Purposeful Faith

Category - doubt

Are You Worrying?


For days, I was internally screaming inside, while pretending to be there for my kids. I was internally agonizing, while trying to calmly answer questions about stop lights, and what’s for lunch and playdates with friends. Half the words they spoke would fly over my head, lest I pay attention and ignore the tight clenching pain of anxiety thumping in my chest. I tried to call myself to attention.

“Mommy, what do you think we will do for Valentine’s Day?” My kids asked me.

Who in the world knows?! My world is combusting! How will I handle what I am facing?! How can I disaster plan? If the worst-case scenario happens, how do I rise up?

Going somewhere else, in the car, while my kids chatted away, I could see all the dominoes falling. I could see all the marbles rolling everywhere, unable to be contained. I could envision my agony as I couldn’t handle the future.

Ever been there? Ever been in the place you never wanted to arrive to? Ever seen the darkness you didn’t want to see? Ever confronted a monster that you only hoped and prayed would pass you by?

And what do you do when you can’t stop thinking of worst-case scenarios?! When keep considering all the ways you’ll be hurt? When you’re already experiencing the shame that hasn’t even yet come?

These are viable questions. Ones I was contending with for days. . . God knows, I didn’t want to be anxious or worried, yet I kept on confessing to God – that I was.

So here I am.

And I’d be a liar to tell you I have everything all worked out at this point. I don’t. There seem to be a handful of problems I can’t fix on my own, but I can tell you, I found a couple verses that have really encouraged me. Here they are:

“The Lord is my Light and My Salvation – whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid. When the wicked, even my enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though a host encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; though war rise against me, (even then) in this I will be confident.” (Ps. 27:1-4)

In these verses, I have safety.

The Lord is my Light. Light brings clarity, it brings direction on the best paths to walk and it, like a spotlight, can even be a weapon to blind opposition.

The Lord is my salvation. Salvation brings salvation. I will be saved. The Savior is faithful to save. I can rest in Him to do the saving work. I can turn to Him for salvation and trust Him. He may not only save me; He may save those who come in contact with me during this hard time. No one can come against the saving power of God. In this, there is no fear.

The Lord is my refuge. In Christ, I am in the biggest, most secure, steel-reinforced refuge. No one is as safe as Jesus. I am hidden in Christ and Christ is invincible in battle. I am protected, not a sitting duck. Enemy forces have a hard time penetrating that safety. I can trust Him to protect me.

The Lord is The Stronghold of My Life. When I feel like I have no hold on life, I can trust that God has a strong hold of my life. He knows everything going on. He sees every issue. He knows the way. He has a strong hold on my problem.

In this, I can cast my care on the Lord and trust Him with it. Full release is the only way. If I get in His way, I block the way. If I move out of the way – by releasing worry and fear, I make way for the Way Maker. It’s that simple.

What problem do you face? Why not let go of your worry and let Him carry your load, as you stand protected in Christ?

Prayer: Father, I need you. I need a Father to take care of me and to help me. I can’t figure all this out on my own. I need your direction, consolation and salvation. Help me to pray and give thanks more than I worry and fret. Give me faith for the battle. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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When A Friend Ditches You

When I saw on Facebook that it was her birthday, my heart jumped out of my chest. I was so excited to celebrate her, to love her, to pray for her, and to give to her. I knew I had to honor her; it required a change in my morning plans to get her a gift!

I rerouted my car, drove to a boutique, and selected something perfect. I got in my car and, when I got to her house, I ran the package up to her porch like a giddy little dog! I placed it in a perfect position. Afterwards, I texted her celebratory words, letting her know about my love, the gift, and my willingness to set up a birthday dinner on her behalf. I was way excited. I prayed for her all year! I was giving her my very best!

When I got home, I jumped into mom duties, joyfully. Soon after, though, I escaped to Facebook, just for a moment. Then, I saw it…

A picture of this friend, with her friends…without me.
The birthday balloons next to the table.
The smiling faces.
The subscript birthday post, celebrating her.
The happiness happening, without me.
The fact that I was — not invited.

My heart thumped nearly audibly. I cried.

At the same time, my insides spoke up, “Kelly, you are such a fool, running up there to her front porch all giddy and happy! You are such a fool to think she was your friend. You are like a stray dog that no one wants. Look at you!”

The worst part of it all is that (I think) she pulled her car into her driveway at the exact moment I ran up to her porch like a lapdog. Ick.

I cried again. I’m such a fool for thinking she was actually my good friend. She was not.

