Car screamers.
Table screamers.
Mommy blamers.
Head shakers.
Mess makers.
Leg holders.
Peace breakers.
Early wakers.
Distraction forgers.
Time takers. Kids.
Sometimes, the days feel more like I am stuck in an epic disaster than a classic romance story. I battle to push away wars not bubbles, tears not swing seats and fears not frozen stances of awe. Often, I feel like I am a baby entering a battlefield unprepared, rather than a soldier entering in with the arsenal of the Pinterest mommy.
Then, I feel guilty for being bad.
I feel the burden of being the deadbeat mom.
I feel shaken by the small blowups regarding small circles of cereal.
Before you say things to me, my mom friends. I know stuff.
I know stuff like:
Even though my heart longs for the quiet tenderness of God’s arms, God’s arms extend to the disheveled mayhem of my day.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13)
A moms job is her highest calling.
Got it. And thank you for that.
Now that we have that out of the way, can I be honest with you for a second? Can I ask you one honest, woman-to-woman question?
Why did God take woman and tell her to be still with him,
only to throw her to the wolves of toddlerism?
Why does he seemingly remove peace with God
to replace it with war with kids?
My heart has taken these questions, ripped them apart, shred by shred, and sat with the fragments of ugly reality. The shards, torn even more apart by my apparent inability.
And, I realize…
Sitting in the center of shards – is just where God wants me. Sitting in the center of shards – is where God’s repair is found. Sitting in the center of shards – is sitting in the center of needy,
the place where he knows first-aid is crucial.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Is. 40:29
God doesn’t tell me to buck up and press on,
he tells me to hunker down and cry out like a child.
And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Mt. 18:3
He whispers, “Hand me the shards.
I will knit together a house called holy.”
“Hurry up and tantrum before me,
and I will calm your worst fears.”
“You don’t have to look like a Christmas portrait of excellence,
because I am your excellence.”
I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor. 12:10
God doesn’t leave the mess, their mess, our mess and call it an abomination to all his white-laced glory. He looks at it to say, “Dear child, don’t miss it, you are standing in the midst of my glory. And I love how you run to receive my help.”
Carry on, friends, carry on.
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There is under-the-table game you cannot see.
Its aim is to trick you, to train you and to teach you in ways other than Christ’s.
You think you are doing good,
because good you try to do,
but the only good you really do is for you. TRICKED.
You are too busy with life,
to find life in the Word. TRICKED.
You let people consume your time,
then you find no time with God. TRICKED.
You believe the more you control your world,
the more your world won’t batter you. TRICKED.
You believe your yesterday is at work to invalidate
the love God is showering on you today. TRICKED.
You believe that you can’t be forgiven,
for forgiveness could never cover the vast sea of your wrongs. TRICKED.
You believe that all joy, riches and happy days should follow Christians. TRICKED.
You seek knowing and loving the blessings over the blesser. TRICKED.
You are so much better than that other sinful man. TRICKED.
You cling, like a mother with a delinquent child, to avoidance and denial rather than crying out to your maker. TRICKED.
When we seek after rainbow, puppy dog and flower Christianity,
we end up loaded with cute things, but far from Jesus.
As a result, our heart holds bitterness and anger at the one who failed us. We see God as a failed Santa, rather than a gracious father. We see God as a punisher rather than a lover. We see God as an acquaintance, rather than a trusted confidante.
There are some hard lines to Christianity – and rather than tiptoe around them as if they don’t exist, sometimes, just sometimes, it is valuable to take a deep and hard look at them to say, “This is what I am called to and, heart, please follow through. God help me.”
5 Ways We Need to Get Real with Faith
– 1. As Jesus called the disciples to leave treasure behind,we must leave behind treasure that stands above the riches we find in Christ.
“Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts—no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. Mt. 10:9-10
– 2. Expect to find unexpected persecution.
“You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Mt. 10:22
– 3. If you can’t stand or speak in the face of pain, the Spirit will give you the words.
“At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” Mt. 10:19-20
– 4. People will hate you.
“You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Mt. 10:22
– 5. Standing firm in faith, means standing in joy in heaven.
“Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.” Mt. 10:33
Dying to self, means coming alive to Christ.
