Purposeful Faith

Category - Contentment

Finding true contentment

How to Handle Mean People

God's love

“You’re not included.”

Well, this isn’t exactly what she said to me, but it felt that way.

Worst of all, this wasn’t the first this woman had excluded me and, as I’d come to know later that day, it wouldn’t be the last time, either. Grr.

When I got home, I thought, “I hate that lady.” She was rude to push me out, to set me aside. And, now she was acting was ungodly. I guess she is just an unhappy person…and, it seems — unthoughtful and untrustworthy.

Mean thoughts kept coming, until God broke in.

God stopped me. I knew my heart wasn’t right, but I didn’t know how to stop the avalanche of mean things I felt inside.

Yet, Jesus.  “Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save it.” (see Jo. 3:17)

If Jesus came — not to condemn, but to save, shouldn’t I come that way too? This got me to thinking…

What would it look like me for me to save my judgment so I could love, rather than hate? If Jesus saved me, rather than holding me to every past mistake, shouldn’t I also forgive this passive-aggressive woman too?

Doing this was going to be hard, but I knew: Either the Word of God would take hold of my heart or anger at man would.

What would I do? Certainly, I didn’t want a bitter root to grow within me. So, I decided to forgive her.

You see, I’ve had moments of insecurity – where I felt unsure or uneasy, but still, God and others decided to stick with me. I’ve made mistakes in my tone of voice and, still, God still kept me. I’ve been hurt and wanted to take that out on others (in fact, I still do this at times) and God lets me start again.

In so many ways, I have been this woman too. It was never the condemnation or unforgiveness that changed me – it was the grace, and space to grow, that made room for transformation. I want to afford this woman this room too.

If I’ve learned one thing over my short life, it is this: We are most free, when we forgive. Why? Because we love instead of hate. Clearing out ungodly emotions makes room for God’s goodness, hope, and restoration. Here, if called to do so, we can minister from a pure heart, rather than an angry one.  I know this process may feel hard.

In fact, it feels hard for me too, especially as it pertains to this woman. Yet, freedom, for me, has been deciding — I don’t have to choose her as my best friend. In this, I can love her, pray for her, smile at her — with some wise distance between us. Love doesn’t always have to put itself back in the boxing ring again, the way it did last time.

I bless her. I hope the best for her. But, she will not be my nearest and dearest friend…

I feel happier now. I am not out of control; I am in God’s love.

Who have you been judging, accusing or condemning? Who might you need to stop hating so you can start loving them — if even from a distance?

Prayer: Father, I feel hurt. I feel angry. I am asking you to forgive me for the anger and hatred that I’m feeling. I am also asking that you give me grace to forgive this person who has offended me. I want to love again. In this, I choose to forgive ___ for ___. I let them go right now to you, Father. I know that you are the best Father. I ask you to show me whether I need to talk to this person, pray for them or love them from a distance. Give me wisdom. I let go of all my offense. I thank you for helping me in this. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Best Offense is Defense

we all want

My new house has a blueberry bush. Through our living room window, I see ripening berries. When they get a perfect blue hue, then I’ll know it is time to pluck them off. Yet, there’s one problem to my hypothetical dream…

Birds. Pesky little birds keep stealing my fruit. When I see a berry all blue and ready-to-eat, a bird comes along, sits on a branch – and pluck! My luscious berry is gone. In a split-second, my ripe fruit is stolen right off the vine.

This situation happens in our spiritual life too. Many of us have ripening fruit in our life (God is growing real things), yet there is an enemy who wants to steal our ripening fruit. This can happen without us realizing it.

God is growing patience, yet we fall into self-defeat when an event triggers. We say, “Why bother trying!?”

God is growing endurance, yet a test comes and we figure our pain will never end. “Things will never get better.”

God is growing our love for another, yet a horrible situation happens where, it seems, the person shows no signs of changing. “God won’t really do this.”

The enemy steals fruit when we believe lies. The lies are usually: Things will never change. I am bad, guilty and will never be better (because of this mess-up). God will not come through for me (or them).

