If only they would do what I wanted.
If only they would take the right path.
How can I make them?
What do you do when all that you want to do – is make people do the right thing?
How do you break through to someone who has the power to break your world into a million little pieces of despair, which you’re certain “all the kings horses and all the kings men could never put back together again?”
As I see it, with this kind of devastation, you don’t let things break in the first place. So, here’s what I do: I demand a quick delivery of perfectly wrapped progress to their doorstep of pain. I offer it with the outstretched arms of “you better love this gift.” As I do, I can almost see their moment of realization, their tears of release, their jumps of joy.
I not only crave that “Glory! God!” moment, but I expect it.
The only problem is, of late, I have a sneaky suspicion that no one is listening. I have a sneaky suspicion that my words are falling as void as a tree in the woods with no one around to hear it. I have a sneaky suspicion the echo of my words are resounding to nowhere.
And while I kind of feel like pulling my hair out and screaming to the highest mountains, “It all doesn’t matter,” I realize I would be left with no hair and this might end up a big issue for me.
And the truth is, I know the truth. As much as sometimes, truth doesn’t look like truth, it always remains the truth (and that’s the truth). I am a Jesus daughter, and as Jesus daughters, we believe in things we cannot see, we walk the crazy walk called faith – it’s just what we do.
Truth means that his perfect love, as it is always known to do, grabs the hand of fear and drags it to the exit sign of no return. Adios!
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18
Notice that God did not say:
My perfect love will set all those other people free as you fix their situations.
My perfect love is the best antibiotic to cure
that person’s virus that makes you uncomfortable.
My perfect love is a tool that you can use to ensure
people don’t threaten your emotional balance.
God just gives us 2 commands:
1. Love God completely, entirely, unabashedly and wildly.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Mt. 22:38:39
When we forget the “as yourself” part, we forget how to forge true love.
The only way to send out love is to receive it yourself, first.
How can you mail, stamp and deliver something you never held in your hands in the first place?
It’s as impossible as the idea that we can somehow restructure another’s mind through well-timed advice or high-held opinions. I can’t restructure the small cells that keep others stuck in big cells of defeat.
That’s God’s job to beat.
The only cell I can walk out of today is my own – and today I will. Because, the watching eyes of other people’s square blocks of doom are only boxing me in to defeat in Christ Jesus. Like a ball and chain, they chain me to a wall that seems impossible to scale. It leaves me angry at God.
Frankly, it’s a ball of confusion and a chain of pride.
Are you chained into confusion and pride?
What form of head-hitting, that moves nothing anywhere, is God calling you to stop today?
What offering of grace might he be delivering straight to your doorstep?
His gift was always meant for you.
Lord, today, we let you capture us and hold us. As we are attached to you, God, you keep us where we need to be. You deliver us to the right words, you lead us to the right hopes, you guide us in the right light. You puff us up with authentic, pure and rich love for you and others. You make us new and you guide us to freedom every time. Help us to be lighthouses of freedom, simple lights that direct others to the only shore that provides safe refuge – yours. We can’t do it on our own. We will fail, so we fall down and know that even when we can’t move, you work on our behalf. The work belongs to you God.
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Amen girl! This line: “How can you mail, stamp and deliver something you never held in your hands in the first place?” really hit me. My ministry, my sharing, my loving, my helping…should all come from a place of the overflowing love for the Lord in my heart. It should be a natural outpouring so extravagant that it can’t help reaching the lives of those around me! Thank you for this reminder Kelly 🙂
Let us only send out what is sourced in love. So agree Sarah! Love you.
I have totally been here. In fact I am here right now, attempting to love and control the other person at the same time. YIKES! But God never said love and control, just love. He was such an incredible example of that. As I learn to truly love myself I am a becoming a better lover of people around me. Thanks for your words today. Be blessed! – Kia
Praying for you Kia. I know it is a hard place to reside; I really do.
[…] week, I am linking up with Kelly Balarie’s #RaRaLinkup and Holly Barrett’s […]
[…] I’m linking up this week with Kelly Balarie at Purposeful Faith, Jennifer Dukes Lee at #TellHisStory and Holley Gerth at Coffee for Your […]
I have been in head-hitting mode lately regarding my daughter. I can completely relate to you here, Kelly. She is struggling with her faith which is the biggest crisis I think our children can go through. I should know God has this and I have no control over the situation anyway. He has brought her back strong many times before and He will do it again. Thank you for this encouragement, my friend!
