Purposeful Faith

Category - Love & Health

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One Thing You Can’t Forget

It was one of those mornings…

I woke early with a decisive plan of action. I would sneak out of the hotel room, unnoticed, and spend quality time with God. It would be lovely. Quietly tiptoeing through the room, I freshened up in the bathroom, and excitedly headed back to my phone.

Except, upon my return, my phone was gone. It wasn’t where I left it. Did my son take it? I checked under his covers. No sight of it.

Grr… My phone was my way to solace and The Scriptures.

Not knowing how it disappeared between wake-up time and now, I retraced my steps. Did I put it in the bathroom? No, not there. Is it on the floor next to the bed? Not there either. Is it under my bed? Nope. Is it in the bathroom again? Still not there.

My husband jostled awake.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Looking everywhere for my phone,” I replied with a tone of annoyance, “I am trying to spend some quality time with God.”

Back to the bathroom I went. Still not there. Under my bed. Not there.

Then, my daughter spoke up, “Mom? I have your phone.”

“You what?!” I unloaded. “Don’t you dare take my phone off the charger in the mornings without asking me!!!!” I went off on her.

Granted, I didn’t sleep at all the night before, but, still friends, I went off on her.

Feeling like a pile of dirt, I left the room to go downstairs via the elevator. Along the way, I jostled through all my thoughts… I’m sorry God. Why do I have to react so easily? I hate it when I unload on people. Why can’t I be more patient?


The elevator doors opened, interrupting my thoughts. As I popped out, a woman held the elevator door open for me with her hand. How kind and unusual of her to do so, I thought. This woman cares.

Stepping out of the elevator, I glanced at her shirt. On it, it read, “Grace Unlimited.”

And, I knew, God was speaking to me…

Despite my morning mistake, there was “Grace Unlimited.” Despite my quick reaction, there is, “Grace Unlimited.” Despite a hard morning, “Grace Unlimited” still dawns.

It is impossible to outrun God’s grace when Jesus outdid sin on the cross! There is no mistake too big, no situation too large, no morning too broken, no person too out of it – for God’s grace to work.

God’s grace is UNLIMITED for every believer. This is why it is called amazing grace. The key to receiving grace is believing in grace.

For me? I had to finally forgive myself to let go and let God’s abundant, unmerited favor flood my soul.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9)

God’s grace holds the door open for us, even when we’ve acted like buffoons three minutes before. It is the doorway to goodness, despite us, because of Him. It truly is amazing and unlimited.

Father, thank you for your amazing and unlimited grace. It is nearly too big a thing for us to comprehend… It is too wondrous a thing for us to understand how it works… But still, we are always in your good graces. We are always loved by you. We are always forgiven. Oh, how we thank you. May we never forget your grace, your love, and how your forgiveness abounds to us! It is a huge thing and a wonderful gift and we thank you for it. May grace always abound to us and out to others. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Handling People Who Keep Hurting You

stir it up

I sent her a text. I waited days for a response. Finally, a somewhat monotone sounding voice-text would come through, perhaps asking me a question. A month later, something similar would happen again. Two months after, I’d do it all over. Usually, an “I’m-sorry-I’m-busy” reply would show up from the recipient. The first time this happened, that kind of reply made sense. The fifth time? Not as much.

Overlooking offense, like an excited puppy, I kept ignoring her repeatable pattern. After all, I love this woman; I really do. I care for her a lot and have wonderful memories with her. So, I overlooked the fact that she kept pushing me off, that she was not honoring my time, and that she was often replying in a distant monotone voice. Add that to the fact that, after I listened to her message and quickly replied back with my own heart-wide-open response…

…I got no response back from her. Dead air. Silence.

That is hard. Why do I keep subjecting myself to this?

This morning I woke up with a question that hit like a brick: “What am I, a fool?”

To keep repeating the same cycles to one’s own injury is foolish. To keep subjecting oneself, like an indebted servant, to someone else’s passive-aggressiveness is foolish.