Where is the enemy plucking God’s fruit in our lives?

Just because God is allowing us to go through something, doesn’t mean he isn’t doing something, or growing something in us.

“The seed that fell on the footpath represents those who hear the message about the Kingdom and don’t understand it. Then the evil one comes and snatches away the seed that was planted in their hearts.” (Matthew 13:19, NLT).

More than hearing truth is understanding it — where we go about living it. More than knowing a bible verse is having it lay claim to our life. More than seeing a problem is understanding God will show up. Are we only hearing God-stuff or are we understanding that it applies to us?

Remember, Jesus is Teacher. He doesn’t waste problems; He teaches real things through them. . .

It matters less what you know, or what you recite by rote-memory, and far more — what you truly understand in your heart.

A true defense against the enemy starts in our hearts.

As it pertains to that blueberry bush, I took action. After some research, I wrapped aluminum foil around part of the bush to repel pesky fruit eaters.

And, it worked.

Now when I look out my window, I not only see luscious, ripe fruit but I now eat of that fruit. Yet, in order to keep the fruit, I had to stop the enemy in his tracks. I had to set up a defense.

We must do the same — by setting up a defense…

How? We: resist. We resist sneak attacks by taking care of ourselves when we’re tired, hungry, or lonely. We can resist defeat and discouragement by turning on worship music and singing from our heart. We resist becoming a victim when we remember we truly are who God says we are . We resist going downhill when we allow God’s grace (because of Jesus) lift us up again.

When we resist, then we persist – in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self-control.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I want to learn from you. I want to grow in true fruitfulness and in understanding. I want to be taught by you. I pray that the enemy of my soul may have no access to my heart, soul, mind or spirit. I pray that I can believe the truth in all things, in all ways and at all times by your grace. I pray that I will trust you to provide and to take care of me. I want you above all else. You are my greatest pursuit. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Letting Go to God

good father

I carry a big beach bag around that says, “Let Go and Let God.”

I love the saying. The more we let go, the more He carries. God is a gentleman, in many ways. He allows us to carry what we insist on carrying. Yet, if we are willing…He will hold for us what we will release.

The more we unload the more God carries our load. We feel lighter. We more easily go with God.

Jesus said, “Take nothing for your journey,” he instructed them. “Don’t take a walking stick, a traveler’s bag, food, money, or even a change of clothes.” (Lu. 9:30)

One place I carry (almost) nothing is when I go into the ocean. The water is so soothing. My mom taught me to float on top of the water and to allow the big waves to carry me where they will. I have no strength or movement of my own. I let go. The waves lead me to where I am going. There isn’t much to worry when I let go.

What if we were really to let go to God in this way? To allow the winds of the Spirit to direct us as we follow Jesus?

“The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (Jo. 3:8)

The less we carry, the more easily we travel where God is taking us. Remember the rich man in the bible? He had too much stuff that He was clinging to…that he couldn’t depart from it. That was a tragedy. He insisted on baggage rather than  Jesus. Stuff. Mindsets. Old ways.

Where might God be calling you to lighten your load? Are you weighed down with worry or anxiety? Stressed, because there is much to do? Unsure about how things will turn out? Unwilling to let go of old mindsets? Consumed with the past or people?

What if you were to really let go, and let God?

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Mt. 11:28)

Prayer: Father, I love you. I thank you that you have good things for me. Forgive me for carrying what you want to help me with. Forgive me for doing things on my own. Forgive me for forging my own way. Today, I admit that I don’t always know my way. I often take things into my own hands. Will you forgive me for that too? I love you so much. I want to truly follow Jesus and to be led by the Holy Spirit. Please teach me and lead me in that way? Please give me all the grace I need today to connect with you and to lean on you, in trust. I really do trust you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. Thank you for all you do for me. Your ways are my best ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Be Still; He is God

God's love

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things…” (Mk. 10:41)

Like Martha, are you worried? Worried about a child who is going the wrong direction? Worried about a world that seems to be upside down? Worried about how things will turn out if you don’t do something? Worried that you can’t handle what lays ahead?”

