One of my favorite coffee cups is the red cup. It has the word “love” on it, written in a heart. It also has a gold handle. Anyway, this morning, as I sat thinking and praying for the Breakthrough Retreat (details at at the bottom of the email), I noticed that this very-red cup now had a faint gold handle, where it once had been bright.
Not only that, but my coffee inside of it had gone cold too.
Has my heart felt more cold lately? Has my love been fading out? It is something worth considering…
Jesus tells us that there will come a point that, “because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold…” (Mt. 24:10)
It’s a scary thought, but I think many of us, in many ways, can already see this happening.
Is it happening with you? Is it happening with me?
I have noticed, I’ve felt increasingly annoyed at some people online. Impatient with others. On edge around my kids. Hard on myself.
Yet, we all are learning and growing. We are not perfect; we are becoming. We are the light of Christ. We know and reflect the King of all glory. We are all needing healing in different areas of our lives. Do we live this way? Do we give others room to discover God and life this way?
Do we extend patience towards ourself? Receive grace that helps us recover?
Most of all, are we connected to the vital vine of Jesus? Are we so filled with His love that we ooze it everywhere?
“We love because he first loved us.” (1 Jo. 4:19)
We are kind to ourselves because He is kind to us. We are full of love towards our husband, because He is full of love towards us. We extend grace, because we have received it.
Seeking God is our highest pursuit pursuit. We do not want our love to grow cold, nor our ability to receive the abundance of His grace to be hindered.
Which is why I created the Breakthrough Retreat. It offers us the space and the grace to heal, to be together, to be encouraged.
I want to get to know you — and I want you to get to know other Purposeful Faith readers, as we all get to know God. Tomorrow (Sat. Jan. 9), we will kick off the first retreat from 10 AM ET – 1 PM ET.

You can attend live or watch the recorded version. I would love to connect with you, pray for you and help you to walk into 2021 with renewed passion for God and for others. I pray that you might consider joining. I believe this will be a life-transforming event. I expect renewed faith and hope for all of us. I can’t wait to see your face.

Frequently Asked Questions
The event will be hosted on Zoom. Please check your Zoom account for updates prior to the event. Lines will be muted.
I would like to have these retreats quarterly or every other month. My dream is that we can know each other. I would also like to place people into small groups that they can regularly meet with and form relationships. My dream is that we become even more of a tight-knit community. I will love to pray for the small groups at times and I hope this is something that can continue for a long time.
I will be creating a dedicated page for your small group to meet, talk, encourage and support each other. I am looking for alternate locations to Facebook. Stay tuned. I hope to announce this during the retreat so that you can continue to meet with a small band of women. Additionally if I can set it up (depending on the retreat group size), I may even have you meet your small group during the event.
Yes, I hope to form a small group at the first event and to keep you connecting at future retreats. Let’s do life together!