I made a trip to a new state to investigate a new home to live in. While we were in town, we found the house! I was delighted. Yet, as soon as we got back home the owner called; she changed her mind.
What do we do now? Get a place, without even seeing it?
Thanks to online images, from afar, we found another decent place. Sight-unseen we put in a bid. After some time passed, they called me back, saying, “Sorry, someone else got it before you.”
More time passed. Days were flying off the calendar. My heart was beating faster. Minutes were evaporating. My kids needed to be in school in days. Plus, I have a mega-project needing to be completed, in almost no time. And, we have no home.
I reached out to yet another house. The realtor called back to say, “I think the owner mostly wants to sell the house. You will need to wait and see.”
But, I can’t wait. . . and see. . .
Have you ever been in a powerless place? One where you don’t know where you’re going or how you’ll get to where you think you should be?
Listen, I understand. I understand what it is not to know the future, not to have all the answers, not to stand on solid ground, not to know how it will all happen. . .
I know these feelings, but I also know my God. My God doesn’t change. Natural circumstances sway and rock, but His nature stays the same. We can’t name our future, but His Name is constant.
Our God is Provider. Faithful. Healer. The God Who Hears. Daddy. Help in a Time of Trouble. Alpha of Everything. Omega to the Groundbreaking Solution that is about to come. The God of all Knowledge of What-to-do. The God Who Sees Every Detail. The Creator of Everything I Need. The Banner over Me, Called Love. The Hope that Delivers Hope. The Way of Life I Desperately Need.
No “bad” circumstance can block the power of all of Him.
Never. Ever. No way. No how.
Today, God is providing for me. He is blessing me. Yes, the house is somewhat not-as-I-thought, but, you know what?
I trust Him. I serve the God who does exceedingly more than I can ask or imagine. If I haven’t seen Him do “it” once, I’ve seen Him do “it” a hundred times. What about you?
So, today, I trust Him to make lemonade out of my little “not-as-expected” lemons in due time. My God is faithful. Radically faithful. And, so is your God.
Be encouraged.
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