“As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his foolishness.” (Pr. 26:11)

Why do I keep partaking in the foolishness of winning this woman over when she’s making it clear as day that she’s not interested?

I’m like a fool returning to its idiotic folly. But, why? Why do I return? Why do I keep seeking to win over people who don’t want me?

During my prayer time, I sought the Lord. “God, why do I act like a fool, continually subjecting myself to repeated pain?”

I felt the answer come clear as day, “Kelly, you believe what they are doing is a proclamation or a reflection of who you are. You have to fix that, or else…”

I understood then and there that I feel I have to change them to feel good — about me. I have to win them over. I have to make them love me. I have to stick with them until I am worthy so I feel worthy. I have to make sure they see me as a something so I don’t have to feel like a nothing. I have to make sure they never treat me as impersonal or distant, lest I be unwanted.

Wow. When did I allow man’s words and actions to have more power than God’s Word and actions? When did I give man so much power over me? When did I lose the calling of God to make my mission to win over the affection of man?

Ick. Jesus didn’t do this.

Jesus went to the cross, despite man’s criticism of Him as the Son of God. He carried on with His mission despite the condemnation about how He healed on the Sabbath. Jesus remembered He was the Son of God, despite the name-calling He experienced. But, imagine? What if Jesus allowed other people’s actions to define Him? He likely would not have fulfilled HIs destiny — crucifixion, resurrection, and salvation for all the believers in the entire world. We cannot look at man! But, do we?

Have we given in to man’s words in such a way that we have subtly given up on God’s cause? Have we become a slave to winning people over more than trusting Jesus who won all freedom on the cross? Have we become a victim to a slave master who tells us we have to fix people in order to be loved or to be happy?
God gives us another way. It is:

Forget what they say!
Forget what they do!
People’s actions are no proclamation over you!
For it is God — who speaks over you!

You are wanted!
Empowered by grace!
Equipped for every good work!

Today is the line-in-the-sand day when we:

Forget all the foolishness! If that person doesn’t love you, want you or choose you — so what?! That’s not your issue, that’s their issue! God still loves you, wants you and chooses you.

Even more, He is lining up new relationships and new horizons that will speak volumes over those old hurts. Hope again. He has good things for you.

You are His special child. He cares so greatly for you that you don’t have to go chasing after people who keep hurting you.

Prayer: Father, I forgive those who keep hurting me. I also ask you to forgive me for serving and catering to man over you. Forgive me for making a mission out of trying to win people over. I release and surrender these people to you. I serve You and Your will first and foremost. I repent of subjecting myself to continual hurt when You haven’t called me to. I come under Your truth about me (I am loved, wanted, called, helped, not left as an orphan), more than I absorb other people’s words and actions as proclamations of my worth. I am loved and adored. Please help me to know this and help me to be more and more in love with You. May Your love fill every hole in my heart. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Do you Look Foolish Trusting God?

What looks like foolishness to man can actually be radical obedience to God.

“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise…” (1 Cor. 1:27 NIV)

Friends, in the swoop of a two-week span, we packed up all our home goods, sold our furniture, and moved by faith to a new area.

I know some may call us “hasty”. I am aware that by natural eyes it looks foolish; it was so quick. However, after prayer and seeking, I know this move is of the Lord.

I know it is of the Lord even though bedbugs awaited us at our first Airbnb (Ick! We got out of there fast!).

I know it is of the Lord even though the first school we put our kids in was a complete bomb and we had to disenroll them on the first day.

I know it is of the Lord even though we can’t yet find a home to settle in.

I know it is of the Lord even though we are traveling around towns, praying and seeking, with stuff packed in the back of two vehicles.

God never said faith would be easy. God never said faith has everything all together. God never said faith looks neat and tidy, easy or simple. God said to go and do it anyway.