Worry pretends to be working out a better end. But, all it really works is — us, into a tight-knit ball. We feel squeezed and pressed on every side. One minute we decide to go one way, the next we are headed another. Only to do laps in our mind — one way, then the other, until we are completely worn out. With worry, what we can’t control, controls us and runs us ragged.

God has a better way.

““Be still, and know that I am God…” (Ps. 46:10)

My friends, may I admit to you today? I am not above worry. In fact, I keep coming back to this one issue, thinking: I should do this. No, I should do that. I already said yes. Now, I am going to say no? What will they think?

Worry speaks and so does peace, if we permit it to.

To be still, is to allow the power of God’s truth to speak over the voice of worry.

We overpower worry when we speak to our soul, by saying:
“Be still…
Be still. God is still God.
Be still. Hope is still there.
Be still. God always has a way-out.
Be still. Jesus is still victorious.
Be still. Nothing will come against me that God won’t give me strength for.”

“…God is faithful [to His Word and to His compassionate nature], and He [can be trusted] not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation He will [always] also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently. (1 Cor. 10:13 AMPC)

Friends, God can be trusted. God is faithful. God is compassionate. God is true. God is able. And, with God, we too are made capable, strong and powerful. This means, no matter what we face, we have certainty, strength and willpower. We will get-through to what God is calling us to do. We will stand back and see God move. We will trust and lean on the Lord until He carries us where we are meant to go.

Be still.

Prayer: Father, may I be still in your love. May I have peace in my waiting. May I have joy in simply knowing and loving me. I trust, that in doing this, you will handle all things and fully lead me in the way I should go. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Prayer to Move Mountains

good father

“Where are you, Kelly?”

Friends, I got your emails. You wanted to know where I was and if I was okay.

Can I tell you? I am more than okay.  Friends, despite the fact that masses of people were vying for one listed home…despite the fact that nothing new was listed…despite the fact that my future home was not even put online…


God showed up, like always. He did it, again. He always does that.

Sure, it may have been the 11th hour; it may have looked like there was no way; I may not have done things perfectly or acted perfectly, even so…God came though!

Your prayers moved mountains and, my dear ones, I cannot thank you enough. With this, I want to encourage you the same way…

God will come through for you too!

Can you remember a time when the Lord showed up in your life? A time when, against all odds, He made  something — a miracle of sorts — happen?

“It seemed like a dream, too good to be true,
    when God returned Zion’s exiles.
We laughed, we sang,
    we couldn’t believe our good fortune.
We were the talk of the nations—
    God was wonderful to them!”
God was wonderful to us;
    we are one happy people.” (Ps. 126: 1-3 MSG)

Can you remember the feelings, the joy, the praise, the wonder at how a Mighty God, showed up? How He changed everything? How He made something out of nothing? Give Him thanks for that time.

And then say, over your needs today, “Do it again, God! Do it again!”

And now, God, do it again
    bring rains to our drought-stricken lives
So those who planted their crops in despair
    will shout “Yes!” at the harvest,
So those who went off with heavy hearts
    will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing.” (Ps. 126:4-6 MSG)

Just like I experienced, when you all prayed for me, there is power in numbers. There is movement in masses of prayers.

“If two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.” (Mt. 18:19)

Let’s all pray for each other.

Can you even imagine if thousands of us agree for God to address our needs? Can you imagine how many mountains we can move through thousands of collective prayers? I want you to experience mountain-moving prayer too!

So, let’s all pray for our Purposeful Faith family’s needs now — and watch what happens! (Go God, go! We believe in you and we support each other!)