“To live is Christ and to die is gain.” Phil. 1:21
When we keep our eyes, not on the sleight of hand, but on the hand of God – we see that we can endure to the end with his help. We see that there are tricks, traps and talks set to deter us. We see we must “be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves,” (Mt. 10:16) so that we can be sure that no one deceives us. (Mt. 24:4)
We get real about faith and we are equipped to really stand to the end.
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Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Heb. 11:1
It is all about simple. Not getting duped by the complex theories, herculean hypotheses and advanced equations of genius conjectures.
It is all about simple. Not joining the madness of consumerism and collectivism.
It is all about simple. Not looking left or right or up or down, trembling, then constructing your own bomb shelter of safety.
It is all about simple. Not getting involved in the wars of deep-seated theology that are bound to leave relational battle-wounds, simply, unrepairable.
It is all about simple. Not counting the pennies of another, while staring at your possibly empty piggy bank.
The more simple our faith, the more abundant our life.
The more simple our reliance, the more wisdom we accrue.
For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. (1 Cor. 1:25)
“Simple” is eyes that trust the unseen.
Not seeing the world as its driving force.
But God, as he pushes us, in safe protection, to his known.
It is keeping simple in the face of other’s complex. Jesus in the forefront of rushing minds.
Following his lead,
the one who is the pure – the untainted apple of truth.
Not biting into fake, fraudulent or bound to fry,
but staying attuned to the basics, the reality, the hope,
despite the grey nuances presented by talking heads.
Despite the exotic languages that come in ones mind – only sent to confuse.
It is where mission bubbles up, and it is hope that actually – fosters hope.
And strength that has the strength to endure – it endures the fire.
And life that actually brings more life – it creates it. All join hands to light a spark to boldness,
so one can walk through the fire and come alive on the other side,
believing that will happen is they will emerge refined, shining, glowing,
a pure byproduct of him who is pure.
Themselves, yet all the same one who they always wanted to be.
And this is all that matters. That we follow him. That we listen to his voice. We hear his Word. We love. We listen. We do as he did.
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Gal. 5:6
Simple faith.
Simple faith leads to simple love. Simple love is simply what this thing called faith is all about.
Jesus never cared much for the deep insight of man, but he cared far greater that, of him, we are his biggest fan.
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What would happen if I packed up, crammed all my stuff into a moving van and found a new home – God’s dwelling? Might God whisper “The burden is off, my child”?
If I truly said:
God, you own these kids, so I release myself from the burden of mismanagement. God, these goods are under your roof, so if you don’t like them – for me, you can remove them. God, when things break down in our house, you care – it is your house too. God, you’re in the very center of the air in this marriage. You are in our midst in this house. God, this home doesn’t actually belong to me, it belongs to you. God, these plans I make are under your owned roof, help me come to you first, before I steamroll ahead. God, you care about the mother and father who walk these rooms, their feelings and thoughts you oversee.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Ps. 91:1-2
If I put everything I own under his roof, his bullet-proof roof will wrap me with protection.
Cooking, caring, helping, guiding, serving, homeworking, loving, speaking, thinking and teaching will no longer rest on me, but it will reside under him. Every time I look up, the ceiling will remind me of whose shelter I am under. Every time I feel pressed against a wall, it will remind me I am not trapped, but wrapped with his love. Every time I feel it is too much, I will remind myself that God is much more in this place then I could ever be. Every time, I fear the dark, I will remind myself that he keeps me in his shadow, because he wants me close, not far so he can hurt me.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Ps. 91:4
Alarm set.
Tucked in tight.
Into the arms of the father.
Within our own home, which is his.
If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. Ps. 91: 9-13
As God rules a refuge, he protects it. As if he places an invisible bubble of armored protection around it, harm hits it hard and falls, disaster is diverted, angels are concerned, my foot is not stubbed, the opposition walks scared and I walk defeating them.
The burden is off of me – and onto God.
Lord, God, come into my home and make your home. Everything belongs to you. I belong to you. My children belong to you. My goods belong to you. My heart belongs to you. My faith belongs to you. My life belongs to you. Rule in your shelter as I live under it. Help me stay in your ways and within your heart, never to depart. Amen.
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I don’t know about you, but if someone was to ask me, I would say, “Yes, I want more of God.”