I know how that feels Candace; I really do. I am so sorry you are going through this. Without a doubt he has it covered in love!
Jesus gave us such a simple command – easy to remember. Love God first and love others as ourselves. So why do we make it so complicated? You are right, Kelly. We want so badly to see others come to that great revelation moment that we end up frustrating ourselves in the process. Thank you for reminding us today to do our part, but more importantly, to let God do His. Have a great day, friend!
We so do Kristine; may we just rest in God’s timing. Right there with you, sister.
Oh Kelly, how your words have blessed me this morning! I know that you know that I have been there and am somewhat still there, so the love and truth that you spoke here truly resonated within my heart. Thank you so much for sharing this! Love you, sweet Sister! You are in my prayers always! Infinite blessings to you, Dear Heart! 🙂
I praise God that I have the opportunity to bless you today Tai. That is such a gift. Stay strong in the one who has all control!
“Love God completely, entirely, unabashedly and wildly.” Yes, Kelly! Can’t wait to share this pursuit with my Bible study ladies at the start of a brand-new season this morning. Thank you so much for this…and for hosting the #RaRalinkup!
Let’s love beyond our feeling that we can. Thank you for your comment Elizabeth.
Beautiful prayer to close your post. Truth in God and His word will show us His perfect love. Praying your day and week are blessed Kelly.
Thank you Mary. His word will guide us every time. Thank you for your continual blessings of love.
Kelly, you made me laugh with the “I feel like pulling out my hair, but then I’d have none left and that would be a serious issue for me.” 🙂 It’s so easy to get caught in the cycle of trying to fix others. I think it’s part of our fallen “Control” nature. I’m trying to learn more too about seeking to put God first, trust Him, and love others, as you say, trusting that HE will fix what needs to be fixed. Have a great Tuesday!
It wouldn’t be pretty Betsy! Ha! Let’s lay back and trust his hand to do what ours is inclined to do.
[…] love to have you join me as we link here: Intentionally Pursuing, Purposeful Faith, Holly Barrett, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Holley Gerth, Suzie Eller, Dance with Jesus, & Counting My […]
It is difficult to love others when we have not loved ourselves or allow the love of God to flow through us (in, then out). We always try so hard, and sometimes become frustrated or we end up not loving the right way. I have been there, for years. Now I’m learning to accept God’s love for me in many areas of my life I thought God wasn’t interested in.
Thank you Kelly for this post today, and for the linky. It’s my first time here and I’m loving your blog already.
Have a great week..
Love, Grace.
Thank you for joining for the first time Grace! What a joy it is to have you. What a pleasure it is to read your words today too! Much love to you.
Love. Yes, Kelly, so lovely God instructed us to love Him first for when we know that love we can love ourselves and our neighbors. Then we can ship that package!
Let’s ship it on out; it’s stamp portrays our love. Right on!
Kelly, your posts are always so deep, insightful, and thought-provoking. I had to laugh at the comment about pulling your hair out, but then you’d have none left, so that’s probably not a good idea. Too bad we can’t think things through like that with everything. It’s difficult to let go and let others be who they are. But when we can release them-and ourselves-loving our neighbor AND ourselves as we ought to love ourselves-that is when true freedom comes! Thanks for posting, and hosting.
Thank you Mary. Let’s release and let Jesus do the backbreaking work that we are trying to carry so heavily!
Awesome insight into this! Loving God and handing this over to him. I understand the frustration and the hurt, but God is so good. My husband and I have been married for 8 years this year, and for 8 years we have prayed for many of my unsaved family. My Mom accepted Jesus 2 months ago so there is power in prayer, and everything is done in His timing. Blessings 🙂
Thank you Kelly. Your story is awesome and such a gift to hear. Love this encouragement today. Thank you.
These were words I needed to hear, especially first thing in the morning. It is a relief and it brings such peace to know that I am only responsible for loving God and loving my neighbor. It is not my job to try and “fix” other people. Thank you for sharing this.
Praise God that he is speaking through this post to you Dawn. I need these words too. He is working on us in powerful ways as we give up others into his loving hands.