I cried throughout the day. I had done so much for her behind closed doors. Now, I felt embarrassed, openly.

Until God surfaced a question in me that hit like a hammer, “Kelly, did you love her — for her, or did you love her — for Me?”

The question cut deep…

If I love her — for her, I expect things from her. I expect she will do something, she will recognize me, she will value me or she will acknowledge me. However, if I love her for Him, unto Him, because of Him, My God, then I love without strings attached.

“Umm…” God was bringing up a good point.

People spat at Jesus (Mt. 26:67), struck Him (Mt. 26:67), name-called Him, taunted Him, misunderstood Him, did not invite Him, questioned Him, and He still died for them anyway…gave to them even so…

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (Jo. 3:16)

Do I love them to get from them or do I love them to love Him? That was the question — and heart — God was really after…

I am not a fool for loving her, I am a fool who is in love with Him. I felt the shame leave and a need to consider things more deeply arise…

Many times, I say I do something for God, but I wonder — do I really do it for me? So, people love me?

I am glad this lady didn’t invite me, because God invited me to something deeper, to something stronger: He invited me to learn what wholehearted, love-like-Jesus love, really is.

And, while I bless her, and will continue to pray God’s very best for her, I now let go and see who else God might have me to walk with. Where there is grace, there is greater ease. I will look for the relationships God has graced, knowing that God has other great friends for me.

He has great friends for you, too.

Prayer: Father, help me to love as You love. Help me to love without strings attached, without pressures added on to people, and without needing to feed my own flesh. Help me to love honestly, truly, and deeply because You have loved me this way. Give me power to be selfless in friendship and honoring to You within me. Teach me to discern the difference between acquaintances and true friends. Teach me to understand how You want me to love others or how You might want me to step back. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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A Reviving Prayer for What Looks Dead

Have you ever put your whole heart, your valuable time, and heartfelt effort into something only to see it die right before you? Maybe you were sure that God called you to it… Maybe you trusted God all the way through it… Maybe you did your part in it…

…but, nonetheless, it died, flopped, and/or blew up in your face.

That can feel so confusing, can’t it? Disorienting. Disillusioning, for sure.

I should know. I went all out on a specific project, trusting God all the way, hoping when the going got tough, and praying in the morning. Yet the thing flopped like a pancake. Done. And, dead.

This morning, I sat down in my morning lounge chair considering the wreckage. It’s hard to understand.

What happened, God? I trusted You.

I sat there in silence. Bible testimonies popped in my mind. Lazarus was 4-days dead and gone. Jairus’ daughter died. Jesus himself was crucified.

Such hope. Dead and gone. I can only think of how everyone was freaking out at the natural sight of it all. No one likes to look at dead things.

But, even in death, there is always hope.

Lazarus was raised by Jesus. He said to Martha, “Did I not tell you if you believe you would see the glory of God?” (Jo. 11:40)

Jairus’ daughter was also raised by Jesus. He said, “Don’t be afraid, only believe and your daughter will be healed.” (Lu. 8:50)

Jesus died on the cross. For three days He was dead and gone in the tomb. Jesus said, “The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day.” (Lu. 9:22)

If it looks dead, friends, that doesn’t mean it is done. Jesus is Resurrection Life.

Jesus said to Martha, ““I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die…” (Jo. 11:25)

Friends, life may look different than you think.

You may lose a job and see a dead work life, only to find a new one where you abound with your new co-workers.

You may see a dead marriage, only to go to a weekend event that stokes marital revival in your house.

You may see a child who has given themself over to “the wages of sin is death”, yet God meets them right on time to lead them to Him.

Just as a plant requires good soil, water, or sun to grow, life can take many shapes and forms. It may come differently than expected.

But any way we slice it — Jesus IS The Resurrection and The Life. There is absolutely nothing He can’t raise up. There is not a soul He can’t redeem. There is not a situation that is marked completely untouchable by the finger of God.

There are a couple of situations in my life that need a radical miracle, my friends. You probably have those, too.

Where or how do you need a miracle? What do you want?

What if we were to ask, right here and right now, for one another? What if we call out to heaven on every reader’s behalf, believing Jesus is who He says He is?