In fact, I would probably even go on to tell them, “I want God’s everything. I want to be so close to him. I want to draw near.”
And this is the truth. But, in a way, it is also a lie. Because I notice I play other tricks with God – tricks where I motion one hand, saying, “Come close”, all the while holding one arm out saying, “Stay back.”
It’s like my inside is at war with my outside, which truly I guess it is – and this is the point.
For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. Gal. 5:17
Do you call for God to come near, all the while fearing that he may?
When we step back to see the war for what it really is, we see it. This tug of war is truly our greatest fight, our ultimate conflict and the most important war of our lives.
Will we fight to win or lay back and prepare to lose?
5 Ways We Get in a Tug-of-War Against God
1. The Spirit tugs: stay close to God.
The flesh tugs: you can’t trust him.
Come near to God and he will come near to you. Ja. 4:8
2. The Spirit tugs: Believe He can heal, help and harness what is coming against you.
The flesh tugs: God wouldn’t do something that amazing for me.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. . . Eph. 3:20
3. The Spirit tugs: Open your real heart, so God can do real work in you.
The flesh tugs: Run from vulnerability, God will hate you.
I think of God, and I moan, overwhelmed with longing for his help. Ps. 77:3
4. The Spirit tugs: Listen to my small voice – and obey – and you will find your way.
The flesh tugs: That is too hard, too inconvenient and too uncomfortable.
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” Lu. 11:28
5. The Spirit tugs: God’s change is the beginning of your hope.
The flesh tugs: Run from change, it will change everything good about your life.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. 1 Jo. 4:18
When we let God in, he changes everything within.
When we lay down walls, he plows through with a mission of love. When we break what keeps us stuck, we trample over the past with a vengeance. When we let him in – to see through his eyes – we start to see compassion and faith anew. When we unarm, he arms us in indwelling truth. When we seek his face, we are staggered by it. When we come undone, he undoes the pain we have walked in for so long. When we let him plow the fields of ruin, we find new buds of life forming. When we back into his loving arms, we crash into hope – straight up hope. When we realize we can’t do it without him, we start to see that we can do it. When we bare the ugly, he makes it beautiful.
When we live intimate with God, we start to imitate God.
From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Psalm 61:2
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Last week, I said I wouldn’t look…I made a pledge, a promise and an oath that I was going to breakaway from a specific sin – and move to breakthrough. Remember? I made a commitment to each of you. I said, I wasn’t going to look at my blog numbers. I said, I would avoid them, so as not to set my heart on them. That is all fine and dandy, except for one thing – I didn’t.
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Ro. 7:15
Because I hate what I do, I tend to:
1. Blame – “Every time I opened my page to post the numbers were right there on the right hand side and I couldn’t help but take a gander.” 2. Excuse – “It’s no big deal I looked, more than once.” 3. Deny – “Friends, I have been doing great. No issues over here.” 4. Give up – “Ahh..oh well God, guess this one isn’t going to work.” 5. Get guilty – “I can’t believe I couldn’t follow through on this one small thing.”
And yes, absolutely, my friends, there is a grace for a poor soul like me, for a woman who falls down far more often than she stands up. Thank you Jesus for that! But we don’t just chalk up an image of amazing grace and turn our backs, we chalk repentance on the dashboard of our will so we don’t slam into that dang dashboard yet again, bruising and battering our face.
Where do you find your face ends up bruised and battered from a repeated sin?
Are you walking in spirit and truth, or are you walking in flesh and failure?
My friends, don’t be like I am, often afraid to consider #1-5 above (and therefore landing in #3). There is no condemnation. There is no shame. That was simply ruled out when Christ ruled on the cross. But, what is not ruled out is the fact that Jesus is not okay with grey areas of sin.
Be angry, and yet, do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and do not give the devil an opportunity. (Eph. 4:27)
Sin is serious; Jesus said if our hand causes us to sin we gotta get the machete and cut that thing off (well, not literally, but you get the idea). (Mt. 5:30) His point is this process may hurt. It may hurt our insides to change, it may hurt as others deny or reject us and it may hurt normalcy. Jesus never said it wouldn’t hurt, but he boldly said we must get proactive to cut it off.
Failure to do so, is like putting a kid in a candy shop and telling him that he can smell but not bite. It is not happening, fellow sinners! That kid is going to jump in to devour disobedience faster than a gooey gummy bear can slide down his small throat.