“Take nothing for your journey,” he instructed them. “Don’t take a walking stick, a traveler’s bag, food, money, or even a change of clothes.” (Lk. 9:3 NLT)

God’s grace steps in as we step out. As we step out on the water to walk, grace empowers our steps in the miraculous. It doesn’t always feel good though. We may do it weak. We may do it scared. Friends, still do it.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Cor. 12:9-10)

God never said we wouldn’t be tried; He made it clear we would come out as gold, to His glory!

“These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” (1 Pet. 1:7)

We are proven as gold, and trials purify us by fire — to His glory!

My friends? I think it is important for us faith-full followers to know — our faith is still working out its perfect end! It doesn’t matter what it looks like. It doesn’t matter how hard it feels. It doesn’t matter how opposed it looks. Jesus was opposed and kept walking.

So, don’t give up. I’m not! We will find a great school for the kids. We will land in the right home (pray for us!!!). Most of all, we will be positioned in the ideal will of the Lord, in the place where He wants us to be for such an hour as this. It will be good. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Until then, faith can feel hard. Extreme. Outside of the understanding of others. But, does it please the Lord? Always.

“And without faith it is impossible to please God…” (Heb. 11:6)

Prayer: Father, help me not to judge, in fear, what I have done, in faith. Keep me strong in faith regarding the decisions I have made. Give me strength, endurance, and perseverance to carry on. May all I do be to your glory. May all I walk out be done with love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control, no matter how hard it is! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Never Let this 1 Thing Rule your Life

One of the greatest lessons I learned, while writing the book, “Take Every Thought Captive” is: feelings are great indicators, but lousy masters.

There is only one Master, Father God. There is only one truth, The Word of God. There is only one guide to our life, Holy Spirit. There is only one Savior, Jesus Christ.

Feelings often overexert as masters, dictating how we respond. The “master of feelings” tells us to find our own solutions, come to our own answers, and handle it quickly…

Kelly, you need to fix the stressful situation…search the internet.
Kelly, jump in and make sure everyone is okay…speak up.
Kelly, you need to handle your fear by getting to the bottom of things.

As a result, we move to fast action, quick responses, or with human reasoning, when Father God may be saying, “Be Still. Wait on me. Pray.”

Paul told the Corinthian church, “I may have to be very bold with those who think we act from purely human motives.” (2 Cor. 10:2). He went on to say, “The trouble with you is you make your decision based on appearance.” (2 Cor. 10:7)

How often do we do the same thing? We feel a thing so we do a thing… We think a thing so we react to something… We realize a thing and feel the burden to handle everything.

Do we consult God on what His Word has to say?
Do we pray and find God’s way?
Do we seek and seek again, trusting to find?

Eph. 5:17 is one of my favorite verses: “Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.”

Waiting on the Lord can feel like sitting around and doing nothing. But, while we are still, He is fighting for us. While we are waiting on Him, He may be working on others. While we are trusting Him, He is giving us the wisdom to walk on the straight path, rather than the windy one.

No situation is hopeless or helpless.

“There is surely a future hope for you,
and your hope will not be cut off.” (Prov. 23:18)

I guess it comes down to—will we really believe Him to work in the absence of our fast-moving work?

Prayer: Father, I acknowledge before you that I am quick to act and to react. Father, I ask for your grace to pause, to ask, to seek, and to knock. I ask that you would open new doors, and ways, and means up to me as I do so. Give me such a grace on my life to seek wisdom before I speak quick solutions. Give me power to ask you, before I go by my natural mind. I want to be wise, discerning, understanding, and knowledgeable about your ways. Grow me in them. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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Adventuring with God!

The boat turned off course. What was going on!? Two minutes ago, we were cruising down a clear water channel, one where I could see for what seemed to be miles. Now, out of nowhere, my boat was crashing into some reeds. Tall ones, I might add. We couldn’t even see beyond the boat’s bow.

Would we be okay? Would we hit land?

Ironically, I didn’t think either of those thoughts. What I thought was, “Wow! This is exhilarating!”

I loved…
the wind flying my hair a mile a minute…
the horsepower of the boat propelling us beyond ordinary…
the brute speed turning charted lands into uncharted ones.

