I didn’t expect this to happen… I stood at the window and watched multiple birds land on the bird feeder. It was an almost empty feeder. With this, time after time, bird after bird, none of them were eating anything. They just figured there was nothing left for them. So, they landed on the rod and…flew off…
But, one was different. He stuck his head in — and then — he got all the remaining food. He just sat there eating up what everyone else couldn’t see. Simply because he reached in…
I think a lot of us have lost hope. We have sort of given up on believing like we did before. So, we don’t reach up to heaven to pray anymore… We just sit there, and — worry, stress or fear…
But, for those who reach-deep and reach-up to God, who keep believing in “God’s more” and who keep seeking– they are the ones who find the bread of life.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jer. 29:13)
Remember when I prayed for so many of you weeks ago? God did breakthrough. For one, someone got miraculous transportation provided for her ministry.
Do not give up on prayer. God hears.
I was just reading this morning in 1 Kings 19 that Elijah prayed seven times — seven times!! — for rain. Even Jesus prayed more than once for the “man who saw trees.”
Just because you haven’t seen it — doesn’t mean you won’t. All is not hopeless. Keep persevering in prayer. God hears. It may not be on prayer #1, but on prayer #8 that breakthrough finally comes.
Love is not always simple. Love costs something. Love is paramount in God’s Kingdom. It makes up the pinnacle moments in our life.
We tend to think it is what we’ve obtained. A level or a status. A house and some stuff to pass down to our kids. A good sense of self. A fine and respectable status amongst men. God conveys, “Nope. It’s love.”
Love me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.
Everything else is peripheral; love is the main thing.
Who are you loving? Who is God calling you to more greatly love? Don’t fear the outcome.
The outcome belongs to the Lord. The out-working work of love belongs to us.
And, it starts with us and God in the quiet. In the reality of what we face. In the truth of our heart. In the call of our soul.
Us, looking up to Him. Him, pouring out the love, grace, and mercy we so desperately need. We look-up. He pours down. We go out. He gives us the love to hand-out.
Are you making time for God’s love to so work in you that it flows out of you?
It’s a worthy question. Because the greatest of all things, the most enduring — of all things — is love.
Maybe you need encouragement. What I want to tell you today, is: don’t give up.
It doesn’t matter what things look like. The tomb looked empty, but what it meant was — Jesus rose up and out of the grave.
It doesn’t matter what things feel like. Mary and Martha felt afraid because their brother was dead, until he was alive again.
It doesn’t matter what you think will happen. It seemed impossible for David to beat a giant, or for Sarah to have a baby at her age, but they did.
“Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.” (Ps. 37:5)
It is as simple as: trust God and He will act.
It is as easy as: be faithful to Him who is faithful.
It speaks-out like: “I don’t have to believe, to see.”
“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (Jo. 20:29)
You don’t even have to believe, necessarily in yourself or your thoughts; believe in God. God is who He is and who He is — He will always be.
“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind.” (Nu. 23:19)
God is:
Strong Tower
Lover of your Soul
Unfailing Love
Solid Rock
Care for the helpless
Refuge in a time of trouble
Hope for the weary
God is who He is. The more you know who He is the more you’ll rest in how He’s bound to come through for you.
God was leading me to attend an event. I didn’t want to attend, but, at the same time, I believed God wanted me there. It was freezing cold outside; I was warm inside my house. It took everything in me to pull myself off my chair and to head outside. But, desiring to be obedient, I did.
The only issue was — upon arrival, no one was there. The room was empty. Silent. Did I get the date wrong? Why Did God bring me here?
Absolutely nothing was going on.
I sat down on the one the chairs and said, “But God, I thought you had a plan for me to be here? I was trying to be obedient… But, nothing is here.”
At that moment, I was internally reminded of God’s biblical knack to bring something out of nothing…
The blind man can see nothing, but because of Jesus — He can now see something.
The lame can do nothing, but by just a few words, the man finds he can get up and do something.
Death brings Jesus to what appears to be nothing — yet resurrection life provides us something, everlasting life.
There, all alone in that room — I was reminded that our God takes what looks like nothing and can make it into something — brilliant, powerful and wonderful. Extremely life-changing.