What sin we sit around looking at, we will eventually grab, unwrap, salivate over and then eat – hook line full of guilt, sinking us to shame.
You can’t hang around lurking sin and think it won’t attack you. It will.
But, it’s likelihood of entry is far lower if you have set
the alarm system of wisdom to protect you.
Wisdom is foresight that considers what is about to trip. Wisdom is the intellect that looks at weaknesses, so it can stand strong. Wisdom is the smarts that stockpiles truth so, when evil arrives, it is prepared. Wisdom is the brain that sets boundaries and lines around what is most sacred. Wisdom is the fortitude that seeks to pressure wash it’s temple through prayer. Wisdom is the mindset that gets active about what it has set its mind on. Wisdom is the one that knows small things will become big sins in not too long. Wisdom is the verses that are written all over (whatever) to keep steadfast. Wisdom is the friend that is a phone call away to help one stay strong. Wisdom is the stillness established in a day to keep going the right way. Wisdom is the reliance on the Word that keeps one focused like a champion ping pong player. Wisdom is the will to have no other will than the will of God.
Wisdom is one who makes a change before sin makes a fool out of them.
It is one who knows that change without pre-set barriers, or safeguards,
is like a bird without wings.
A bird that simply can’t fly towards real spiritual growth.
What boundary do you need to define
so that you don’t end up defined by failure?
I removed my statistics plug-in on my blog. The only way to not look at what you shouldn’t look at, whether alcohol, porn, or online shopping, is to simply cut it off, cut the cord, cut the plug-in or cut whatever – so you don’t get cut. And that is what I decided to do.
You can’t sin if you don’t leave yourself any room to.
Since getting proactive, I haven’t seemingly deactivated my faith by my failure. So, I guess we can consider this a win for Jesus and move on.
What does God want you to move on to as you let go of what holds you back? Consider #1-5 and take flight to new heights of spiritual growth.
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Last night, as I was booting down the day in prayer, I realized something. Something kind of significant. I figured what it said about me just as important as what I actually believed about prayer.
It struck me that while I often pray to stop worrying, I always pray mid-struggle – in the heat of a thought that has run haywire, like a wire with far too much current and no outlet. Now, I won’t say by that point it is too late, but I just wonder, why do I wait until that point, rather than getting out in front of it defensively?
Why don’t I build an action plan, a game plan and an attack
to beat down worry before it runs wild?
When we fail to prepare with big preemptive prayers, we prepare like paupers.
But, when we prepare in advance, not fearing to ask for massive deliverance,
God prepares our hearts in the unimaginable.
Why is it we are afraid to ask for the enormous, the unthinkable and the life-changing?
1. We are scared that our big God will only deliver us small answers and thereby disappoint us. 2. We feel guilty for not praying righteous prayers, so we pray empty prayers. 3. We wonder what we will end up believing about God, if we end up seeing him not come through. 4. We figure that we are somehow supposed to conquer, what God stands ready to.
Yet, Jesus, he teaches us to pray unrestrained, unbelievable and uncensored prayers. Let’s take a look.
10 Bible Verses: How Jesus Prayed
1. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Lu. 5:16
Getting alone gives our mind the white space it needs to conceptualize life-transforming spiritual needs.
2. And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will. Mt 26:39
Jesus was not afraid to ask for big deliverance. Our big God can handle big prayers. In fact, he loves a heart that believes by faith he can do all things. Just ask it!
3. My Father, if this cannot pass unless I drink it, your will be done. Mt 26:42
Jesus knew God’s will takes precedence over earthly will. When we pray, we should let our heart convey needs, yet trust that God ultimately knows what we best need.
4. And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark. Mk. 1:35
Jesus knew that seeing God first in his day, sets the foundation of a day – in God. When we place our morning eyes on God, he gives our eyes sight on great strength in our day.
5. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Mt. 6:9
Jesus knew who he was talking to, do we? God tells us that the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous can run into it and are safe (Prov 18:10). Do we believe this?
6. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Mt. 6:13
Praying to be delivered from what has not already hit, prevents your feet from getting swept out from under. Jesus teaches us to pray preemptively, and for good reason.
