Purposeful Faith

Category - grace

Admitting What is Hard to Admit

we all want

Hey friends — I was on the 700 Club this week talking about Take Every Thought Captive! I hope the segment blesses you. Watch here.


I knew I was wrong. But, changing course and admitting wrongdoing, I knew, would hurt too much to do. Why? During the whole course of the discussion, I defended my position adamantly. I was so sure. I made myself out to be a saint with all the right answers…but now? Now that I was beginning to see the light of my error? Grr…

It’s embarrassing to feel caught and exposed. Like a wild animal caught in a cage, flashlight probing its eyes, all one can do is stand there, not sure of where to go. Like this animal, I paced around in my mind, considering what to do. Will this person still think good things about me? Will they berate me after I admit: I was wrong? Will my opinion still be valued going forward? Will I have to radically change — and, can I even make this change?

Sometimes, it’s easier to deny wrongdoing than to admit it. Sometimes, it is easier to keep pride than to give away ego. Sometimes, it is easier to maintain your sense of self than to die to the flesh.

I think Nicodemus, when talking to Jesus, may have understood these feelings.

“Now there was a certain man among the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler (a leader, an authority) among the Jews, Who came to Jesus at night and said to Him, Rabbi, we know and are certain that You have come from God [as] a Teacher; for no one can do these signs (these wonderworks, these miracles—and produce the proofs) that You do unless God is with him.” (John 3:1-2 AMPC, emphasis added)

Nicodemus said, “We know…you have come from God.”

This means, there was more than one Pharisee or religious leader who knew the truth about Jesus — but, they were not saying anything!

If the Pharisees “knew” why keep it a secret? Why not come out and say, “This man, Jesus, is from God?” Why not announce, “Only one from God can do the works this man does!?” Why not tell all, “Certainly, God is with this man”?

There is only one reason, much like the reason I had for not speaking up — pride.

Pride that thinks:
If we are wrong about this man, what will the people think about us?
If He is from God, what will we mattter anymore?
If all know that God is with Him, how will we have to change?
If He is more than us, what will happen to us?
Pride kept the Pharisees from fully receiving Jesus.

That’s what pride does. It keeps us from admitting, receiving and confessing truth, even when we blatantly know it is true. Pride makes us preserve our flesh rather than die to it. I wonder, how often has pride caused you to deny, rationalize or to hide away because you don’t want to get hurt?

Friends, I know pride. I know what it is to want to stay safe. I, probably like you, have been hurt in the past. Yet, I know this — when we are honest, we free ourselves. We free ourselves from shame, from fear, and from circular mental traps. Remember, it is only the truth that will set us free.
The Pharisees full-out denied Jesus out of pride. It is easy to point the finger at them, but how often do we do the same thing?

What truth, may you need to admit, in that hard moment, even though it feels like it may kill you?

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” (Jo. 3:30)

Prayer: Father, forgive me of my pride. Give me the power to decrease so that you may increase. Just as Jesus died to Himself, help me. Just as Jesus laid down defenses, help me. Just as Jesus humbled himself, may I do the same. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Your Outlook Makes All The Difference

I sent a text message, then instantly deleted it.

My friend wrote, “Kelly, what do you need prayer for?”

My initial text answer was cliché, a rote response that seemed right. But, what was it that I really needed prayer for? I deleted what I wrote and paused. What do I really want? What do I really need? The more I thought, my mind traveled…

And, before I knew it, something caught my eye. I picked it up. All it was, was a piece of foil that someone in my family trashed on the table. But, when the light shined on it from the nearby window? What that foil looked like on the table was — a diamond.

Light changes everything.

In Ephesians, Paul prayed, “I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.” (Eph. 1:18 NIV)

Light changes things. Light makes everything look different. Light gives us understanding. Light tells us who we are — and demystifies who we are not. Light brings hope — and confidence that God has a plan. Light illuminates our calling. God’s light on our life is more valuable than any diamond.