Let’s Pray Now:
Father, virtually, I am holding hands with every reader of Purposeful Faith. Right now, as believers, as the body of Christ, united we stand in one mind and heart to ask for miracle-breakthroughs for not only our needs, but for every reader’s needs. Father, we ask you to move heaven and earth for our need of ____. Also, we ask you to answer the miracle prayer request needs of our brothers or sisters who are also praying via this blog post and raising up their requests before you. On one accord, we ask you to come with resurrection-life power and to swiftly answer our prayers via this blog post today. We are one body in Christ. We trust you. We are expectant of what you will do. We thank you for the powerful unity, and for the peace that comes through thanksgiving, supplication, and in making our requests known to you. We receive that peace right now and thank you, for it guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Friends, please share your testimony from this prayer by emailing me. I am expectant that we will have a bunch of answered prayers. God hears our prayers. Our prayers work. They are powerful. Please reply to this email and tell me about your breakthrough. With so many praying for each other, I am SO expectant.

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God, Please Help!

good father

When I was a little girl, we had the coolest way to wash our hands. We pressed a little peddle on the ground. This caused a water-fountain like flow to shoot out, in a circle of directions. It was a sprinkler in a sink. I loved it! The high arch of the water made me feel like I was washing in a rainbow. There was more than enough water for all us girls to circle around. There was a bounty of water for everyone!

It was fun.

I imagine this water sort of experience is what the woman at the well encountered too. There she was, all by herself in the heat of the day, with all those husbands in her past.

What did she see when she walked up to that well? Did she see a lack of good men…? The filth of her own mistakes…? All the friends she didn’t have…? Hatred for life she was living…? Her own future as an impossible case…?

And then comes along comes Jesus.

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” (Jo. 4:10)

(Meaning, she could access fountains upon fountains of all she ever needed, but never realized she wanted)

“…Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (Jo. 4:13)

(In other words, for her, this fountain would never run dry or run out)
15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water….”
And then, off she went, filled, like a jug, with living water, telling everyone, everywhere, all about the man who told her all she ever did. There was something in this water; she became the first evangelist. And, she was good at it!
The living waters this woman drank of — were abundant, resplendent, and calling-activating.

And, do we even realize it — the same waters are available to us today, my friends?!

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (Jo. 7:38)

All the living water available to her is now made available to us.

So, how do we access it?

Oh friend, we take the time to drink deeply of God. We take a pause to soak in His word. We take what is naturally afflicting us and give it no more credence against a God who is all powerful…

I realize, some of us have experienced a time of lack, so much so that we can’t see the abundance of God anymore. I realize, some of us are so carefully looking at what God hasn’t done, that we can’t see what He is doing. I realize that some of us are so upset at ourselves, it seems we can’t receive God’s grace anymore. I realize some of us are so upset at a spouse, love feels impossible again.

So what? The flow of living water is so abundant, so plentiful and so filled with equipping power it can do anything — and everything — through you!

The fountains speak a different story.There is a deeper access point you can drink from. It is through the Spirit of God. It is via the flow of God’s true and real covenantal promises, His mercy and His love, regained, for you. It found in worship that comes from all your heart.

Then, like this woman, will you be able to say, “All my fountains are in you.” (Ps. 87:7)

The fountains of God are the empowerment of God.

When you access His flow, you will mean what you say and say what you mean. You will be filled to overflow! Your whole past will look different. Your future will have new gleam and glisten to it. Your God will excite you again!

Prayer: Father God, may You be the source of all my joy and all my life. May I continually walk fully found in You. May I overflow with the greatness of who You are and what You do. May I abound, in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Beating Fear

One of the worst things to deal with is fear.

Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and what hits me is: What if you’re not eating the right things? What if you aren’t teaching your kids well enough that they follow the Lord? What if you are missing God’s plan for your life? What if you don’t make it through? What if…(this). What if (that). 

Do you deal with fear? Are you afraid of getting sick? Of getting hurt? Of being left high and dry?

We must know how to conquer fear. For, if we don’t conquer fear, it will conquer us. It will beat us into submission. Rather than fulfilling God’s big callings to love, we will hide-out. Rather than reaching big mission fields, we will excuse ourselves to the safety of our own homes. Rather than having real conversations, we will act on impulse and shut down what God is doing.

We don’t want this.

Now, more than ever, we need to know how to stand strong and firm for Christ. We need to be brave to speak. Braver, to take a stand. And, most brave, to die to our flesh in order to become alive to Christ.

This doesn’t come naturally to us. But, it is a choice. Otherwise, we would not have been told so many times in scripture to, “Fear not.” We have power to — fear not. We have the ability to say, “No” to what wants to rule us.

When we lay up the size of our problem against the height of our God, suddenly everything comes into perspective. What looks like a giant, becomes beatable, when we look at our Savior.