7. I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your good pleasure. Mt. 11:25-26
Jesus praised God for what man could easily find fault with. Praise God for the things you can’t understand. When we know that a good God is over our bad problems, we find calm waters.
8. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers. Lu. 22:32
Jesus knew the value in praying on behalf of faith. May we ask for more faith, so we can walk into the unseen with power, authority and courage, just like Jesus.
9. I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one. Jo. 17:9
Jesus prayed for his beloved children. Let’s pray that our heart, and the heart of all God’s children, will endure, stay pure and persevere together until the end, for this is God’s will for us.
10. Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots. Lu. 23:34
Jesus forgave when he could have cursed the world for his breath labored pain and agony. He didn’t. Let’s forgive those who cause us pain and agony, for what we will find is that forgiveness is what ends up causing us far less pain in the long run.
It is our power. It is our strength. It is our direct connection to the greatest ruler of this earth. It is our cosmic shift from selfish plans to God’s plans. It is our ability to be an influencer, a pleader and a worker in a kingdom that counts. It is our ticket to our greatest needs being met in awe inspiring ways. It is our hope that confirms to our heart we have a hope. It is our peace that the creator is still creating. It is our power found in uplifted hands and in the quietness of a solitary room. It is our ability to call the Great Physician to a family member in need. It is our emergency exit door for what the devil has already cooked up to destroy us. It is our greatest weapon in a world that is building bigger and bigger weapons. It is our lifeline when we feel we have lost all life.
It was one of Jesus’ greatest tools,
shouldn’t it be ours too?
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The coach stopped me in my tracks with this soccer drill. It was meant for toddlers, but it was sent by God for me. It burst my bubble of known, it tossed out the waste of old and it rolled in eye-opening insight that would redecorate my heart with truth.
Who knew soccer was so good for mental health?!
4 cones.
One square.
No space.
3 Kids.
My son tried to move, no dice (or rather, no goal!). He tried to inch forward, but couldn’t gain traction. He tried to kick, but his ball bounced off his companions’. He tried to run, but, the two collided like blind bulls.Boing!!!
Yet, amidst the mayhem and the maniacal movements of the inept, the coach broke through “crazy” with two words, “Break Out!”
And so they did. Kids, ran left, right and nearly out of sight! Like bees set free they could chart a destination on a course that was possible, feasible and liberating all at the same. If I could have I would have cheered this moment, saying, “Go, free ones, go. Now you can fly!”
The coach would too and, together, we would breathe a sigh of relief.
What small confines are you stuck in – trying to plow your way through?
What is not giving you an iota of movement, yet still, you fight for tooth and nail?
When we are so pressed against everything, we can’t enter the huge field of opportunity the Lord has set before us. We see the Promised Land, but our eyes keep us kicking around in the small perimeter of everyone else’s movements.
They are set on our competition.
They become obsessed with personal performance.
They see each kick like an eternal report card of worth.
Moves become belabored and burdensome.
Irritation mounts.
Aggravation scores. We lose!
God becomes distant.
“He’s out in left-field somewhere!”
Break Out!
When we get hyper-focused on numbers, feedback, criticisms, critiques, God says, “Break out!”
When we start looking at everyone else’s progress, toys and accomplishments, God says, “Break out!”
When we start fearing our ability to succeed, God says, “Break out!”
When we start feeling our chest constrict into the fist of anxiety, God says, “Break out!”
When we start to be man’s responses, God says, “Break out!”
When we are obeying strategies and growth plans first and foremost, God says, “Break out!”
When we are sure we will surely be marginal at best, God says, “Break out!”
When we start making the past the predictor of our future, God says, “Break out!”
When we see the bad surrounding, the pressing in indwelling, God says, “Break out!”
When we doubt calling, God says, “Break out!”
When we wonder if we are any good, God says, “Break out!”
When we box ourself into sameness, God says, “Break out!”
When we look at boundaries and limitations, God says, “Break out!”
Get out of the box, push over the boundary and fly to the place where God is.
If you’re goal is to be with him, it is a goal that can’t be blocked.
It’s a goal that wins the game every time – heck, it wins the World Cup, for that matter!
Run into the freedom of open air.
Bask in the place of his prompting.
Skip to the place of true calling.
Jump to the heights of unrestrained love.