Light is the aha-moment! It may make us say, “Wow. Now, I know what I need to do!” Or, “Whoa, I didn’t think about it like that; now everything makes a lot of sense.” Or, “Oh, I misunderstood everything that person was saying and now we can restore loving connection.” Or, “Oh my goodness, I know God is wanting me to love in this way.” Or, “Wow, God I understand Your immensity and sovereignty now!”

Light lets us see all things in life, in right order.

Where do you need the eyes of your heart enlightened so you can regain hope and confidence?

God’s light lets us see where – and how – He intends for us to go. It reveals His truth and His way.

I texted my friend and essentially requested, “Please pray that God illuminates my heart with His light so I understand His calling and what He wants me to see, through Him.”

Light gives hope and illuminates God’s best paths. It refocuses our outlook. It reframes our future.

Let’s pray: Father, open the eyes of my heart. Open my eyes so I can see what you want me to see. Open my eyes so I can regain hope and confidence in you and through you. Show me what you know that I need to see. Reveal to me real understanding of who you are and who I am in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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As You Think, So You Are…

My friend, about to get in the car loaded up with her boys, was saying final goodbyes to me, when I made a colossal verbal gaffe…

Wanting to please her son and connect with him, I advised him, “You know, if you had me as your mom, I’d take you, right now, out to the gas station and buy you a super yummy treat — whatever you wanted!”

The second I blurted these words, I wanted to take them back. Has that ever happened to you?

My words silently communicated to this son (and his mother):
I am better than your mom…
I have good things for you that she doesn’t…
I am great; my ways are the best!

The arrogance! I have no idea where this obnoxiousness came from.

“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jer. 17:9 NIV)

The deceit of our heart can impact the words of our mouth, if we fail to pause and use self-control. Our thoughts affect our words our words affect our relationships and our relationships impact the course of our life.

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” (Prov. 23:7 KJV)

Do you know the thoughts of your heart? How are they directing your words? Do you speak in haste? Do you say what you don’t mean to say? Do you get angry easily? Do you give advice to people when you don’t want to? Do you speak critical, condemning or negative words?

Did you know the face of your world will change as the thoughts of your heart are transformed by the power of God’s grace?

I received God’s grace and apologized to my friend, immediately. I examined my heart and discovered a need to be loved. I don’t need man’s love, I have God’s. He completely accepts me. I repented and received Jesus’ grace to move forward in a new way. I took my thought captive.

You can too.

Tonight starts the 4-Month Take Every Thought Captive Coaching Intensive. This is a free training to help us all stand strong of mind during these times, to know who we are in Christ Jesus, and to be transformed so that we can discern God’s will in our lives! Again, this event is entirely FREE with a book purchase.

Get “Take Every Thought Captive”, then sign up here for the coaching program!
Also, did you know — achieving goals is far easier and more reachable when two gather together as accountability partners? Consider inviting a friend!

I am developing “Check-In Questions” that can be texted to help keep you accountable during the week. Build relationship and grow together. Simply forward this email and invite a friend to journey along with you. Two are better than one!

About the Book, “Take Every Thought Captive”
In Take Every Thought Captive: Exchange Lies of the Enemy for the Mind of Christ, author and speaker Kelly Balarie encourages readers to seize the power of God’s Word to not only profess truth, but possess it in their mind, heart, and actions.
Take Every Thought Captive helps readers:

• transform their minds and release the worries, burdens, and lies from the enemy
• pray through times of mental and emotional strife
• become warriors and fight for God’s plan and purpose
• use God’s Word proactively instead of living defensively and defeated

Prayer: Father God, I ask you to renew me in the pattern of my mind that I will be able to discern the perfect, pleasing, and good will of God. I know that I cannot do this in my strength, but I can do this by the power of the Holy Spirit. I ask for Your grace and power to do so. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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You’re Invited: Encounter God in His Word

This morning, I woke up at 4 AM. Do you ever wake up and feel unable to fall asleep again? Usually when this happens I figure, God just wants undivided time with me.  Some of my best times with the Lord are during these early-waking hours. When I obey. When I drag myself out of bed.

This morning, I lit up the gas fire, snuggled up, and grabbed my bible. But, before I dug in, I just sat there, with God.

