I recently noticed an increasing problem in my life. I can’t stand it if people think poorly of me. If they don’t email me back, I think there’s an issue. If they don’t answer my call, I decide they no longer like me. If I did something in the past and asked for forgiveness, I still figure I’m on the people-we-don’t-like list. The issue is not so much that I haven’t forgiven them. It’s that I think, “They couldn’t have forgiven me.” Which lends to a problem: shame.
And when shame shows up, we can always be sure its makings are from the enemy. And when he shows up, we can know we need to fight back.
How do we fight back? We realize, on many levels, it is not man who is in charge, but God.
Here are 25 Reasons Why Others Don’t Control My Destiny:
- What matters is not what man builds, but what God builds.
“Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain.” Ps. 127:1 - Every single battle belongs to the Lord. When He fights, He wins.
- Jesus had people against him. Guess what? He kept His eye on the mission, and as a result was still victorious.
- I may plan my way, but God ultimately directs my steps. (Prov. 16:9)
- God is actively working in others’ hearts in a way I cannot see, manage or predict.
- I think far more about how I appear and “come off” than others do. They usually are thinking far more about how they “appear” and “come off” than about me.
- What I dwell on, people tend to forget, especially if I’ve apologized.
- Another’s silence could also mean: they are busy, out of town, struggling or forgetful.
- God is my maker: nothing can unmake His plans for me.
- If I remember who annoyed me 10 years ago, they are practically a non-issue today.
- For every desperate no-way-out problem in the bible, God drop-kicked its walls and cleared way for victory, for those who trusted Him.
- Waiting with trust is the first step to seeing a miracle.
- What I can’t see being worked out, God can.
- Shame doesn’t rule me. God’s truth and Spirit does.
- I’ve been made to focus my attention on God, not on other’s wavering emotions, reactions and motivations.
- God knows my heart. He stands behind and protects the hearts of the righteous.
- The Spirit in me will guide me and lead me down the best paths.
- I am not perfect, but I can trust the one who is to help me.
- Jesus’ mission was never thwarted by those against Him.
- God-dropped learnings result in my growing, when I steer clear of self-condemning words.
- My path is God’s, not the trampled-down wide road the herds travel. Charting a new course with God always takes determination.
- It is God’s rod that comforts and protects me, not the response of man.
- I am made by God, not by other’s opinions.
- I am the daughter of the Most High King. He will provide all I need (and then some).
- God is the maker of every man, not the opposite.

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This is an amazing collection of Truths! Thanks, Kelly, these huge thoughts about God are life-changing.
[…] with Char, Kelly, Barbie, Terri, […]
Thank you Kelly. I was wrestling with this just yesterday from some events that happened over the weekend. I let others’ emotions and reactions determine my “worth.” This list is really timely and really helpful.
Amen, man is not in control! Thank you for these truths and the reminder that God is in control 🙂
Thank you! i have struggled with the no response to emails/texts issue and it made me feel poorly about myself. I never made the connection to shame. My reaction will be different from now on. Have a very blessed day!
Oh Kelly, I know what you mean about imagining, “They don’t like me. They’re mad.” Just because someone didn’t return a call or return a text. Such silly/hurtful stories we build up in our heads. That’s why your list of truths is so freeing! xoxoxo
I love the title: Reasons Why Others Don’t Control Your Destiny…and then you had 25 of them. I needed this reminder today. Thanks for sharing encouragement. Praying God continues to free you from the lies of the enemy and walk in peace of mind, soul and body.
Much love,
~Sherry Stahl
I needed this today! So many good points, I don’t even know where to start! I love #3. I have thought of this often. It inspires me to keep my eye on the prize- not on other people. Such a good word today Kelly!
So many good things in this list! This one stands out to me, #17 “The Spirit in me will guide me and lead me down the best paths.”
I try to answer quickly, get things done. I often don’t hear back and I know people are busy. I may not have as much to do, or more, I don’t know. I have to back off a little of my overdoing, and I can’t worry about what everybody does or how. You’re right, God controls our destinies.
Kelly I literally prayed the other day and asked God if others could keep me from my destiny. So thank you. xo
Kelly, I love that list and I’m definitely printing it out. I can totally relate to your first paragraph and this list is full of awesome reminders I need! Thank you!
Love the list of 25. I tend to forget it’s God’s battle, not mine. I have done some pretty crazy things trying to fight God’s battles on my own.
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