susan B. Mead at Dance With Jesus, Lori Schumaker at Moments of Hope, Kelly Balarie at #RaRaLinkup […]
Your words make me want to live close to Jesus so that my “fire alarm” will be synchronized with His — so often the things that must alarm Him go right by me as if I were asleep with the house burning down around me. God, help us!
[…] I’m linking up this week with Purposeful Faith, #TellHisStory, Coffee for Your Heart, Chasing Community and Grace & […]
I think it’s often our feelings that are sounding the alarm. Instead of either living by them or ignoring them, we need to ask what’s going on in my heart that I would feel this way. Thanks for a great reminder that He can handle all our fears, doubts and feelings. Blessings!
[…] with Kelly, Barbie, Lori, Terri, […]
Kelly, I loved your analogy of the fire alarm. That’s a great way to think about it. I found this very encouraging, especially the theme that shows through in your title – we need help, but that’s OK! Thank you for hosting hour weekly link-up!
What a great analogy, Kelly!! It really hit home when you said it like that!
Love this analogy, Kelly, with the fire alarm. Have never thought of it that way, but how true! Good encouragement, my friend, to simply offer our dark spaces to Him.
[…] This post is shared here: #TeaAndWord #Raralinkup […]
Great wisdom here, Kelly!
Yes, I need to address the “fire alarm.” In more ways than one. Something is wrong with our fire alarm system. They are all connected and they keep going off at all hours of the day and night. We have tried everything, new batteries, new alarms, etc.
Sometimes in life, it has taken a “fire alarm” to get me to listen to God. A knee injury, a sick child, a physical illness. It usually happens when I have not listened to God whisper in my ear slow down, take a rest. I hear him now whispering the same thing. Thank you for the reminder to listen to the “fire alarms” going off. Blessings, Maree
[…] linking up with #MomentsofHopeand #RaRaLinkup […]
Aren’t they annoying? But you can’t just turn them off. When I first started learning about faith, and perhaps, even still at times, I spend too much time putting out other peoples’ fires and not paying attention to my rest. Ladies, make that time for yourself and God, rest in Him.
[…] week I am linking up with Holley Gerth at #CoffeeForYourHeart, with Kelly Balarie at #RaRaLinkup, with Holley Gerth at […]
[…] with other Jesus lovers here: #raralinkup, […]