Prayer for all of us: “Father, we thank you that we are the body. Just as the arm needs the head and the legs need the torso — we need each other. With this, we come to you right now, Father God. We usher in front of you — all our needs. We bring to you health requests, family needs, relationship turmoil, hardship, suffering, tears, mourning, grief, mental health issues, job losses and requests, discouragement and doubt, financial issues and marital suffering and we ask to do the impossible. Because you are THE GOD of the impossible, we bring every request before you and we ask for a mass-answer to our massive needs. Why limit you? Why doubt you? Why not, believe? With this, we ask for massive prayer breakthrough and a mass deliverance, God. Like never before. God, you see every child here. You see every need. You know what is on every heart. We pray that you might move. We pray that you might change things. We pray that you might bring heavenly answers and movement to earthly issues. We bring all of it before you. We call on heaven to move for our brothers and sisters in Christ! We ask for your hand, the sovereign hand of God to move with power on everyone’s behalf. We not only agree with each other’s needs, but we believe that it shall be done. Be it on the last hour, or against all odds, or different than we thought — we declare, we trust you. We believe. We thank you for hearing our prayer. We thank you for seeing our need. We thank you that your ways are the best way. We surrender to a good, good Father. Give us peace in any gap of you showing up and showing your goodness, so that we may trust you more and more. We praise your name. You alone are worthy! In Jesus’ name. Amen.



Having Ears to Hear

“Son, clean your room.”

Dead air.

“Son, clean your room.”

Dead air.

“Son, do you hear me??? Clean your room.”

“Oh mom, did you say something to me?”

“Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand.” (Mt. 13:9 NLT)

Did you know that even as grown adults we can actually hear, but not listen?

It happens to me too, when I am thinking about other things, when I have my own solution in mind or when I am in a rush. Other times, I’m so used to what is being said words lose meaning.

Ya, ya, ya, I know that already.

We can do this with God’s Word too. We can hear, but not listen. Read, but not understand.

Recently, I realized this sort of thing was hurting me. I was reading God’s promises, but not believing. I was holding tight to prayer, but not believing God would show up. I was worrying and stressing more than knowing and trusting in God’s help.

The result was I began to hold on to my natural circumstances more than God’s truth. Do you find yourself there right now?

This can easily happen when we hear but don’t listen, internalize but don’t understand, what God is trying to say to us.

Never allow God’s Word to get ordinary. When His Word gets ordinary we forget God is a God of extraordinary break-through. We revert back to our own plans.

At this past Breakthrough Retreat, we honed in on the power of God’s Word. We activated truth in our life. We restored faith in a God who shows up. We gained fresh hope, even in the places of our wait. We covered practical ways to stand firm, steady and strong even in the midst of a hard time. We put together an action plan to have courage in the midst of a storm.

If you are still interested in attending the Breakthrough Retreat it is not too late. You can join me for Breakthrough Retreat via Zoom (via the recorded version, $29).

Allow the truth of God to become your truth!

Prayer: God, help me. Help your Word to become my words. Help your truth to fill my mind. I ask for your Holy Spirit to renew my mind. I do not want to conform to the world around me. I want to be transformed by you. I ask for fresh faith, hope and love for others. Renew me and restore me. Give me a love for your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Help to Get Back Up

take advantage

Are you between a rock and a hard place?

This is how I feel right now. Without going into details, I am facing what looks to be an impossible situation. I am facing a deadline that is quickly approaching… Nothing in the natural looks promising…

Will God breakthrough?
Can He really show up?
Am I going to be okay?

The Israelites faced a similar situation.  In the wilderness, God humbled them and tested them in this place. Why? “To teach (them) that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” (Deut. 8:3)

Every. Word.

This means: I do not rely on me (my answers, my opinions, my track, my plan, my worries, my fears, my timelines), but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.

Yes. Every Word. Meaning, God will see forth every word He says. God will do what He says He will do. His promises are not a maybe or a possibility, but a yes and an Amen.

The Israelites could not make food for their own eating.  Our bread of life comes from Jesus, and Jesus alone. The Israelites could not force themselves into their own Promised Land. It is the grace of Jesus that brings us into places of God.

It’s a Christ-alone life. By His grace. By His price. By His Word. By God’s plan.