My eyes traveled to the fresh lilies on the table, ones of the purple, white and yellow variety. They “wowed” me for a moment, a move of the fresh beckoning of Spring with fullness of colors, unleashed. They made me think about how Jesus busted open vibrancy when He rose out of darkness to bring us the wonder of life, and life abundantly. These flowers speak: Resurrection-life power will come!

And, the more I stared, the more I saw something I had not before: a green stem, budding. What looked, yesterday, all closed up, was now showing forth fresh life! What looked like nothing now had new color. What was hidden was now apparent. What was in the process of growing, now had reached the appointed time — of shining!”When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.  Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” (Jo. 11:43-44 NIV)

I wonder if you feel like you are in grave clothes? Maybe you’re defeated? Discouraged? Demotivated in a marriage? Debilitated by sickness? Down in the dumps? Feeling like you amounted to nothing? Divided in mind?

May I encourage you for a moment? Jesus is “the resurrection” (Jo. 11:25). Resurrection-power is part of his character, just as much as your funniness, smarts, observant nature or whatever…is your nature.

Just as much as I cannot remove your nature from you, we cannot remove Jesus’ nature from Him.

Jesus resurrects.

Be encouraged. Some of us feel insecure on the inside, but God is beginning an internal budding. Some of us are hiding our true heart and self from others, but God is helping us trust His grace is enough to take us out of our shell and into the fullness of who He created us to be! Some of us are embarrassed and ashamed about how we parented or let family members down, but Jesus is prepared to remove the stones so that real life can flow between us and those we love in relationship.

Jesus removes grave clothes to bring us new life, His way, and in His time. Will we trust Him?

My dear ones, do not lose hope. Do not lose courage. Do not grow weary. Jesus always shows up right on time.

Prayer: Father, thank you for your Son, Jesus. He saves and saves again. He resurrects and resurrects again. Nothing is impossible for Him. We are not too much of a mess for Him. He knows us and still wants us and that is a miracle. We are so grateful. Please bring resurrection-life power in our life! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Reflection & Invitation: The Word of God is powerful. It is the most powerful weapon. Just as this morning God used a flower to pierce me with His Word, He wants to release His Word in your heart in such a way that it cuts through to the dividing of soul and spirit within you.

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12)

Do you feel cut by the Word of God? Do you feel engaged with it? Does the Word of God read you or are you just dully reading it?

I want to help you engage with the Word of God.
Join me for an “Encounter God in His Word” Workshop Night.

During this 1.5-hour session, you will:

1. Learn practical prayers and tips to more deeply encounter God deeply through The Word of God.
2. Gain insight on how to carry The Word of God through your day so it changes your heart.
3. Discover how to create daily habits that put God’s Word first in your life.
4. Glean wisdom from the Word and wield the sharp sword you were meant to carry.

"Encounter God in His Word" Workshop

Thursday, Mar 16, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time ET via zoom.

**recorded version available.


The Word of God is as a fire and a hammer (Jer. 23:29). It is powerful to break anything and to build up all things. Learn to use it, in fresh ways!

Attend via Zoom (or get the recorded version) on Mar 16, 7:00 PM Eastern Time.  The cost is $25, which covers administrative costs and is also a blessing to Kelly & Purposeful Faith. Click here to attend.

P.S. If you missed the “What’s Your Calling” workshop, it is still available via recording.

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Dust off Hurtful Words + Carry on!

good father

When I walk, I am not scared of bugs. I know I walk above them. When I walk though my front yard, I don’t consider what bugs may be underground; I just walk. I am not afraid, I go! I walk above problems. I walk over scary things. I move, anyway.

To be above what lurks, is a big deal. It means you walk fearlessly.
Do you realize that we sit above the mayhem of the world?

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus…” (Eph. 2:6)

“Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love.”

We are above what issues lurk below. We are above the world that demands constant attention. We are above powers and principalities of the unseen realm because we sit with Jesus.

Even more, we are “even above reproach”. Do you know what “reproach” means?

American Webster Dictionary defines “reproach” as : “To express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone).
Friend, you are above disapproval, criticism, or disappointment.

