You would not use a hammer as a tool to get a baby to sleep. Nor would you use a saw to put batteries in a toy. Or a colander to fix a driveway. Specific tools address specific issues.
Are you using the right tool when addressing problems?
This is vital.
Just think, Aaron and Hur knew the battle against the Amelikites would be won through prayer, so they held up Moses’ arms.
Arms up, they were winning.
Arms down, they were losing.
One spiritual tool was their breakthrough: prayer. (see: Exodus 17)
Think, Paul in the prison.
He praised and sang – and prison doors opened. In this scenario, praise broke prison bars.
His spiritual tool was: praise and singing.
Specific spiritual tools address specific physical issues. What we see in front of us, is often broken by God above us, when we allow Him to work through us, as He wants.
If I try to pray, when I feel tired, worn and weary and I can hardly speak a word – my words may not amount to much. If I try to pray when I’ve lost all hope, my words fall flat. Yet, if I get into God’s Word and let it attend to my soul – it can be mind shifting. It is important for us to identify the season we are in and where God is moving.
Just as the enemy shifts his strategy, we must shift ours. And, we must know where God has traditionally moved in our life, what inspires us, what has broken chains and prison bars in the past. Most of us have a breakthrough point. Most of us have past approach that tends to work when all the chips fall.
Do you know yours? Your battle style?
It is vital we know our battle style. Why? Because we must be in tune to what wins our battles, shuts down our enemies, silences our fear, and pushes the needle. This way, we can win – our war.
This way, when we can’t think in our mind, we have a fallback plan. We have a vision of where God might want us to head. We have a strategy to get up and fight again. We remember what moved the needle before can do it again.
There are a lot of battle-styles. Here, we mentioned a few:
God’s Word.
But, do you know the rest? Do you know what to do, when you don’t know what to do? Do your children? Do your friends?
Today, let’s equip not only our own hearts in being prepared to face what hits us, but let’s equip others in the same way. Let’s invite our friends to gain the wisdom and understanding of their own style. Let’s help those going through a hard time to gain new strength.
Learn Your Battle Style for FREE!
Are you curious what your Battle Style is? Download and print the FREE quiz at
When you get your results, message a friend your style, and encourage them to take the free quiz. We can’t do this alone. We’re stronger together.
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Photo Credit: by Russ Hendricks