Have you ever wondered what is wrong with you? Why you can’t do things right? Why you are the way you are? Hold tight, you are about to find out how to overcome your weaknesses in this two part series. There is one simple tip that will change your life!
We all have them. Try as we may to sweep them under the carpet, our flaws, our shortcomings and our failures still exist. In fact, often stand out bright as day.
Or, at least this is how I felt – when what started as a simple task turned into a colossal failure.
I was working on what was supposed to be the most delicious, mouth-watering seafood salad ever made. I bought fresh lobster. I cut up some farm fresh vegetables. I even sautéed some scallops to go in it. But, somehow I made the dressing all wrong – lemon, tons of lemon – was all we tasted. I didn’t want to admit it – it tasted straight up nasty!
It’s funny how something so small, and so meaningless in the grand scheme of life can make us feel so less than. What begins as a small mistake develops into a persistent ache. It lingers. It annoys. It hurts. And it whispers the lie that we will always mess up – that we are full of mistakes.
It’s not only small mistakes that hold power, but relationships, circumstances and words of decades past that rule over us.
Relationships highlight our deficiencies, asking, “How did you screw up again? Why did you say ‘that’? Imagine what they think of you now? They don’t want to be around you.”
Circumstances knock us down, telling us, “You can’t conquer me. You always react in this way. You will never change.”
Ancient words call down from the attic saying, “You were always this way. You are not beautiful, smart or worthy. You can’t change.”
These words can turn into self-fulfilling prophecies. We fail because we have failed. We are abandoned because we fear abandonment. We act in fear, and fear brings about our worst fears.
How do we change? How do we prevent these words from taking residence in our hearts, ruling our minds and directing our actions?
“…For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” (Matthew 12:34)
We look at the heart. Because when we change the beliefs of our heart, our thoughts will follow step. And, if our thoughts are in line with truth, our actions will be based on love.
Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. (Proverbs 4:23)
There is a lot of heart work to be done and many “heart” beliefs to reform (see this post for more on the heart). But, what you are about to learn is one of the most life changing beliefs when truly embraced.
Tune in on Thursday for Part II – where you will find the one thing you can do to overcome your failures.
When you believe this truth – your life, your mind and your actions will never be the same. I am so excited to share it with you!
Remember, you are being transformed into his image – you are a conqueror. Your failures and your weaknesses do not have to hold the power to reign over you.
Now, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)
See you on Thursday to learn the tip that has been so helpful to me. Find out how to overcome your weaknesses!