“For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” (Is. 14:27)

No one can thwart our God.

Do you know this on your insides? If you deal with fear, worry, anxiety or if you want to know God’s heights even more, I invite you to attend our second breakthrough workshop on fear.

Sign up today.

Days & Multiple-ways to Attend (via live/recorded ZOOM):
1. Live Breakthrough Workshop 2 (Maintaining Fearlessness) – Tue. Feb 8, 6:30-8:30 PM ET
2. Via recording (also get the shame event recording too!)

Register now!

The workshop cost is $19. I lowered the price (while covering costs), to help as many people attend as possible!

Honoring Your Husband

we all want

This Facebook message stopped me. . .

Sharrona Watson posted on Facebook:

“I used to be a bit hard headed when it came to my husband. Between temper tantrums and straight I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOU, I was a mess.

Why listen to him when I can listen to myself? Besides, I had this subconscious belief that my Holy Spirit was much “Holy-ER” than his.  I know I’m not the only wife that has felt this way.

God started dealing with me…

I woke up one day and the side of my face was a lil swollen. I knew it had something to do with a tooth. No biggie, pop a few motrins & antibiotics I should be good to go on this women’s retreat I was excited to go on.

Why on earth did Randy say “no”? He wanted me to go to Urgent Care. And miss my trip??? gosh darnit, that strong-willed being in me wanted to fight, but I knew I needed to listen.

I went to Urgent Care…. they immediately sent me to the Emergency Room, my face tripled in size and the pain was so severe. They immediately took me back and sprung into action, cutting open my gums. They used this tool that extracted a large amount of infection from me. It was painful. The E.R doctor told me had I not gone in the infection could have gone to my brain as well as shut my airway — both could have resulted in my death. Can you imagine me getting to heaven and the Lord saying “All you needed to do was listen to Randy”?

Submitting to our husband’s can save our lives. Whether it be physical, mental, spiritual etc… Sometimes they KNOW MORE THAN US!!”

This post made me think… Do I honor my husband’s wisdom or do I think my wisdom is best? Do I know what I’m doing or do I hear his heart? Do I heed his advice or go my own way?

Various times, my husband’s wisdom has felt off-putting…offensive, even.

Once he told me to “keep quiet”, as it pertained to a specific issue. But, I didn’t want to keep quiet, I wanted — TO SPEAK! Yet, it was only after following his wisdom that something amazing happened: by keeping my mouth shut, God opened a door. A major door.

God’s ways are not our ways. Wisdom doesn’t always sound like our voice or outlook. Yet, that doesn’t mean it is trash.  God speaks through people, even husbands.

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. (Is. 55:8)

We don’t always need to understand — before we trust. We don’t have to make sense of everything — before we follow. Who in their right mind can understand the vastness and completeness of God? If you waited to know everything, before following Jesus, you’d be nowhere.

Do you need to trust your husband more? You know, there is no perfect husband, but we do serve a perfect God who defends, who protects and who leads. We can trust our Maker, to make our path straight, as we honor our husbands.

I know — doing this — isn’t always easy, so let’s pray…

Prayer: Father, I want to thank you for Sharrona Watson’s post on Facebook. It reminded me that I don’t know it all. I don’t have every answer. I don’t know my own way all the time. Thank you, God, that you have united me together with my husband, on purpose and for a purpose. When we are in unity, there is power in that. Please teach me, Father, what it is to honor and to submit to my husband’s wisdom. Please help me to trust you, when I do this. I want to learn  to honor you by honoring him.  Thank you, God, that I am growing in relationship and marriage. Thank you God, that you will help me. Thank you God, that I am not defenseless. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

I was going to put Sharrona’s bio and picture here…but you know what? Instead, let’s pray for her!

Prayer for Sharrona: Father, please grant Sharrona the deep desires of hear heart. Father, we pray for breakthrough in her life, as she is calling out for. Hear our prayer today. We ask for swift answers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Things are Not As You Think

“Oh no! Why did you do that? Why did you bring your drinks downstairs?” My mom groaned.

Apparently, my kids spilled lemonade on her brand new carpet.

“But, Nana, we have water and we didn’t spill anything!” They said.

“Yes, you did. I see that big splotch on the ground.” My mom pointed at a big dark circle on the ground.

“But, Nana, that’s only a shadow.”

The closer mom got, the more she could see. The kids were right. What my mom was stressing about was only a shadow, not a spill.

