Sometimes I just want to know. I want to know where God wants to take me, how long it will take, when I will get there and what it will look like.
But, what if I did?
What if I saw my whole life mapped out before me
with little pins of progress?
How boring.
Our God is a God of excitement.
He is a God of adventure.
He is a God that calls us out onto the waters of faith.
Over to the well of hope and renewal.
Into the power of an empty tomb.
Under the shadow of his wing.
But he does these things on his watch, in his way, with his knowledge, for his glory, with his purpose because his way is simply the best.
And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Ex. 33:14
Do we trust him? Or do we want it all now?
He never explained to the disciples the precise hour he would rise in glory.
Nor the moment they would see him again.
He never expressed to Mary the timeline for Lazarus’ renewal.
Nor told the Israelites the hour they would cross into the promised land.
Perhaps, God holds the highlights in his pocket because they are safest there. Because, if we were so caught up in one moment, we would miss the million seconds that he is using to form us into something unbelievable, unparalleled and unfastenable.
We may not realize this, but it is in the wait, between pin-point moments, that is when Jesus’ greatest work is found. It’s here that he fashions something meaningful, lasting and reliant that transcends the up-and-down, arms waving, I-did-it moments.
It’s in the overlooked moments that we uncover
intimate passion for – and with – God.
So, I wonder, why do I so often get frustrated in the time of wait? Over the journey of ups and downs? With the great and glorious paths others have – while my paths seems so slow – and uneventful?
When I step back though, I can’t help but wonder if this mentality is just
a blessing-seeking, destination-craving prison?
Is my goal of the better gift simply chaining my mind down to a good one?
An immediate one? A demanded one?
Because, surely, God has life perfectly mapped out for me.
Although sometimes the journey feels painful –
he will always and forever be with me.Although the blessing seems to be at the end of the road,
he has laid his presence all down it.
I don’t want to look back and say:
“The fear of tomorrow stole it all away.”
“I lost a content heart to a coveting one.”
“I didn’t enjoy the ride, because I was always looking at the map instead of his glory.”
“I hit my head on his purpose, because I always had my eyes set on my goals.”
The bottom line is that it is not about points on a chart, but it’s about our heart. God focuses on greater, while we tend to focus on boring old good.
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Ps. 16:11
God is giving me new eyes to see. He is helping me to envision a great scavenger hunt of his presence – instead of a great race to his treasure.
Because isn’t life with God kind of like a scavenger hunt?
Each place we head is a new journey. It’s fun. There is excitement in the ride and an expectancy of what will come, but most of all it is a process of exploration with someone we enjoy traveling with.
The hunt is less about the loot and more about resulting fruit.
It’s less about the win and more about Him.
And, I like this idea, because I am tired of craning my neck to see if he is going to take me anywhere good. I am tired of running ahead of God, only to, sometimes painfully, be pulled back to where I am supposed to be.
The truth is:
I already have good.
I have good in Jesus Christ crucified.
I have good in today.
I have good in the smiles of my kids.
I have good in the glimmer of love in my husband’s eyes.
I have good in the small encouragement of today.
I have good in the saving power of Jesus Christ in my life.
I have good in eternity.
Good is already secured because Jesus endured.
Jesus is at work to bring us great in our wait!
Oh, how badly I don’t want to miss Jesus along the ride. “How would I feel if I got to eternity and realized I was so set on looking ahead of me that I missed the great Jesus sitting right next to me?”
Lord, don’t let that happen with me. Lord, put my eyes on you. Lord, keep me in your presence. Lord, walk with me.
The greatest gift isn’t what lays at the end of the road, but it’s found in embracing the one who goes down the road with us.
He is right here. Do we see him?
I’m sure now I’ll see God’s goodness in the exuberant earth. Stay with God! Take heart. Don’t quit. I’ll say it again: Stay with God. Ps. 27:13-14

Note: I had the honor of attending a session with Allen Arnold from Ransomed Heart Ministries. Some of the ideas here were gleaned from his session. If you ever have the chance to listen to him speak – I highly recommend it.
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