I had never seen such mayhem. I was bumping into people, getting stuck between abandoned grocery carts and making Twister-like moves to reach to simply grab the Arugula. Phew. I did it. I completed my grocery shopping. Or, so I thought. . .
Then, I saw the lines. I’d never seen a grocery store so packed. In fact, it seemed I couldn’t even make it up to the cash register. People-after-people, cart-after-cart passed by me, blocking my way. Plus, the lines were so long, there was nowhere to go. No one even noticed that I also needed to pass by and to make it into a line.
In these kinds of situations, I usually resolve to stay calm and to not be bothered. But, my annoyance level was rising. I didn’t know if I’d ever make it home.
Yet, one man, in the passing line in front of me, actually saw me. He stopped, and said, “You. Go ahead of me.”
I laughed, and said, “It’s like a highway of carts in front of me.” He laughed too.
And, I made my way. I got to where I needed to go.
Sometimes, I think we forget how much of an impact we can have on others when we say, “You. Go ahead.”
Or, “You. I see what you need and it’s an honor to provide it.”
Or, “You. You count.”
Or, “You. I see what you are doing.”
Or, “You. I appreciate you.”
Then, people breakthrough. They get somewhere. To see the unseen, is to bless them and to provide them with new hope, new life.
This man stopped in his tracks to make a way for me. His super-simple act touched me. Where no one else could see me – he did.
“Do not be selfish. . . Be humble, thinking of the interest of others as better than yourself. Don’t think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others and what they are doing.” (Phil. 2:3-4)
How can you practically do this? Ask people simple questions – How are you (for real)? How can I help you? What are you passionate about? How can I support you? What can I give to you?
Doing this may change, impact or influence someone’s life, forever. Never negate your ability to change someone’s life.
When I waited in that grocery line, I couldn’t stop thinking of this man and what He did. So much so, I kept sneaking a look at him in the grocery line. While everyone else was frazzled, he had a smile on his face. I knew why.
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