Do we yell at our kids because they’re learning?
For instance, when a son arrives home from school, do we come down on him because he had go to school? Do we say, “You should already know this stuff.”
Or, when a kid says, “Why is the world not flat?”, do we berate them for not knowing.
Or, when they make a mistake, like blurting out a comment, do we hold it against them for a lifetime?
No. We know children:
- are learning.
- are growing.
- need grace.
“…For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these (children).” Mt. 19:21
Likewise,we are children.
- are learning.
- are growing.
- need grace.
I don’t think God disdains the process of growing and learning as much as we do. He knows we are “becoming” like Christ.
We “are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (2 Cor. 3:18)
This means we don’t already know everything. We will make mistakes. We take off one layer of the onion of __, only to 6 months experience a deeper layer God wants to remove. We find a more complete understanding of God’s Word that sets us free one year, and then it happens to a greater degree 2 years later.
God isn’t angry at us that we had things to learn. That we aren’t perfect. Or, that “only now, are we just getting it”. Or that “we’re so slow.” On the contrary, His process is our progress.
We are becoming, transforming and becoming liberated into the image of Christ. May we not despise the process. May we not run from the crafting work of the Master Creator. May we not think it is because we are ‘bad’ or not good enough. May we not disdain the fact that, like a child, we need Him. That He is helping us understand.
Going to school with God doesn’t mean that you are failing, it means He is growing you, renewing you and readying you for all that He has ahead.
Like a child, be okay with being in school.
“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding. . .” (Prov. 3:13)
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