How often do we see things that are only shadows? How often do we misconstrue words into something that another is not even saying? How often do we perceive what people are thinking, when they are not? How often does what we worry about not even come true? How often do our perceptions become projections onto others?

Jesus is wise.

Instead of worry, Jesus essentially says, “Hey you! Don’t run ahead… Don’t get ahead of yourself, or me, for that matter.”

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Mt. 6:34)

We never really know what we face until we come face-to-face with the reality of it. That’s why we can’t make a mole into cancer. Or, a child’s actions into a proclamation of their life. Or, a husband’s lack of timeliness as a determination of who He is or, who we are. Or, our yesterday into a predictor of our today.

We do not know — until Jesus says it is time for us to know. There is no benefit to trying to figure things out, either.

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” (Mt. 6:27)

When we run ahead of God, we run out of grace. We run out from under grace’s cover. This is why worry, fear and anxiety mount. But, to stay with the Holy Spirit, in the present moment — is to keep peace and to walk in the ever-present help of God.

How is your mind prone to run ahead? Where do you lose peace?

What might God want you to know in your here-and-now?

Consider: Has God ever let you down? Has He ever stopped helping you? What did you worry about 3 years ago? How are things going now.

Take an opportunity to: Thank God. Release your worry to Him. Repent of fear. Renew your heart and mind in Christ Jesus, for He cares for you.

Things are not always as they appear. Darkness tries to fool us sometimes. Things are not as dim as the enemy wants to make them look. Raise up your head to see — where your light comes from — and you may get a whole new outlook as you do.

Prayer: Father, I know where my help comes from. My help comes from the Maker, the Creator and the Author of Life. Forgive me for looking left and right, into the past and way-ahead into the future. Holy Spirit is here with me, right-here, right now. I want to walk with you and talk with you. I want to be united with you, without stress and burdens. Will you comfort me and help me? I trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


You Can Trust God

reconstruction zone

God is faithful.
He is not man.
He doesn’t just observe us; He actively loves us.

“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” (Nu. 23:19)

I remember playing basketball on those summer nights in California, pre-childen, with my husband. On one particular evening, the ball bounced off the rim and slammed my ring finger. The doctor said it was broken. If I didn’t handle it now, I’d get arthritis. I needed surgery and a pin, quickly.

I rang up the insurance company. The issue was I had signed up for the worst company insurance plan. It wouldn’t cover my need.

Not knowing what else to do, I prayed something like, “God, help me. I don’t have the money nor the insurance for this surgery. I need you to provide. I need your help. I trust you.”

The operator came online. I informed her that I was on the worst company plan. I let her know that I was stuck.

She “looked into things” and replied, “Actually, you are signed up for the best plan. It covers everything.”

I was shocked. How could this be!? Something must be wrong. But, it wasn’t….

Even though I didn’t sign up for that “best plan”, somehow I did. . .  God did it! God came through. God answered my prayer. Miraculously, what I didn’t sign up for, I was part of.

When we don’t know what to do, God will come through. When we can’t see a way, God can see one. He might not always show up like we think (because His ways are higher than ours), but He will show up.

How has He come through for you (I’d love to read a sentence or two, even though I can’t really respond to everyone if I want to be a good wife/mom)?

God has healed me of physical issues, provided financially, provided emotional healing from an eating disorder, helped me to get up again through His Word, messaged me through nature, and brought relational healing with family members. God is faithful. It didn’t all happen immediately, but by His grace, it happened organically, over-time, and in His best way. There was always a higher place God planned to take me to, even if — in the moment — I couldn’t see it.

Just as we can’t see the snow on the mountaintops…it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Just because the answer isn’t in our vantage-point, doesn’t mean it isn’t coming. Or, God isn’t taking us to higher ground.

My dear friends, be encouraged: God is faithful. He comes. He doesn’t forget. Keep the faith. Keep hope. Keep love soft and ready to pour out on others. Don’t get embittered. Don’t let what you haven’t seen, throw you off from praying for what you could see. Keep asking. He hears. He loves you. He isn’t absent, but is close.

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted…” (Ps. 34:18)

Where do you feel broken or in need? Don’t just brush that feeling off and pretend it isn’t there — bring that need, that hunger and that want to God — He draws close to that very sort of thing. Tell Him about it. Cry about it. Call out about it. Need from it. Ask Him to meet you in it. Life isn’t about soldiering through; it is about letting God hold you sometimes.

He will be there for you. He loves you. Your need doesn’t disqualify you from His love, it draws Him closer.