At some point we get to the place where we say: God I can’t do it anymore!!! And, by goodness, I think this is exactly where He wants us.

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.” (Mt. 5:3 MSG)

What would it look like for Christ’s rule to overpower our rule? What might it look like for the promises of God to transcend our natural view of our life?

For me? It looks like reciting aloud God’s promises. It looks like praying for faith. It looks like worshipping when I feel like crying.

Only when we get to the end of us do we begin to understand the all-surpassing greatness of our glorious, just-on-time, providential God.

Do you need encouragement to get through all you are facing? If you want to rely more on God’s power than your own…if you need hope and refreshment…if you are not sure how you will make it…if you need to be reminded about how faithful our God is…consider joining me for the Breakthrough Retreat via Zoom on May 15 from 10 AM – 1 PM ET. The cost is $29. Join live or get the recorded version post-event.

Through worship, prayer, teaching and time together gain fresh strength to persevere and endure until God delivers you, one way or another!

Join me. 

Prayer: God, I can’t. I just can’t do things on my own. I can’t find my own way. I can’t do everything right. I give up and give in to you. You are my Deliverer. You are my hope. You are my Bread of Life. You are The Door. You are The Way. You are the King of Kings. May I stop looking at me and my problems and start looking at you. You are The Way. I love you. I need you. Come rescue me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



We Need Each Other

I just got off the phone with a girlfriend. I thank God that she shared her truth.

When I first asked her, “How are you?”

She replied something like, “Kelly, honestly? I don’t feel peace and I feel unsettled.”

I could hear the pain in her voice. I could sense the struggle. Not only that, but I knew– she wasn’t looking to complain or to throw a pity-party. She just needed a friend.

Many of us feel bad about being honest. We feel guilty for being truthful. We feel exposed when we allow others to see our real needs. But, the truth is — we all need a friend. We all need support. We all need encouragement.

Life returns when we admit our real needs and faults to others. Then, we see how much we are cared for.

The truth is: all of us go through life with problems and needs. All of us have weaknesses. All of us cannot do this thing called life alone. Even more, we cannot be united with Christ apart from the body of Christ.

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Eph. 4:16)

As we grow together we are built together into the fullness of the love of Christ.  As the body gets united, the body gets powerful!

Today, I am more convinced than ever that we need the wisdom of people who have walked through tough things, for God teaches us through their words. We need prayer from a sister, for God speaks hope and restoration through their heart. We need encouragement from a friend, for God builds us up through the strength they impart. We need a place to be real, for God heals through through authenticity.

Do you have a place where you can be yourself? Do you have support in your life? Are you feeling encouraged by the body of Christ?

I created the safe-space of the “Breakthrough Retreat” so we can learn together, grow together, pray together, and be together. Every voice matters. All are welcome. Let’s encourage and uplift each other.

After past retreats, people have written to me letting me know their life has been changed; they’ve been encouraged, uplifted and renewed. I couldn’t ask for more.

During the upcoming May 15, Breakthrough Retreat, you will:
– Uncover the heart of God towards you through worship.
– See your own weaknesses and faults in light of God’s glory, grace, and power.
– Learn to rely on the power of God that transcends the work of your hands.
– Meet with a small group to be activated in the teaching.

During this Breakthrough Retreat, you will begin to stop hating all the ways you are not perfect! God’s power is perfected in our weakness. With this, I am confident insecurities will be healed, hopes will be renewed and you will rely and trust in God like you never have before.

To say that I am fired up about what God will do — is an understatement!

Take part in the Breakthrough Retreat via Zoom on May 15 from 10 AM – 1 PM ET. The cost is $29. Join live or get the recorded version post-event.  Join me. 

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Understanding What is Behind Someone’s Words

Just because someone says something doesn’t mean you should receive it. Even if what is said sounds good — filter it.

Not too long ago, a woman gave me some words of warning. She sounded the alarm by letting me know what she had gone through. She wanted me to “be aware”.  I understood her heart; she didn’t want me to go through what she went through.