What ‘nothing’ are you facing? Nothing much of a future? Nothing to look forward to? Nothing in your bank account? Nothing left to believe? Nothing left to give?
I don’t think Jesus is fazed by nothing like we are. He knows — He can always make it, something. Just like He did for me in this room.
What might begin to happen if you started to look, expectantly — at your nothing — with the firm belief that God could make it — something?
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Ro. 8:28)
I read a Facebook post by a Christian encouraging other Christians. . . it essentially said, “If you are left out of a get-together, don’t be offended. Some people want to hang out with other people. When they do, don’t be insecure about it. . .”
Something about the message didn’t sit right. Maybe it was because I was the ‘new person’. . . Maybe it was because I desire new friends. . . Maybe it was because I supposed the writer of it had a million people she was hanging out with. . . meanwhile, sad-people were left at home. The idea of it hurt me a little.
Not wanting to think too much about it, I navigated off that Christian webpage. I landed on my Facebook feed. There. I saw all sorts of secular posts.
One caught my eye. A woman wrote something like, “No matter where you are, remember there may always be someone who feels left out. . . be sure to include them. Think of them. Remember, that could be you. . . ”
Something like sadness filled me. Why is it the non-Christian post is more grace-filled than the Christian-post? And, how often is this the case?
I just sat there staring at the screen.
How often do I proclaim Jesus, but when push-comes-to-shove, or when the-rubber-meets-the-road — I don’t show Him? Instead, I seek my own convenience. I push my own agenda. I want what is good for me. . . I cause division rather than unity.
I am just as guilty as the Christian-writer I judged.
But, I don’t want to remain this way. I want to be the real-deal. I want to be pure and true. I want to be honest and inclusive. I want to think of the least of these.
God, help me.
I’m not sure I’m there yet. But, I want to be. For to be this way, is to be like Jesus. It is to be a magnet for those: seeking love, desiring more, wanting to be included, hoping to be seen as they are and wishing they were wanted. It is to be like Jesus, who died with arms wide-open.
It is to resurrect faith in each other. It is to see people for who they are and to love them anyway, unconditionally.
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.” (Eph. 5:1 NLT)
This week, it is the time of year when almost EVERYONE comes out with their New Year resolution. On purple images, one person shares their dream to conquer their business, another person posts a long sentimental post about how they are going to be present more.
I don’t know why friends, but sometimes, I feel jaded about all these resolution posts. Maybe its because I’ve failed a time or two…and sometimes it is just easier to give up and to judge others than it is to keep trying…
…Anyway, I am trying again. Because, if God doesn’t give up on me, why should I give up on working with Him, in order to be like Him.
This year, I am pressing into one simple word: Patience.
Patience, that still listens and cares — when others talk too much.
Patience so that I don’t quickly cut-off others off with my views when they are sharing important heart-stories.
Patience that allows others to go before me.
Patience that trusts God to show up, more than it feels it has to cut its own Amazon rainforest path.
Patience that believes in people’s change — and my own — even if it is slow-coming.
Patience that keeps faith that God’s work is happening even if a breakthrough feels far.
Patience that endures through hard-conversations to see better outcomes come to life.
Patience that doesn’t respond quickly with anger or annoyance.
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Gal. 6:9)
I don’t want to give up. What about you? Is there something God is calling you to work with Him on? You don’t face it alone. You don’t go at it without help.
As you consider this “resolution”, I hope to encourage you with three ideas, I’ve learned over the years…
Sometimes there is value in:
One: Keeping it Quiet.
Even though I shared with you all today, not everyone needs to know your goal. Sometimes, if we think others notice our botch-up, we are more likely to quiet. Pick one or two encouragers and then keep the rest to you.
Two: Defining it.
Just as I defined what I meant by my goal, the more you can add clarity around it — the more easily you’ll be able to see it through.
Three: Giving yourself a ton of grace.
Allow this change to be so full of grace, you will keep trying to the end of the year. Giving-up is usually an indicator that we have stopped giving our self grace.
I don’t know about you, but there is a lot going on in my life right now. With Christmas and The New Year here, there are family trips. With things to get done, there are demands. With a project due, there are deadlines. With kids off of school, there are needs.