Fall into the depths of incalculable peace.
Sit in the field of rest.
Move to the new places, no one has transversed. Win there! That is where you win!
We find our little slice of heaven on earth, carved out for us in the here and now, in the freedom found, not in doing what the world and demands and people tell us, but found in the unusual, uncharted and unknown callings of him.
No one ever got anywhere by kicking around in the complacent and crazy confines of controlled chaos. Just ponder. Many of the “Great Remarkables” became remarkable because they stopped caring if the world called them remarkable and they just followed God.
Simple. He is speaking. Are we listening?
Look at the woman at the well. She became well because she broke free from confines at the well – so her mouth could not confine her truth of liberation.
“Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” Jo. 4:30
She had to break out of world-made form though. Do you see this power yet?
She had to trample form that told her Jews don’t talk with Samaritans.
She had to push through the fact that talking women should have husbands present.
She had to push away the fact that rabbis shouldn’t speak to sluts.
She had to break out!
To step out of the box of confines to be unconfined.
What is God ready to break out on your behalf as you break out?
God isn’t found in the small boxes of safe, of expected, of normal, of man and of “steps for success”, he is found in the wild land of adventure, pursuit and nonconformity in him, by faith and through Christ.
Break out! Today, see what holds you in and push past it in the name of Jesus. Zig and zag his way. Run arms open. Sprint into his fields of purpose.
Don’t just read this and move on, but listen and press in. Promise me that. If you don’t think this is for you, think again, it is, especially for you. What is he calling you to?
My break out: I will not intentionally look at post or visitor statistics. My words are an incense being released solely on behalf of his beauty – from my heart to his, uncensored, untouched and unchangeable by man. And so they will be. And so I will go into the field of his providence, trusting.
What is yours?
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What does your face to the outside world show? Mine is a wide smile, almost busting at the seams with the joy of the Lord that’s ready to flood the floor before you with a floral arrangement of happy, loved and adored.
And, many times I do feel that way.
Yet, other times are sad times, dejected times, anxious times, frustrated times and I-don’t-know times.
How about you? What does your inside face look like? What does it really say about you?
Stopping to really think, can mean the difference between
making a lie out of your faith and starting to walk by real faith.
Let me explain.
Our life mantra is usually: Keep the exterior shiny. The paint pretty. The hedges cut. The grass trimmed. The leaves blown. The exterior of the house beautiful.
The ultimate goal is: Make sure you really believe when you drive up to your house, people aren’t falling off their rocker.
Yet, God sees past our outsides, doesn’t he? Even when we try to so carefully hide what is wildly out of control within our own house.
“People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Sam. 16:7
He sees right in, through the windows, past the locked doors, beyond the fresh coat of smiley paint. He sees the unorganized, chaotic, apprehensive and unsure cabinets of our heart.
And, he still loves. He still wants us. He doesn’t care, laugh and stare. But, he says, “Come, child, draw your heart closer to the center of my love, the hearth of all life change.”
Here, he proves stuff, valuable stuff, needed-to-hear stuff:
He proves he is not a love me, love me not type of God willing to drop us off in timbucktoo when we don’t know what to do.
He proves he loves the downtrodden and simply draws near to them. He loves truth and every time – no matter how others perceive us – he calls us to it.
He proves that people who share pain, are actually more liked by others.Which is even proven by studies that say, we like those who are like us – not perfect.
Then, as we get real with our own circumstances, pain, fears, dejection – we see what we hold is not some oddity of yuck, but what is common to nearly all men. We see that our pain can be used for other’s gain. We see that our fears are the calling card to let others in to speak reality over our lives.
We hear God almost assuring our status by his very Word over us.
It sounds something like this: “The details of your body, your make-up, your home are not hidden from me. Don’t you know I made you in a secret places? I saw your eyes before you were born, your mind before you knew it and the details of your day before you breathed. (Ps. 139:15-16). I have so much love for you, because I am rich in mercies. Even when you die all the time to your own failings, still, my grace saves you again and then again. Consider it a gift to the one I dearly love (Eph. 2:4-9). Keep your arms open to this gift, so you can unwrap all its beauty. Time and time again it proves the one that I have destined you to be like, my own son, Jesus (Ro. 8:29). You are becoming. It is a valuable process. Don’t detest it, but remember that I have prepared good works in advance for you to walk in (Eph. 2:10). I care about your journey. Don’t let your insides discredit my heart for you. I love you the way I made you – always and forever. No feeling can ever change that.”
