Post by: Katie M. Reid
I had a plan to promote a product. I brainstormed ways to roll it out and made lists of people who might be able and willing to help spread the word. But while in the shower the other day (where it’s quiet enough to get good ideas and where I usually hear God more clearly) I sensed Him asking me something like this…
If you don’t get the outside help you’ve been planning on, will you be okay? Are you dependent on others or will you trust Me to do what I desire through this? Will you release this project and leave the results to Me?
I wrestled for a few moments but quickly realized that God was right, of course.
He was asking me not to hold so tightly to my well-crafted plans but relinquish the outcomes to Him.
There was no guarantee the project would be a success in the world’s eyes but there was a reassuring peace that God’s will would be done. I could insist on my desired outcomes or bend to His higher and better ways—even if the results looked like “not much” or even a failure to others.
As the water poured over me, I was reminded afresh…
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” -Proverbs 16:9
We should rely on God all the way through a project.
I say to the LORD, ‘You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.” -Psalm 16:2
But sometimes we turn what was His to “mine”. Like Gollum, from Lord of the Rings, we hold our “precious” close at all costs. We don’t want to let go because we can’t imagine how life would go on if we lose that which we hold so dear.
What is your “precious”? Is it a person, a project, or a possession with which you have an unhealthy attachment?
Have you turned what once was an act of worship into an idol? Did you start off doing something for God but then it became all about you?
Are you willing to trust God with what He’s asked you to steward or have you made the sneaky shift from steward to prison guard—caging in your “precious” so that it can’t be freed from your watchful gaze?
Or will you bravely unclench your fists and hand over the “precious” to the Great Overseer of your soul?
You are precious in God’s sight. He doesn’t cage you in but sets you free under the necessary boundaries of His loving and watchful gaze.
God is trustworthy. He has entrusted you with people, projects, and possessions to steward well. Release the results to the Righteous One. He does know what’s best. His will for you and your project might look different that you expect but there is great freedom in letting Him lead and use you according to His good, pleasing, and perfect will.
Don’t despise His Sovereignty. Don’t discount His Supernatural ability. Don’t depart from His ways.
Find peace as you release people, projects, and possessions to His keeping.
Release what is precious to God and then stand back and see what He will do with your surrender.
Dear God: We want to worship you with clean hands and pure hearts. Thank You for entrusting us with projects, people, and possessions. Help us to steward them well and not elevate them above Your rightful place in our lives. We choose today to release the results to You. You are good. You know what is best. You love us too much to let our desires destroy us. Give us the wisdom and strength to hand over our dreams to Your keeping. Would you take our humble offerings and multiply them for Your purposes and glory? Forgive us for holding on too tightly to that which is mean to be handed over as a fragrant offering to You. We open our fists and raise our hands in worship to You today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Katie M. Reid is a tightly wound woman, of the recovering perfectionist variety, who fumbles to receive and extend grace in everyday moments. She delights in her hubby, five children, and their life in ministry. Through her writing, singing, speaking and photography Katie encourages others to find grace in the unraveling of life.
Connect with Katie at and on Twitter and Facebook.