This is a big deal. It means that people can’t squash you with words. They can’t ruin you with bad actions. The old labels cannot stick any longer. You, my dear one, sit above that. You are over that, with Jesus.

All that cannot hold you back any longer!

Remember where you sit, my friend. Stay all your mind above all that — whether it happened yesterday or today! Give it no claim to yourself. Despise the shame, just like Jesus did (see Heb. 12:2)! You are “before Him in love”.

It means everything to be seated with Jesus! It’s a powerful position.

Prayer: I pray, today, I feel and experience the love of God. I pray that you open the eyes of my heart, Father God, to know the hope of my glorious inheritance and the riches in Christ Jesus. I pray that I gain understanding of where I sit and whom I am seated with. I pray that you give me power to live from that place. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Faith Beyond What’s Comfortable

I don’t like feeling in need. I like to have everything together. I like being the strong one. I like having the right word for the right person at the right time. I like giving. I like handling things well. I like knowing what my day holds. I like convenience. I like knowing what is happening.

Knowing things makes me feel good. Having a handle on life makes me feel comfortable.

But, is comfort what Jesus was after?

I bet many of the disciples didn’t feel comfortable when they left their fishing business behind to follow Jesus.

I bet Paul felt anything but comfortable when he fell off that horse and went blind for three days.

I bet Jesus didn’t feel comfortable when He walked down Calvary Road with a cross.

There are times where the Lord permits a shaking up of our proverbial snow globes in life — to loose us from comfort zones. The Lord, in His All-Knowingness, uses discomfort and awkwardness to provoke great need for Him. Here, rather than relying on our way, our sufficiency, our greatness and our known — we run to rely on Him.

These uncomfortable times of awkwardness can be times of great acceleration if received with open hearts and hands. They can walk us into the greatest, most glorious adventures of life, if we take the risk — to go there with God.

But, not all are willing to go the uncomfortable distance. Not all say yes…to the call, to shedding weight for His great…

Jesus answered (the rich man), ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’

When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.” (Mt. 19:21-22)

The rich man did not follow Jesus because he was comfortable.

What a pity it is to deny Jesus, to keep comfort.

For “…to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Phil. 1:21) Dying to ourselves is not always comfortable, but it is always worth it. Jesus, as The Prince of Peace has peace for us, no matter how hard the bridge there looks. And, all His paths lead to life, for Jesus is Life (see Jo. 14:6). No matter how unorthodox it seems, when Jesus is in it we will find both life and peace when we walk through it with Him. He is true to His nature.

With all this, take courage, my friends, as you walk in these hard places. Gain hope! If Christ has overcome the world (Jo. 16:33), surely He can overcome what you face as you go with Him. He is faithful. Truly, I tell you: You “can do all things through Him who gives you strength.” (Phil. 4:13)

What discomfort may God be using to further holiness, endurance or perseverance in your life?

How might the shaking be making you more into the image of Christ?

How might God be calling you out and will you obey?


Father God, great is your faithfulness. You are so trustworthy. You are so good. You are so mighty. I thank You for Your Son, Jesus. He is worthy of all my life, all my devotion and all my obedience. I ask You for all the grace I need to follow Him. Whether it is to step out into a new calling, out of sin, or into a time of growth through circumstances, I ask for Your equipping and empowerment. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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When You Want To Fix Things

As a mom, it is so easy to keep a mental tally of what the family needs. My son needs new shin guards after practice today. My daughter needs the light turned off on the remote and not on the wall at the end of the night. My husband needs a good dinner.

I anticipate needs and I help.

How might you, like me, anticipate needs? How might you step in to help people when they are down? How might you do for others what they need help doing? How might you emotionally cover others when they are down? How might you step in to save people?

I have tended to think, some of me – added to what others need – makes for a good result. But lately, Christ has been reminding me, Jesus needs none of me, to release the goodness of all of Him.

I cannot help Jesus save me, or others. Only Jesus is Savior.

I cannot add to what He is doing. Only when I move my flesh out of His Way, will He move.

I am unwise to step in between a family member and what God is doing. I am unwise to fix and give advice. I am unwise to stop the process of growth that happens through struggle. This is often pride.