Now I was getting somewhere! Now I was really living!

We were pioneering new lands! We were going where man had not gone before.

Something in me came alive. Why? I am not meant to live an ordinary life, but an extraordinary one, in Christ Jesus.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

What if I lived like I actually believed that? Believing every calling and purpose of God for my life was possible? That God really would give me every bit of providence, sustenance and horsepower I needed to do His will? That the beaten track, the boring, ordinary and commonplace, could be ditched, in order to move out on a thrill ride — His new course, as I follow Jesus, just like the disciples?

Is Jesus calling you? Is there a new attitude, new land, new friend, or new role that you feel nudged to move into? Is there more abundant giving, more adventurous international going or new ways of relating that He is beckoning you into?

Ditch the ordinary and find His extraordinary! Don’t let complacency or convenience connive you into boring living! There is nothing worse than living Groundhog Day on repeat; it makes a soul lose luster.

Friend, get going — in following Him.

Jesus is calling. You can do this. He will help you. All things are possible with God.

You don’t need to know the way — for HE DOES!

The thrill of the ride, the joy of your heart and the land of promise — is only found as you adventure with God. Grab His hand and walk with Jesus!

Prayer: Father, thank you that you are in control. As we let go, you take hold. As we cast our cares on the Lord, you handle them. Please give us bravery, boldness and strength to follow Jesus. Please give us your empowerment from Heaven to do all you have for us to do in this life. We want to obey and follow you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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My “Oh-Crud” Moment…

good father

Oh crud.

Like me, have you ever had an “oh-crud moment” when you knew what you were supposed to do, but you didn’t do it?

It can happen when you know you should respond lovingly, but you still go for the low blow with your words.

It can happen when you sense Holy Spirit saying not to look at a social media thread, but there you go anyway.

It can happen when you’re sure that God wants you to share Jesus with people, and then you just don’t.

It can happen when you feel called in a certain direction and then just trash that prompting.

My “oh-crud moment” didn’t just happen blatantly; it happened casually…

You see, my son kept coming in my room before his bedtime. Beforehand, my husband and I had made it EXPLICITLY clear that, before bed, we didn’t want him to keep coming in our room and asking us questions, because we needed time to wind-down.

Yet, there he was — jumping on our bed.

“Son,” I said. “Please go to your room and I will be there shortly to say goodnight.”

He kept jumping.

“Son, please listen and head to your room to read a book.”

He, like a slow turtle, made a move towards the edge of the bed.

“Son, we love you very much, but we also don’t want to ask again!”

We had asked 3 times. And…that’s when it hit me — Oh my goodness, delayed obedience is straight-up disobedience.

Just as I shouldn’t have to ask my son more than once, God shouldn’t have to ask me more than once. If I find it horribly disrespectful and dishonoring to have to ask my son repeatedly, how much more does God feel about my abandoning His leading and disobeying his prompting?

Oh crud.

“Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.” (Ja. 4:17)

Conviction fell on me. My Lord shouldn’t have to ask, me, His servant, more than once.

I am sorry, Father.

After apologizing to God, there was still a bugging, pressing question annoying me. It was this: Can I really change? Can I really start listening and stop disobeying?

Friends, I have done a lot of — not listening. I want to honor God, but for some reason I am afraid I won’t obey when he wants me to.

I think Paul understood, ” I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.” (Romans 7:15-17)

And here is where Paul gives us powerful wisdom. If I am hyper focused on my sin-nature, all I will see is the nature of my sin. But, if I am walking in the abundant and equipping nature of His grace, I will be empowered by it.

God has all we need to help us go right, do right and love right, by the power of His might.

All we need to do is to ask for His help and to be willing to go a new way.

Prayer: Father, I want your help to obey. Franky, I need your help to obey. I want to honor you in everything I do. I pray that any spirit of fear that keeps me from following you, be bound. I pray that any pride that preserves my flesh, be brought low. I pray that any part of me that doubts myself, would be healed. I ask for all the grace I need to honor you in word, in thought, and in deed, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Your Outlook Makes All The Difference

I sent a text message, then instantly deleted it.