Knowing these things, changes so many things.
If God fully loves us, does it matter if man – does or doesn’t?
God’s love sets us free to the snare of man’s opinion in a way where we can actually love man.
Instead of walking into church being Mr. or Ms. Gregarious, after suffering the worst argument ever – we tell the truth.
Instead of informing others to walk with the “joy of the Lord,” after we are walking in the depressions of parenthood, we can instead reach out for help.
Instead of answering with, “I am fabulous,” when health issues are about to plunge a loved one into pain, we can be open in a way where we hear the response, “I understand, that is happening to me too.”
When God knows our inners, he makes us into faith-reliant winners. Not perfectly happy ones, not halo-covered ones, not sparkly and glittery ones, but ones, like Jesus, ones acquainted with suffering. The real deal.
Then, suddenly, we see it isn’t so much about pretty houses, manicured yards, images of glowing Christianity, but it is all about the fire of God inside and the smell of bacon that permeates the mess of chaotic. And, we look around to say, “God is good – all the time. No matter how, I feel, he IS. And that is enough.”
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Ever looked at your life and wondered how God was going to deal with “all this”?
Sometimes, our lives seem to mangle themselves up into intricate webs of complexity. Each string lays on top of the other in a jumble of difficulty, hardship and ugly.
And, if we don’t actually ask God this, we normally think:
God, can you really work through this? How can you untie everything wrapping against me? There are so many moving pieces, so many difficult people and so many heavy problems, do you care?
We look up, and we think, “How am I going to climb this barrier, this ridiculous tower of hardship and this likely-to-fall thing of pain?”
My son, looked up at his playground web in much the same way. It looked impossible for him to climb. He got to the middle of it, looked up and said, “I think I have gone far enough. I am not sure if I can go any higher.”
“‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mk. 9:23
I wonder if Jesus looked at his walk to Calvary Hill in much the same way?
Did he think “This is impossible? This is a mess I can’t get myself out of? Can God really get me through this?”
Somehow, I doubt it.
Jesus believed that the impossible, was the beginning of God’s possible. He knew that intricacies of life, are the proof point for the immaculacies of God.
He knew that deeply woven, meant deeply scalable by God.
Look at the intricacies Jesus climbed to make it to the pain-ridden and pain-freeing cross.
1. He had to defeat the powers of hell.
And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Col. 2:15
2. He had to defeat his mind.
Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. Lu. 22:42
3. He had to perfectly time things.
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law. Gal. 4:4
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Ro. 5:6
4. He had to fulfill Old Testament prophecy.
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth. Is. 53:7
5. He had to take on the sins, the pain and the agony of the world.
He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. Jo. 1:22
6. He had to keeping humility, reliance on the plan and people coming at him in line.
Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself. Jo. 6:15
7. He had to deal with his dearly loved disciples abandoning him at his hour of need.
But this has all taken place that the writings of the prophets might be fulfilled.” Then all the disciples deserted him and fled. Mt. 26:56
But, still, what looked impossible, was possible.
Like the King he was, he did not stop halfway.
He didn’t give up in the garden of agony.
He didn’t stop on the road of tears, pain and mocking.
He didn’t bow down to the taunts and lures of Satan.
He climbed. He scaled. To ascended on high. To reach the fullness of God’s heights.
How do you need to keep moving as Jesus did?
Remember, what your eyes see – is not what God sees. What he sees is greatness, holiness, sanctification and peace in process. What he sees is his good ending from the painfully woven beginning. He sees his plan and he knows it is good.
Faith is what you cannot see. Belief is feet that keep moving when things keep getting harder. Hope is God’s imminent rescue for those lives that trust him.
Trust him.
Keep climbing.
Don’t give up.
Don’t back down.
There is a plan. He will bring you to his heights. Press on.
My son focused. He kept moving. With the son against him, as he always is, he kept climbing and forging. And guess what happened? He didn’t fall, waver or give up halfway, but he made it to the top.
Joy flooded him, smiles returned and a little “happy dance” in the sky occurred. He pulled through with God’s help.
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