“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

When I move into Savior position, I may not even realize that I have a savior-complex. When I get a savior-complex I fix what God alone can work out. When I let my emotions move me more than my trust in God’s ever-working saving power, I get confused, frustrated and upset at people who are trying to work things out with God.

Where are we stepping in when God may be calling us to step out – and pray? Where are we moving by a need to be wanted or valued more than by the Holy Spirit? And, how might we be halting the move of God wanting to move in the lives of those we love.

We are not saviors; there is only One Savior. Let’s turn to Him. He will take care of us. He is the Ultimate Defender and the Best Protector! He has all we need – and all they need too!

Prayer: Father, I confess today my own need for you. Sometimes, I get scared and want to take things into my own hands. I confess I can even use religious words or techniques to accomplish what you want to do. Help me to make room for you in my life and in the lives of those I love. Help me not to step in, to blurt out, or to move in, before you call me to. I trust you to save. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Addressing the Fear of Loving

God's love

A girlfriend, last night, told me, “Kelly, I know you care for me, because you spend time with me.”

She was right; I care for her. Another girl at the table could have said, “Kelly, you love me, because you serve me.” Yet, another, could have noted, “Kelly, you love me because you give gifts to me.”

Loving is giving (giving: words, time, gifts, time, service, hope)…

“For God so loved the world that He gave…” (Jo. 3:16)

Jesus gave His life, so we could experience death-defying love.

Love accomplishes much and it never fails. It takes bold risk. Many have led the way in love…

One woman gave, at least, a year’s worth of savings (some say it could be her life savings), and poured it out as a perfume-offering, a pre-burial anointing, on Jesus’ feet…

“She stood behind Jesus and cried at his feet. And she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair. She kissed them and poured perfume on them.” (Lu. 7:38)

Giving from her heart she gave away her greatest treasure.
Crying, she didn’t care about the Pharisees, who were likely judging.
Letting go, she gave up what she had rights to.
Due to love. Due to honor. Due to someone greater than she.

Another woman, Martha, had her own love-act. She gave up the pressure to please man and to meet societal expectations, by ditching the dinner preparations — to sit at Jesus’ feet. How dare she?!

(But,) Jesus said, “But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Lu. 10:42)

She knew love was her highest calling.
She focused on a ministry to God’s heart, first.
She kept first-things, first.

Beyond this, this verse strikes me: “And as He rode along, the people kept spreading their garments on the road.” (Luke 19:36)

Again, love and honor, to the very heart of Christ prevailed.

They laid down what they owned, due to love.
They shed layers, because Jesus was greater.
They likely recognized, God in their midst, and honored Him.

I want to love Jesus this way, don’t you? But, sometimes things hold us back from extravagant, courageous, all-out love. What are they?

For me? If I am honest, it is: fear.

Fear that the time I spend reading the Bible will make me miss out on something else.
Fear that giving will leave me high and dry.
Fear that if I’m with God, I won’t get a chance to do important things for God.
Fear that I’ll be judged.

“The greatest of these is love.” (1 Cor. 13:13)
“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Cor. 2:9)

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Ro. 8:28)

Love never fails. And, it is the one thing that — endures forever…

“Love never ends.” (1 Cor. 13:8)

Prayer: Father? We want to love more. We want to love Father, Son and Holy Spirit more. We want to give from deep inner reserves. Because all things are from you, to you and through you — will you fill us with love? Will you help us to pay attention and to have great devotion to love? We want to honor you more. You are our greatest ministry. First, we love you! Give us your grace to sit and to talk, to hear and to understand, to minister to your very heart. In Jesus’ All-Powerful, Ever-Saving Name, Amen.

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Down, But Not Out.

good father

Do you feel down? Maybe you are pressed on every side by worries or fear? Maybe you are flustered by what is happening all around you? Maybe people are not being agreeable or hopeful?

We’ve all been there… Life has hard times. Certain days, the pain is potent, the tears are heavy and hope feels flimsy.