Sometimes life seems to demand more from us than we have. Are you there today?
Does it feel like people have expectations of you that you just can’t meet? Or, that there is simply too much to do? Or, that you can’t handle all that you face? Maybe there is a person in your life that keeps breaking your heart. Another who can’t seem to right their ways.
The pain there is real and valid. For this reason, sometimes we can get stuck in an emotional-low. Or, in a confusing fog.
I notice that David, in the Psalms, seemed to get stuck here, occasionally. But, he didn’t stay there.
To move out he:
He honestly called out to God…from his pit…
“Come with great power, O God, and rescue me! Defend me with your might. Listen to my prayer, O God. Pay attention to my plea. For strangers are attacking me, violent people are trying to kill me. They care nothing for God.” (Ps. 54:1-3 NLT)
David chose to raise his thoughts above what he faced.
He went on to say…
“But God is my helper. The Lord keeps me alive!” (Ps. 54:4 NLT)
David proclaimed who God is in the face of risk.
We can do the same. We can announce — who God is when everything else is threatening — what it will do to us.
Finally, David, believed God.
“You have delivered me from all my troubles, and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes.” (Ps. 54:7)
Yes, David was confronted with enemies and attacks, but he also announced God’s triumph.
It is interesting to me that in the time of singing one song, David was already saying he was delivered. There is a certain mental deliverance that can come before a physical one. Either way, David trusted God’s ultimate triumph and proclaimed it! We can too.
Christmas is here. We all know it. You can’t help but look around and see all the blaring advertisements, the waiting-emails, the timely-coupons, the house-lights. At times, it all feels bombarding.
Also, with Christmas, comes get-togethers with people of all types — family members we haven’t seen for ions, cousins that are long lost, and get-togethers with people of varying opinions. Christmas can thrust us into conversations we don’t feel prepared for. . .
How do we keep things peace-full? Loving? And, uplifting?
You may encounter a complainer. You may talk with someone who 100,000% disagrees with your political outlook. Another may criticize you for something you did 10 years ago, lighting a flame under your seat.
How will you react?
Basically, no matter how you are triggered, annoyed or unsettled — every time, it comes down to: how will you react?
Our reactions are what we are responsible for. Even Jesus was tempted in the garden by a devil. Just because He may have had a momentary inclination to respond a certain way — He didn’t take the bait.
We can simply resolve, this season, to — not take the bait.
When a mean word comes, don’t take the bait.
When the assault hits, don’t take the bait.
When someone tells you what to do for the umpteenth time, don’t take the bait. Half the time, offenders don’t even realize how offensive they come off. It is not about you, but usually about some sort of inner anxiety or turmoil they haven’t yet figured out how to deal with.
Inhale. Ask God for help. Receive His peace. Wait for His words of life. Release them. Or, simply walk away until you can gather yourself.
“If you don’t know what you’re doing (you lack wisdom), pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it.” (Ja. 1:5 MSG)
This is what wisdom looks like. Wisdom doesn’t walk into situations without a plan, nor does it do what its always done, banging its head against the same tinseled window.
Wisdom stops, asks God and then moves a new way, with His life-giving answer.
I am praying for you: Father God, sometimes we don’t know what we’ll encounter, until we are right in the middle of the moment, encountering it. I am asking for grace this Christmas season — as we encounter difficult spaces and places. Help us so that we can respond with wisdom and love. Protect us with your loving hand. Lead us in all your ways. Teach us what to say in hard moments. Guide our path. Give us all your words. Thank you that you always love us. May we, habitually, remember that. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
While I’m undoubtedly hesitant to admit this to you today, I’m going to: I missed the point of Thanksgiving this year. With all the travel, the family happenings, the busy rush of getting everything ready — I didn’t even think of what I was thankful for until. . . after Thanksgiving.
Then, I hastily jotted down the “10 Things I Am Thankful For” in my bible like I do every year. After, what took a few minutes, I shut the book on it.
Looking back, I feel a little guilty and convicted about my lack of thought or care around this important holiday. Things just got the better of me, I guess. . .
