For years, I wandered…I started, then stopped. I thought I should start a culinary business. I later thought I should be a real estate agent. I knew I was talented at speaking. I soon after decided I should be an entrepreneur. I was always thinking…
All this “thinking” got so bad that 9-years ago my husband confronted me — on my birthday, nonetheless!!!
Out, at what was supposed to be a romantic dinner, he turned to me and said, “Kelly, what are you going to do with your life? I don’t want you to waste it.”
I was furious. I didn’t know whether to flip the table over on him or to kiss him. Frankly, I was doing something with my life! I was a mom, which undoubtedly is one of the most super-powered, super-callings of the Lord. How dare he question me like this?!
On the other hand, I knew my husband was right — there was more that I hadn’t accessed (that I was afraid to access, that I was not confident enough to access, that I was unsure about accessing). I knew it. Under the cover of fear, I wanted God’s more.
Rather than slapping him, I received what he was communicating and began seeking the good God had for me.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” (Eph. 2:10 NLT)
The more I sought God, the more I knew He wanted me to write. I started small and, through obedience, He added the increase. I started writing and then He opened speaking doors. I started connecting and he put me on radio and TV. But, if I hadn’t taken the time to seek the Lord? If I just kept doing what I had always been doing? I would be in the same place — doing the same thing — with no understanding of my calling…
Do you feel God nudging you to do something new? Do you feel like there is more that He is wanting for you? Does it feel hard to access? Hard to get going? Hard to move?
I get it, dear sister. This is why I have put together a “What is My Calling?” workshop.
I believe you can find your calling too. I believe that you can move beyond feelings of self-consciousness, self-doubt, confusion, and fear. If He did it with me, He can and will do it with you!
Jesus gives rise to people stuck on a mat. Just like He told the paralytic man, He speaks to us similarly, ““Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” (Jo. 5:8 NIV)
Today is the day to get up and get going! I believe God will give you clarity of vision and calling!
How can I say this? I have seen God release specific calling to many through a time of discovery together. Every time, I am astonished when people get clarity on what the Lord has called them to do.
I truly believe that every single woman who attends this workshop is going to find answers for what they are searching for.
About the “What is My Calling” Workshop
During the “What is My Calling?” workshop, you will:
1. Discover the biblical power of living out your calling.
2. Gain understanding about God’s will for your life.
3. Identify your calling.
4. Solidify your calling as you share what God is revealing.
5. Propel forward through the power of prayer.
6. Find potential accountability partners to keep in touch with.
7. Collaboration and support in a breakout group.
***Plus: A personal encouragement email from me! I will be praying to ask God to give me a unique verse and a prayer for each of you. I pray this blesses you immensely on your way!

Thursday, Feb 9, 2023 from 7:00 PM ET - 9:00 PM ET via zoom.
**recorded version available.
The evening workshop cost is $54. This price covers costs, creates personal accountability to attend/steward the knowledge, and blesses me in the creation of future frameworks for ministry. There is no price that is too big in discovering God’s calling in one’s life. I pray that God give you all the resources to invest in your own life! Bless you!
Go about discovering your calling.
Register today (via the button below) for the “What is My Calling?” Workshop on February 9, 2023 from 7 PM ET to 9 PM ET.
Please note: there will be a follow up workshop, “Walking Out My Calling” to equip you in the next steps in living this out. Stay tuned for that, too.
Prayer: God, you have been so faithful with me. You have been so patient with me. I want to discern your perfect will for my life and live it out. Empower me. Equip me. Endow me with all the strength, wisdom and vision I need to see this through. I cannot do it apart from you, nor do I want to. I trust you. Please meet me on this workshop, at home or in my day and reveal to me the fullness of your will for my life. IN Jesus’ name. Amen.
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