Kelly, it’s almost easier for me to wait on God to work in my life than it is to wait on Him to move in someone else’s. I’m a fixer, and I want it all fixed right now! I forget that God’s purposes are greater than mine, and that He sees things with His eyes of perfect love that I completely miss. Thank you for this wonderful reminder to focus on loving others instead of trying fix them.
Lois, I really know what you mean, God sees love. May we just be able to see through his eyes!
“My perfect love is a tool that you can use to ensure people don’t threaten your emotional balance.” Lord, give me a dose of your perfect love today! I have been allowing people to take me on an emotional roller coaster lately. But I have allowed it. When I allow God’s perfect love to infuse me, I can see people right where they are, identify their agenda and deal objectively. Here’s to emotional balance! Cheers!
[…] at Grace and Truth, #RaRaLinkUp, #Testimony Tuesday, and Counting My […]
[…] Linking up with these lovelies: Word Filled Wednesday | A Little R & R | Coffee and Conversation | Thursday Favorite Things | SHINE | Thought Provoking Thursday | Cozy Reading Spot | Fellowship Fridays | Faith Filled Friday | Grace & Truth | Words with Winter | Purposeful Faith […]
Hi Kelly! Your post became a reality for me a few years ago. The Holy Spirit spoke gently and matter-of-factly that I didn’t love myself. What?! The obvious deduction? If I didn’t love myself, then I couldn’t truly love others. Second greatest commandment, right? In the four-ish years since that profound moment, I’ve seen how that lack of love for myself (God’s creation!) has impacted relationships in hard ways. Glory to His name…life and relationships are both for the better now. I wouldn’t change things except to continue growing in His love and offering it with each day. Enjoyed your post today. Right on, my friend. To God be the glory.
[…] Blog Link Ups: Grateful Heart Inspire Me Monday Testimony Tuesday RaraLinkup […]
Great thoughts! It is so true, we can only change ourself. We must first embrace God’s love ourself before we can give it. Thank you for that reminder.
Thanks for the reminder and for affirming what God has been saying to me…I need His grace to receive and abide in His love….blessings to you 🙂
[…] to be linking up this week at #RaRaLinkup […]
I’m so thankful that perfect love casts out fear. So much THIS: ” I am a Jesus daughter, and as Jesus daughters, we believe in things we cannot see, we walk the crazy walk called faith – it’s just what we do.” Amen sista!
Amen! We are so loved. Cheering this with you!
Kelly, I loved this post, it spoke to me because I so deeply want people to realize their need. I have a dear friend who’s husband left her and is deluded into thinking he’s not wrong to be involved with another woman – that “it’s all under grace”. She is speaking truth to him, but he is deluded by the master of lies. I just want to shake him! My friend saw “War Room” and was filled with self doubt and sadness because she had prayed so hard and even denounced Satan. She lived a life above reproach and was willing time and again to forgive. But it didn’t work out for her and here’s why – the very reason you cited: you cannot MAKE someone repent. You can’t change their will.
God can, but he wants us as willing souls.
In the meantime, we will choose His love and rest in Him.
Thanks for these truths today.
[…] Purposeful Faith […]
…so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace…(Isaiah 55:11-12)
Never void Kelly, full of power and truth and wonder. You keep speaking, no. matter. what. 🙂 Have a great week!!
Beautiful verse. Yes, Lord, may Meg and I never stop speaking your glorious name. Give us endurance to endure.
Such extravagant love our Savior has for us!
Amen. We praise him.
[…] up with: Kelly’s RaRALinkUp, Holley’s […]
Wow, thanks for this–I forgot to comment yesterday–but as I came back and was rereading I just keep getting hit with this reminder/encouragement–let it go….”What form of head-hitting, that moves nothing anywhere, is God calling you to stop today?” Everyday….ouch.
Thanks for this: “His gift was always meant for you.”
Love from Holland,
Jasmine, it is great to hear from you. Let’s stop hitting our head and start hitting our soul right up against the one who loves us.
[…] up with: Purposeful Faith and #RaRaLinkUp Women with Intention Amy Schlichter and […]
[…] up with Holly Barrett’s #TestimonyTuesday, Kelly Balarie’s #RaRalinkup, Holley Gerth’s Coffee for your Heart, and Arabah Joy’s Grace and Truth. Check out […]
Absolutely beautiful post. Wonderful reminders.
I agree!
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