Not wanting to forgo wisdom, in the moment, I listened. But, later, I asked myself, “Should I receive her words? Are they upbuilding or fear-inducing?”

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Eph. 4:29)

After talking with her, I felt less built-up. Her words made me want to hide-out and turn away from what God was calling me to do. I felt scared.

Furthermore, I remembered back to another time, years ago, to when one friend shared a hurt about another person. I ended up forming an opinion about the person he talked about. Only recently, did my husband and I realize that we missed a great relationship because of what we believed. Our loss.

Needless to say, when people speak from injury it doesn’t bring life. When people speak from trauma it does not uplift. When people speak gossip it backlashes.

Uplifting rarely comes from one absorbed with unresolved hurts.

This is why we need to use discretion with what we listen to. We cannot absorb sour words.

“Discretion will guard you, Understanding will watch over you” (Prov. 2:11)\

To use discretion and understanding, in receiving other people’s words, ask yourself the following:

–  Is the speaker reaching out for healing or are they just venting?
– Are their words good, true, noble, and of good report or are they questionable, back-biting, and/or gossipy?
– Do they speak of the power of Jesus or are they centered around the limitations, issues, and the hold-ups of man?
– Are the words life-giving or fear-inducing?
– Do I feel full of faith, hope and love after talking with this person or does it seem the words are giving way for the enemy to steal, kill and destroy some of God’s purposes in my life?

Just because we are loving people, doesn’t mean we accept every word that comes from every believer. You must discern what is behind their words. Jealously, comparing and deep hurts give even the best of people stingers. When use discretion and understanding to identify their pain, you can love them more, without owning and taking offense to their words.

Prayer: Father, we all hurt at times. Father, we also need the body to help us see our blind spots and to protect us from harm. Give us wisdom to discern what is from you and what is not. Give us wisdom to know when it is your heart and your Word speaking to us. Give us understanding about how to deal with others, how to excuse ourself and how to love hurting people. Likewise, Father, please help us to receive words that make us more like you. Help us to listen to correction when it is from your heart. Give us the ability to rise above offense and to care for others, even when they have hurt us. We need your wisdom and understanding. Please give it to us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Don’t miss the next Breakthrough Retreat via Zoom. Join me May 15 from 10 AM – 1 PM ET as we pray, worship and spend needed time with the Lord. Gain fresh perspective on your life, fresh faith for believing and renewed hope. The cost is $29. Join live or get the recorded version post-event. People have written me to say that this event has changed their life. I am confident God will bless you as you spend time to meet with Him.  Join me. 

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No Appreciation

Have you ever poured out all the gory details of your heart to someone? And, you get a blank stare…
Or, shown up with an amazing gift for a friend? Yet, they don’t say thank you…
Maybe you were thoughtful and intentional? And no one notices…
Patient and kind? You get no appreciation…

What do you do — when what you do is not recognized?

As a mom, I pour out a lot, yet my kids aren’t knocking down my door to say thank you. As a wife, I try to give a lot, but moments pass and it seems ordinary. I always want to bless people, but I’m not sure how much they notice.

These feelings of doing and not being seen make me ask myself — who am I doing it for anyway? God or man?

And, what’s my goal? Getting recognized by man or giving thanks to God for ALL He has done for me?

Sometimes, I seek the applause of man.

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Gal. 1:10)

One cannot serve two masters. To please man is to lose complete servanthood to Christ. This convicts me. I don’t want to gain man’s credit at the expense of God’s pleasure. I want to bring my Father overwhelming joy, all the time!

What about you?

Prayer: Father, thank you that you have withheld man’s praises in my life. I see that you do this for my good. I see that, in this place, I am reminded to put all my trust in you. Man cannot give me what you give. Man’s praise is fleeting, while your love and rewards are eternal. I thank you that serving you is the best gift of my life. May all I do be a living testimony unto your glory. You are amazing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Think: How is God practically calling you to depend on His pleasure rather than man’s approval? He will give you the grace to walk this out!

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