Prayer: Father, thank you that you care. Thank you that you see. Thank you that you love me. You are faithful. You are true. Jesus is Faithful and True. You can be nothing else besides this. Today, we give you our trust. We put our trust in you once again. We ask you to come and help us with where we are at today. We love you. We thank you for Jesus, on the cross. We thank you that He paid it all because of love. And, if He loved us then, He still loves us now. We are in your love. We thank you for this. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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How Do you Deal with Pain?

I lifted a heavy weight. My arm struggled to reach it all the way to my shoulder. Although the weight training work was hard, I knew the result — down the road — would be significant, good even. There is gain, often, through pain.

After working out, I couldn’t help but think: Sometimes, God permits our pain for His greater gain.

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (2 Cor. 4:17)

“Hard” produces something. The grueling, horrible and it-feels-like-you-are-going-to-break pain is not a waste. It is not trash. It is not something we run from. Instead, we hold God’s hand and trust Him to carry us through.

I met with a friend not long ago who experienced major relational pain with a friend. The conversations were painful. The decisions she had to make were even harder. She didn’t know if she could set boundaries. Yet, looking back, I see that her life is now transformed because of what she endured and how she trusted God. There was a greater glory God was working (even when she couldn’t see it). Now, she is serving God and others like never before. God may not have caused her pain (we have an enemy), but He certainly used it for her (and others) good.

Be it on Earth or in Heaven, through pain, God produces something greater than we can explain.

Pain often causes us to:
– draw near God (and He draws nearer to us)
– need a greater rescue (and we gain a testimony)
– pray (and see Him move)
– look beyond what we see in the natural (and trust God by faith and not by sight)

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” (2 Cor. 4:16)

What looks like it is going to kill us, God uses to renew us.  God is always producing something greater…

Need proof? Look back upon your life. What good did God teach you from your hard times of the past? How have you grown? How have you learned to endure and persevere? Give thanks. These are good lessons.

Pray: God, we love you. We know that you are not not evil. You are good, not evil. What you create is good, not evil. At the same time, there are times in life where you allow pain. God, we want to thank you, although it is difficult, for the pain we are going through. We trust you with it. We believe that you will work out a better end, then we can see. It is hard to say this. It is sometimes hard to even believe this. Will you give us faith and hope during these times? We need you more than ever. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

On another note, I need your opinion! Which online course would you be the most interested in?

  1. How to Set Boundaries: Strengthen Relationships & Gain Peace
  2. How to Say No: Let Go and Gain More of What Matters
  3. Receiving Rest: Move Beyond Worry and Fear

I am thinking of doing a multi-part recorded and live workshop on one of the above topics. Which number are you most interested in?

Also, would a weeknight (a), a weekday (b.) or a weekend (c.) work best for you?

Keep Going, Don’t Quit (& Invite)

We cannot give up. We cannot back down. Hard times will come and hard times will go, but one thing remains: Our Lord. Rather than going down with what aims to take us down, we can stand firm and stronger than ever.

Lately, I have been going through a hard time. One domino after another is falling. Things are piling up. Here, in this scary place, I know I have a choice — I can either look to God or look at my problems and worry, worry, worry…

I’ve been here before. I’ve hit hard times. I’ve known what it is to have a choice — to stand or to fall. The decision between victory and defeat is narrow sometimes.

With this, I’ve been thinking of all the ways I’ve learned to stand strong. I want to share them with you. Through God’s leading, I am changing course on the content of this Breakthrough Retreat. I am going to teach the biblical ways to stand strong during hard times. I will offer practical tips.

This is vitally important to our faith-walk.

Scripture says, “…Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Is. 40:31)

This is not a myth, but truth. You really can grow stronger as you wait with the Lord. He really can take you thousands of miles higher than the pit you may find yourself in today.

In our wait, we grow strong when we do things God’s way. We grow steadfast when we lean on God’s truth. We advance when we go where God is taking us. We win when we don’t lay down.

Get up and get going. Let’s do it together.

We don’t just want to just survive; we want to thrive with God during all times. We want to have our hearts full and soft, no matter what we face.

If you want to be built up in hope, faith and a persevering spirit, then join me tomorrow for the Breakthrough Retreat via Zoom (10 AM ET- 1 PM ET, via zoom or via recorded version, $29).  We will pray. We will worship. We will be honest. We will examine our own story. We will reflect. We will find hope.

I am confident it will be a time of refreshment, renewal and recharging. God has really been highlighting scripture and at the message and I can’t wait to encourage you tomorrow. Join me. 