My friend wrote, “Kelly, what do you need prayer for?”

My initial text answer was cliché, a rote response that seemed right. But, what was it that I really needed prayer for? I deleted what I wrote and paused. What do I really want? What do I really need? The more I thought, my mind traveled…

And, before I knew it, something caught my eye. I picked it up. All it was, was a piece of foil that someone in my family trashed on the table. But, when the light shined on it from the nearby window? What that foil looked like on the table was — a diamond.

Light changes everything.

In Ephesians, Paul prayed, “I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.” (Eph. 1:18 NIV)

Light changes things. Light makes everything look different. Light gives us understanding. Light tells us who we are — and demystifies who we are not. Light brings hope — and confidence that God has a plan. Light illuminates our calling. God’s light on our life is more valuable than any diamond.

Light is the aha-moment! It may make us say, “Wow. Now, I know what I need to do!” Or, “Whoa, I didn’t think about it like that; now everything makes a lot of sense.” Or, “Oh, I misunderstood everything that person was saying and now we can restore loving connection.” Or, “Oh my goodness, I know God is wanting me to love in this way.” Or, “Wow, God I understand Your immensity and sovereignty now!”

Light lets us see all things in life, in right order.

Where do you need the eyes of your heart enlightened so you can regain hope and confidence?

God’s light lets us see where – and how – He intends for us to go. It reveals His truth and His way.

I texted my friend and essentially requested, “Please pray that God illuminates my heart with His light so I understand His calling and what He wants me to see, through Him.”

Light gives hope and illuminates God’s best paths. It refocuses our outlook. It reframes our future.

Let’s pray: Father, open the eyes of my heart. Open my eyes so I can see what you want me to see. Open my eyes so I can regain hope and confidence in you and through you. Show me what you know that I need to see. Reveal to me real understanding of who you are and who I am in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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1 Tip: Loving as our Greatest Calling

we all want

Valentine’s Day was super hard for me. Isn’t it horrible when what America has deemed a dream, goes all wrong?

On what is supposed to be a day of chocolate, kisses and love, instead, I ruined it all. My husband told me I should rest; I got offended. Why? Because I was sure of my plan. I already had it all road-mapped out. I had determination in my eye and resolve in my footing. So, when he essentially said, “Chill out,” everything in me wanted to protest. Which I did do…by the way (not that I am proud of it).

Offense and defensiveness are easy, aren’t they? We feel so entitled to hold on to our anger, our reasoning and our way. People just don’t get it!

At the same time, the other side of me knew: to be in offense delivers me straight out of abiding-connection with Jesus Christ and the empowering nature of the Holy Spirit.

“Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.” (Romans 8:5-8 NLT)

Offense is actually hostile, not only to my husband, but directly to God. Not only that, but it hinders me from effectively being controlled and led by the Holy Spirit. I can’t love people as well. I don’t bring peace. I am not led by the Spirit into things of life and purpose. I am not controlled or directed by the Holy Spirit. I am unpleasing to God.

Have you been crippled by offense? Has someone thrown you off track? Might you consider forgiving them for the greater gain of God? For the increase of being led by Him? No one is perfect. We are not and neither are they.

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34 NLT)

I have found out, the hard way, it is impossible to follow God when I am following my own emotions. I cannot successfully go forward by my own flesh, when only the Spirit leads to life. A mind of offense automatically supersedes the Mind of Christ.

The way of God is the only way.

Speaking of finding their way of God…there is good news!  So many who attended the “What’s My Calling” Workshop, discovered their calling. Glory to God! They heard heard from God  and got wisdom in walking in His ways.

If you wanted to attend — but did not sign up in time, it is not too late. You still may purchase the recorded version of “What’s My Calling?” by clicking here. I am confident you gain insight and clarity by attending.