With all this said, I don’t want this to happen again, this Christmas. It’s easy to get caught up in things — the menus, the meals, the silverware, the decorations, the gifts, the parties, the details, the people coming over. With such little time to accomplish everything, it feels like there is no time for God and thinking about what Jesus has done.
But, I vehemently refuse, to be detoured from what matters most this time around. God, help me. . .
This is Christmas — is Christ’s party. All this is for Him, not them.
You, like me, may have a heart to put Christ first this season. How can we do it? Here are three ideas that I am focusing on:
One: Look upon the tree.
When I look upon the Christmas tree in my house, I can be reminded to look upon Jesus. Trees lined the ground outside his barn. Shepherds most certainly passed through them. Jesus was put up on one. I can look at the tree and ponder it. Think upon how Jesus was a simple man who walked among trees, to save me.
What can you think about as you look upon your tree and ponder Jesus?
Two: Sit.
While everything demands I move a mile-a-minute, I can revolt! I can just sit, when my body says, “Do!” I don’t have to listen to all the demands and desires, I can sit with Jesus, if only for a bit to say, “Thank you for coming into this earth to save me.”
Three: Marvel.
Driving in the car, or doing mindless tasks, I can marvel. What kind of God is this who would leave the high and luxurious places of heaven to come to this death-filled and deplorable earth? What kind of God is this who chooses to enter into my life, in humble form and kindness? What kind of gift, have I not yet tapped, in Jesus?
I am adamantly intent on receiving Jesus this season. While everyone else wouldn’t receive the King in their hotel, I do not want to have a “No Vacancy” sign on my heart. What about you?
Prayer: God, apart from you, I’ll miss you. There is so much to do, to handle, to accomplish, to wrap, to give. . . the list goes on and on. . . I am asking you to invade my heart this season. Give me a crushing and burning desire to meet you, to connect with you and to see your heart for me, afresh. I want the best of you this Christmas. I want to honor you in all your ways. I want to thank and glorify you for coming into this world to save me. You are worthy of all my heart this season. Give me all I need to honor you rightly. You are my best gift. I am so honored to be your daughter. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
My husband said to me, “Kelly, you need to be more straightforward with people. Answer with an outright ‘no’ when you know you need to say ‘no.’
I mulled over his words, considering them.
He had a good point. I have a hard time saying no. I want to make everyone happy. I don’t want to let people down. My central goal is to leave them encouraged.
And to avoid feeling unlikable. To avoid dealing with those awful residual icky feelings of knowing a person may not want me anymore, think highly of me, or desire to be my friend. Or worst yet, they talk behind my back and form some kind of club that hates me. The idea of all this hurts enough to live a life that rapidly throws out a yes.
Even the idea of it horribly stresses me out.
Are you like me? Do you say “yes” when you have an inkling the right answer is “no?” Why? Underneath your altruistic, save-the-world, love-on-every man, give-your-whole-life-over goal, what are you seeking?
Do you want to appear the do-it-all woman?
Do you want people to know you are capable?
Do you not want to look weak?
Do you hope to never let anyone down?
Do you believe God has called you to do everything?
Do you cringe at the idea of not being liked?
“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)
This verse teaches us: Our goal is not to be loved by man, but to love God first and foremost. We can’t easily pursue God’s mission when we’re caught in the web of everyone else’s approval. The only approval we need is the approval of Christ Jesus. Just as many men disliked Jesus, there will be many times when we are disliked too. The value of Christian life is not how liked we are; it is how loved by Jesus we are.
With these foundational truths in our pocket, we can ask God 3 things when making a decision:
Are you calling me to do this?
Consider: Our immediate and half-hearted action plan may prohibit God’s perfect and powerful plan. It may be another’s gifts that are meant to be used for this unique situation, not ours. Sometimes our best strategy is to move out of the way, so God can move in.
Am I doing this out of love?
If it’s absent of love, it is worthless.
“If I…do not have love, I gain nothing.” (1 Corinthians 13:3)
Am I wise to wait on this?
If we don’t have clarity, there’s validity in waiting. Pray. Seek. Ask. Repeat. By faith, believe God has our way.
Jesus is “The Way.” And no matter how you answer… “yes” or “no,” he always loves you. Always. And He’s prepared to help, guide and lead you in all of your ways.