Paul, the apostle, understood hardship. Paul, after the resurrection of Jesus, received lashes upon lashes. He was beaten with rods. He was pelted with stones. He was 3 times shipwrecked. He was constantly on the move. He was “in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers”. (2 Cor. 11:26)  He “labored and toiled” and went “without sleep”. He knew “hunger and thirst” and went “without food.” He was “cold and naked.” (2 Cor. 11:27-28) 

Yet, Paul kept going…
Yet, Paul kept believing…
Yet, Paul kept enduring…

…all by the grace of God. It’s amazing isn’t it?

This is the power of our God to sustain us, to keep us, to help us keep going. If He did it for Paul — He can do it for us. If He did it for me (when I felt like giving up on life, when I felt like quitting), He can do it for us.

Where do you need God’s help to keep going?

My friend, no matter what we face today — no matter how bad it looks — Christ offers strength to overcome. Christ grants power to keep going. Christ has a plan of escape. Christ is The Door and The Way. Just as Paul made it through we overcome as trust Christ for the victory.

The Author and The Perfector of our faith is always authoring and perfecting our life, our hearts and our path. He knows. Crooked pictures become craft projects in His hands. Suddenly, through His finishing, something new is created, only it is 1000x better than before.

God makes all things beautiful in HIS time. (see: Ec. 3:11)

We see a mess; He sees opportunity. We see annoyance; He sees new patience growing. We see long roads; He sees endurance and perseverance in our lives like never before. I believe, God treasures our heart  more than our immediate demands. The wonder is, He usually takes care of those demands too, in the long run. This is what I’ve found, at least.

He’s never once let me down. He’s brought me through an eating disorder, depression, illness, health scares, relationship drama, fear, control and so much more. He shows up. His power has been enough to save me time-and-time again. He is that wonderful.

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;  persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”  (2 Cor. 4:8-12 NIV)

We will make it as we trust Him. We will stand strong as we lean on Him. We will come out the other side, better, stronger and wiser as we stay in His love. No, we will not be forsaken. Never. He loves us.

Prayer: Father, pour out your love on every reader, in profound ways. Let every person know how much you care. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Things are Not What They Seem

“You always looked so put together. I didn’t know if I could talk to you or if you would be nice,” said one lady.

The other woman, replied in a similar way, “I wanted to talk to you too but I thought you were…”

Looks are deceiving. That’s all I could think as I sat there listening to these women share perceptions. It seemed, now, they were surprised by how relatable, real, and easy it was to be together. They were becoming fast-friends — all because they got a real chance to know each other, rather than to think things about each other.

How often do we allow what we think we know hold us back from what is truth?

I perceive a lot of things about myself: I haven’t done good at this. I didn’t succeed at that. 

I perceive things about people too: They think this about me. They are doing ___. They must want ___.

Yet, like these women, thoughts not founded in truth, hold me back from real things — real relationships, real progress, real breakthrough.

Look at what happened to Elijah in the Old Testament because of his perceptions…

“Elijah replied, “I have zealously served the LORD God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.” (1 Kings 19:10)

Elijah was right in his statement. He did served the Lord “zealously” and the people of Israel had “broken their covenant”. But, what He didn’t perceive right was that he was “the only one left”.

He allowed his loneliness and his discouragement cloud his eyes. Others had been faithful too.

Soon after sharing this with the Lord, God told Elijah, “anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel-meholah to replace you as my prophet.” (1 Kings 19:16).

I wonder if Elisha’s perception of his situation led to the culmination of his ministry? One can wonder…

But, one thing I do know is that I don’t want to let — things that appears to be — take me down. Do you? Things are not always what they appear.

Just like your rear view mirror says, “objects in the mirror are closer than they appear,” objects in our life are not always as we see them.

Where have perceptions prohibited you from real relationship? Where are you thinking you are defeated, when God had not declared that over you? Where are you thinking thoughts about others that you don’t know to be true?

The easiest way to get rid of a lie is to repent of it and replace it with God’s truth — then you will be back on the path of life again.

Prayer: God, we don’t want any lies to hold us back. We only want to live by your truth, love by your truth and praise you with truth. Help us this way. Forgive us in any way where we have spoken, thought or carried lies about ourselves or about others. We ask you to give us your thoughts and your heart to love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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