Also, I got to thinking….maybe some of you already know your calling (to be a great mom, leader, businesswoman, non-profit leader). Maybe you just need encouragement not to give up and not to give in the enemy. I am putting together a “Encouragement to Love” support and prayer night. This will be a night of wisdom on how to fight the schemes of the enemy as we seek to love God and others. During this special night, experience encouragement in breakout groups and personalized prayer support. The cost is $25 which will help cover platform fees and will also be a personal blessing to me and my family. Even if you are still seeking God in your calling, this will be a great event for you! Find yourself surrounded by personal support and with sisters who love you.

Come join us!

I expect this to be a super encouraging night! We will hear mini-messages, breakout in support groups and receive personal prayer.

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Are You Unsure?


“Kelly, you need to take back your confidence.”

The second the woman said this to me was the second I knew that she was onto something. I’d been hesitant, not moving forward into things the way I used to. I used to be known as “full-force Kelly,” but now? Now I was questioning things…delaying…procrastinating.

Should I really do this?
Is this what God wants me to do?
Am I really able to follow through and make something like this happen?

Where had my confidence gone?

Just like God had said to Joshua, the truth remains for us, “Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Jo. 1:9 AMPC)

God doesn’t change, so that must have meant that I changed. God doesn’t stop being with me, so that must mean I let go of holding hands with Him.

We will never get where we are going, if we’ve lost our going with God, and if we don’t recover it once again.

Have you lost direction? Do you feel unsure about what to do in specific situations? Do you want to more clearly know God’s will for your life, for situations, for decisions?

“Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you].” (Ro. 12:2)

God wants us to know our way (or, better said, His way for our life). We have the ability to know what God wants us to do, what direction to head, what words to say, what path to take, what road to go down, what calling He has for us. We have the ability to prove the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Why? Because Romans 12:2 says we do!

This verse is a big deal! It is a game-changer for those who feel stuck, unsure and immovable. There is no impossible situation, just the appearance of what looks impossible. Renewed minds see how to cross over the great divide and to walk into God’s will. They find what is good, acceptable and perfect — to God. They walk confidently, again.

Did you know this is available to you? I’d love to walk down this path with you. I’d love to help you get your confidence back through the power of prayer and His Word.

I am gathering a handful of women to seek the Lord for His calling for our lives. Whether you are looking for direction about a situation or for the overall purpose for your life, I believe many will gain renewed clarity and understanding regarding God’s best paths in the big or the little details of life.

About the “What is My Calling” Workshop

During the “What is My Calling?” workshop, you will:
1. Discover the biblical power of living out your calling.
2. Gain understanding about God’s will for decisions or for your life.
3. Identify your calling or God’s direction in your life.
4. Solidify your calling and next steps or gain wisdom for hard life situations.
5. Propel forward through the power of prayer.
6. Find potential accountability partners to keep in touch with.
7. Collaborate and find support in a breakout group.

***Plus: A personal encouragement email from me! I will be praying to ask God to give me a unique verse and a prayer for each of you. I pray this blesses you immensely on your way!

"What is My Calling?" Workshop

Thursday, Feb 9, 2023 from 7:00 PM ET - 9:00 PM ET via zoom.

**recorded version available.


The evening Zoom workshop cost is $54. This price covers costs, creates personal accountability to attend/steward the knowledge, and blesses me in the creation of future frameworks for ministry. There is no price that is too big in discovering God’s calling in one’s life. I pray that God give you all the resources to invest in your own life! Bless you!

Discover your calling. Or, help a friend who is lost, find their way again by giving this event or recording as a gift.

Register today (via the button below) for the “What is My Calling?” Workshop on February 9, 2023 from 7 PM ET to 9 PM ET.

Sign up today!

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Keep The Faith!

reconstruction zone

I was headed up, up, up. My car climbed the towering, sky-high road up the bridge. On the
ascent, I could see it all, boats below, a beach lining the shore and cargo ships out the left side of my window . But, one thing I could not see? The other side of the bridge.

