I sat with a power-house minister. Well, kind of. He’s actually an ordinary, non-ministry degreed man. And he’s my husband. Anyway, a profound thing was happening. My husband was on fire!!! As he prayed for a person in need, everything he said was wise. Everything he spoke was powerful. Everything was changing the situation. My mouth dropped open. God was moving.
People affirmed him. “Mr., your prayers are powerful. You don’t know how much they matter; they are personally impactful.” Mountains got moved.
Which was all fine and dandy, except for one thing. I prayed for that person too, you know, and they didn’t mention my prayers… What about me, God?
Do you ever size up your impact against another’s, like me? Deciding that because they’re powerful, you’re weak?
This mindset couldn’t be further than the truth. And, in this situation, I should have known better… The enemy will always try to make us believe we’re only as good as our last bit of stellar work. He’ll always attempt to make us chase performance, and to call it “godliness.”
It’s how he forms and fashions – pride. We become imprisoned to one-upping each other in order to keep some sort of prized status. This is a form of the pit of hell, I’m sure of it.
Yet, in God’s economy, it is never about one-upping, it is always about one getting low. Low enough to lift the other up. Low enough to make room for others gifts. Low enough to see God really work the way He wants to. Low enough to believe in His work more than you have to self-exalt your plans.
So, today, I thank God that my husband is impactful, full of God and a mountain-mover. I praise God that he has a heart to bless others. I see the beauty of his impact. I celebrate who he is.
And, I confess, God has more than enough good ministry moments in store for me. I am not a product of what-I-do-for-him, but who-He-is-in-me and what-Jesus-has-already-done-for-me. In this, I can allow humility to make room for others. I can celebrate others’ successes. And, most of all, I can trust God and all that He is doing in and around me.
He always has a good plan.
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