Have you ever heard that small little voice in your head?
The one that says, “You can’t really do that.”
The one that says, “Why try, you won’t be like her.”
“No one really cares.”
“You don’t matter.”
This is the voice sent to knock us down.
To throw us off track and to keep us back.
It has tried that with me – to say that requirements and protocols are greater than God’s great call on my life.
To say that others’ will succeed and I won’t.
To say, no one will really want you.
To say, you need to do things your own way – make things happen.
These thoughts, so often, propel me into self-protection mode. A mode where I have to strive to be loved. Compare to find encouragement. Delay to protect myself from failure. Or simply waste into the effects of self-doubt.
Jesus speaks of giving up our lives for others.
So, how can I be giving up my life
when I am trying to grab hold of it for myself?
“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13
“Self thoughts” – are not “God thoughts.” They are simply red flags that show I am off God’s track for me.
Because “Self” weakens courage with words of debilitating doubt and flat-out failure. Self makes us live like leeches: drawing affirmations from others and consuming criticisms that destroy all the same. It makes us reliant on blood, but not the blood of Jesus Christ.
No wonder we don’t really get anywhere. No wonder OUR purpose stagnates. No wonder we feel unsure.
When we break free from God – only to see our self – we break our spirit, our passion and our great mission handed down from God above.
The hard truth, and it is hard to believe sometimes, is that: God’s purpose is not centered around me.
With God, it’s never been centered around one person – except for the one who hung on a cross.
The second we see it is all about Him, is the second we step into God’s great mission.
Then, we don’t lose God’s great vision.
We stop running like a gerbil in a hamster.
We no longer lay claim to discouragement.
God moves in and inadequacy moves out.
God, the supreme dream maker moves in.
The visionary leader moves in.
The requirements shatterer moves in.
To move us into life-lasting and eternal purpose.
His purpose.
A grand master plan created uniquely just for us to live out.
One that transcends us, time, people and the devil.
He send us down roads that he knows will bless us, even though it’s not always about us. Our roads may not look like we planned, they may not send us where we intended to go, but all the same they will drop us down on our knees in complete awe and wonder. They will stagger us.
We can’t begin to fathom. We can’t draw this up ourselves.
And we certainly can’t attain this with voices that are not from God.
As we listen to the right voice, we will see his greatness unfold through us, for us and for others.
As we set our eyes on him,
his unique and well-thought-out mission comes into view.
One that is not defined by our desires.
Or necessarily our dreams.
Or others.
But solely by the power of his loving authoritative hand.
Found through hearts that trust him.
Found by ones who have a deep understanding that God is for them – and not against.
Can you hear the power behind this?
God is at work in us and through us, as he works his grace and love.
In this, we can wave our white white flag wildly in surrender. Over here God! Do you see us? We are the ones who want to go where you want to go. We will follow you, not that small voice of defeat.
We can live wildly, passionately and with fervor. We only need him. He is the only way. He is the ultimate way. He will unfold both our heart’s desires and his “kingdom come” here on earth. He is working all things out. Let’s listen.
***Side note: I couldn’t get this post right today. I tweaked it until the last minute. The voice of self-doubt creeped in the whole time I was writing it. All I could hear was “this really is the worst post you have put up.” I wanted to take it down, but I am fighting that voice and posting it right now. I am fighting back because Jesus reigns – not self-doubt!
Find encouragement in this amazing song of purpose!
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