From my vantage point, it looked like the road just — ended. It looked like I’d get to the top of
the bridge and suddenly, fall over it, into deep waters. Ahhhh, I’m going to die!  That’s how it
appeared as I drove…but at the same time, I knew that wouldn’t happen.

Why? Because, even though I couldn’t see, I believed the road continued. I trusted and I knew
there was another side.  Even though it appeared to my natural eye that I was going to fall,
knowing kept me going.

Faith is the same way. It can 100% look like we are going to fall in life. We think, “There is no
way I am coming through this.” “This will never work out.” “Everything I see is telling me I am
bound to ruin.” We see the road that looks like our demise. The end.

Maybe you are there now? With your marriage? With your health? With finances? With how you
feel about yourself? With your future? Your children?

Friends, I can’t tell you, personally, how many times I’ve stared at a bridge to somewhere that
looked 100% broken. One that was bound to make me fall. There have been health scares like
Multiple Sclerosis and an unexpected lump, marriage turbulence and family divisions, along with
a host of other things. Every time, my natural vision told me — everything is all over!!!!

But, just like happened in the car, I knew better than to think this way. I understood, with God,
what looks like a coming-ending is usually a start of a new beginning. My life-roads would keep
going! I had a knowing in my going that God would be faithful and help me.

When we have a knowing in our going, we traverse the other side of bridges to nowhere.  But,
how can we know, when we don’t know if we are going to make it?

When I get in an impossible situation, I look at the unchanging nature of my incredible God. The
more I choose to know Him, the more I know that I am going to be okay.

Let’s take a moment to know our God today. As these names fill your insides, they will give you
peace and hope.

Our Faithful God is:

EL, ELOAH [el, el-oh-ah] – God “mighty, strong, prominent”
EL SHADDAI [el-shah-dahy]: “God Almighty,” “The God of the Mountain”
ELOHIM [el-oh-heem] –  God “Creator, Mighty and Strong”
YAHWEH-SHALOM [yah-way-shah-lohm]- “Our God is Peace”
ADONAI [ˌædɒˈnaɪ; ah-daw-nahy]: “Lord”, “Our Master”
YAHWEH-JIREH [yah-way-ji-reh]: “The Lord Will Provide”
YAHWEH-RAPHA [yah-way-raw-faw]: “The Lord Who Heals”
YAHWEH-NISSI [yah-way-nee-see]: “The Lord Our Banner”
YAHWEH-M’KADDESH [yah-way-meh-kad-esh]: “The Lord Who Sanctifies, Makes
YAHWEH-TSIDKENU [yah-way-tzid-kay-noo]: “The Lord Our Righteousness”
YAHWEH-ROHI [yah-way-roh-hee]: “The Lord Our Shepherd”
YAHWEH-SHAMMAH [yah-way-sham-mahw]: “The Lord Is There” “The Lord My
YAHWEH-SABAOTH [yah-way-sah-bah-ohth]: “The Lord of Hosts”
EL ELYON [el-el-yohn]: “Most High”
EL ROI [el-roh-ee]: “God of Seeing” (Genesis 16:13)
EL-OLAM [el-oh-lahm]: “Everlasting God”

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is
to come, the Almighty.” (Rev. 1:8)

Who God was, is who God is, and who God will be. When we know who God is — and
His unchanging nature — we know that our road does not end. It continues. We have a
Shepherd. We are seen. We are healed, be it here or in eternity. We are there with God.
We have a companion. We have a banner over us called love. We are under the care of
the Lord of all the angelic hosts. He will carry us through.

His name is enough to make things right. We get new power in our prayer, when we
know His name and drive up our broken road relying on His faithfulness.

Suddenly in our going, we know that we won’t be falling. We know we will make it to the
height of the horrible situation and we will — cross over. Why? Because God is faithful to
carry us through, even if some of the going has some pain or loss in it.

Friend, we will make it. God has us!

Prayer: Father, I want to know you more. Help me to think upon these names. Help me to remember who you are and to rely on you. Help me to get all my strength from you and to trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Thank you, David Jeremiah Ministries, for the name information.